The soft pronunciation of ж is indicated in writing by doubling: жж (as in жжёшь "you burn"). Otherwise, the consonant ж is always hard, except in isolated cases of consonant assimilation (see below): жаба "toad". There is exactly one unassimilated exception: жюри "jury". In feminine nouns and in some inflexional forms, a soft sign ь is written by historical tradition after the undoubled ж at the end of the word, but there is no softening: рожь "rye". Similarly, a е, ё, or и written after the undoubled ж does not imply a soft pronunciation: также "also", жёлтый "yellow", жить "to live". The soft pronunciation of жж has in the twentieth century lost ground to the hard. Nonetheless, it continues to be standard in broadcasting, etc.
I didn't know that
That's from Wikipedia by the way/