май May (month)
Эй! Hey!
ый normal masc. sg. nom. adjectival ending, always unstressed
бой battle, also normal masc. sg. nom. adjectival ending, always stressed
уй (the only word I can think of is unprintable!) может быть ещё есть суй! (сунуть)
ей "to her", also fem sg. oblique adjectival ending
ий masc. sg. nom. adjectival ending, always unstressed
ёй (пожалуй нет слова такого рода)
Юй (Chinese name, otherwise does not occur in Russian words, I think.)
In Standard Russian the stressed vowels are /a e o i u/. The only unstressed vowels are /a i u/. These vowels have two spellings, depending on the preceding consonant: а/я э/е о/ё ы/и у/ю. Although the unstressed эеo remain spelled ЭЕО, they are pronounced generally as /i/ and /o/. For example экономика is /ikan