Thanks for the interesting information. I had not paid any attention to Zhirinovsky earlier.

And as for voting for the Communists, I understand your reasons - it's impossible to find a party that perfectly matches ones views... have to compromise with something... Maybe they are the lesser of three evils.
I am not too sure what to vote for myself.

The bit that I can't work out is how much Putin is, or isn't cheating or manipulating elections and media.
I can't make out whether I think he is okay, or bad. He sure says some funny things sometimes, but all that macho showing off is silly and exaggerated! It seems to me that Russia needs a strong person to create some order, for a limited period. But Putin hasn't managed to improve the big problems, like stopping corruption and improving the situation for really vulnerable people, creating jobs across the country etc. Or is he managing to move things in the right direction?

From what I have learnt here, and knew before I joined, it is certainly not surprising that Russians are suspicious against the democratic process and politicians.

Is a vote on Communists or the Liberal Democratic Party WASTED, or is there a representatational democracy (I think that's the word....) that means there is represenations of the smaller parties too, in the duma?