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Thread: please answer Exercise 8 language russian

  1. #1
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    please answer Exercise 8 language russian

    answer ? Exercise 8 language russian
    1- 2 -3- 4- 5 -= ?

  2. #2
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Is it that hard to do yourself? You see the example, just do it accordingly:
    Мы ... дома (обедать) -> Мы будем обедать дома. Будем обедать is a future form for обедать.
    1. Сейчас преподаватель (он) будет объяснять урок. You see? Same!
    2. Студенты (они) будут слушать.
    3. Дома я буду делать упражнение.
    4. Завтра мы будем писать диктант.
    5. Вечером они будут смотреть телевизор, а я ...

    You see, only the "быть" is being conjugated.

    Я буду
    Ты будешь
    Он/она/оно будет
    Мы будем
    Вы будете
    Они будут

    And then you just stick the verb (the imperfective form only!) to the conjugated version of "быть" and then just go on with the rest of the sentence. This form is an equivalent to the future gerund/continuous tense. It means a process or a state in the future. Like I'll be having fun with my fiends. (Я буду веселиться с друзьями) or I'll be busy tomorrow. (Я буду занят завтра).

    Try to do this (just insert the correct form of the быть):
    Я ... лежать на диване.
    Мы ... играть в карты.
    Он ... мыть машину.
    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

  3. #3
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    thank you Eugene-p for information for me .

  4. #4
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    And to know what personal pronoun use to substitute a noun you just use your english knowlege
    I'll give you the equivalents, you might use the following table, it basically can help you get the hang of it:

    Я - I
    Ты - you
    Он - he
    Она - she/it
    Оно - it

    Мы - we
    Вы - you(plural)
    Они - they

    Студенты - who? Students -> they -> они -> будут.
    Преподаватель - who? A teacher -> he -> он -> будет.
    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

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