More Indications of the Depth of U.S. Involvement in the Russian Unrest
Earlier this week, I reported on Aleksei Navalny, and an NYT profile that dubbed him "The Man Behind the Russian Protests."
Given certain facts in the profile, I speculated Navalny might have CIA connections. Now comes further information that shows that Navalny is a recipient of US government funding. At LRC, Daniel McAdams reports:
Thanks to the intrepid and indefatigable Tony Cartalucci for digging deeper (as true journalists once did) into the bogus "Russia Blogger is Putin's worst nightmare" press orgy to discover that this brave Russian do-gooder coining the memorable "party of crooks and thieves" slogan to describe Prime Minister Putin's United Russia party is a long-time recipient of US government semi-covert largesse via its corrupt color revolution machine the National Endowment for Democracy (sic). "Democracy activist" Alexey Navalny, according to his "Yale World Fellow" profile, "is also co-founder of the Democratic Alternative movement and was vice-chairman of the Moscow branch of the political party YABLOKO," which received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy according to cables made public via the whistleblower website, Wikileaks.
Navalny's main collaborator, Ilya Yashin, is also a recipient of NED's Russia regime change funding as head of the Moscow branch of the People's Freedom Party and leading member of the "Strategy 31" campaign. Cartalucci points out that NED's own webpage advertises "Strategy 31" as a major recipient of US government funding.
Bottom line, the many legged Empire is operating everywhere, except for possibly, central L.A. and certain parts of Auburn, Alabama. More Indications of the Depth of U.S. Involvement in the Russian Unrest

And sorry, but I can't hold myself to post this: