There is gromozeka as well. She is also a moderator.
There is gromozeka as well. She is also a moderator.
First of all, you seem to be a little bit confusing the administrator and the moderators. I have no doubt it was NOT the admin who erased my post. But the fact remains, somebody did it. Then, considering that as I noted above the post wasn't actually rude or offensive (it didn't contain obscene words or personal attacks on anyone), I made a conclusion we might be dealing with censorship on this quite unique forum, which can easily ruin its uniqueness, and turn it into an oppressive resource where you will only be allowed to praise certain political forces and characters. Is that what you'd stand for?
Finally, don't you think it's bit risky to speak for the whole planet and assign your views to it???
Good observation, mishau! Yes, the "F word" episode of South Park was making the same joke -- that "faggot" sometimes refers to male homosexuals, and sometimes does not.
After thinking about it, I also remembered a Russian анекдот about Ilya Muromets, who comes to a crossroad and sees a sign: "Налево пойдешь -- коня потеряешь, а направо -- п*дором станешь". In the joke, Ilya goes to the left, and doesn't lose his horse, but he soon meets Змей Горыныч and Баба Яга and chops off their heads. He's ready to kill Соловей-разбойник, too, but the bandit says "So, Ilya, you've become a п*дор after all!" (I.e., a п*дор in the Southparkian sense of a "loud, annoying asshole who rides a Harley motorcycle", but not in the sense of "homosexual".)
By the way, speaking as an American homosexual, I would much prefer to learn about rude words such as п*дик and пиндос, although I appreciate that the forum has rules against using such terms in a careless, casual way! But it doesn't help Russian learners if such words are totally censored, all the time.
Культурненько, да.
Почему американцев называют пиндосами. Комментарии : Дневники на КП
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
Because in Victorian times when most of these laws were at their height women were not considered to have any sexuality at all. They certainly weren't suposed to enjoy sex. They were to lie back and think of England.
Plus to a hetrosexual man two women together is not automatically a turn off. Whereas, the thought of another man, doing that, touching them there, well, that's just icky. They know that's wrong. And men write the laws.
Yes, I know -- to be more clear, I should have written, "For me as an American, пиндос is an interesting word to learn; for me as a homosexual, п*дик and п*дор are also interesting words." (But I understand that пиндос has absolutely no connection with homosexuality.)
Although, I guess пиндос could be translated as "American fag" in the South Park sense (loud, annoying person), but not in the sense of "male homosexual."
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
I attempted to experiment with foursomes or fivesomes. Nothing. I really cannot do it with a woman and a man at the same time. Mine recoils when the male partner starts fondling them. I wish so that I can have the best of both worlds.
There's some truth to that, Sarah, but the legal reality was more complicated. Anti-sodomy laws existed for many centuries before Queen Victoria came along, and to some degree they were rooted in the wording of the Bible: "If a man lies down with a man as with a woman..., Leviticus 20:13" (Note that euphemistic expression "lying down with a man" is the origin of the Russian word for sodomy: мужеложество.)
Also, the Victorian British were, in some ways, progressives on matters of sex and the law -- at least in the sense that they preferred to treat homosexuality and prostitution and other "sexual offenses" as social/medical problems that could be treated with compassionate, rational Science, instead of being condemned as sins against God.
Going back to the case of Oscar Wilde -- as I said above, he was officially jailed for oral sex with men, since the government was unable to prove anal sex.
And yet there was more to it than that: early in his trial, when the public only knew about Wilde's homosexual affairs with other upper-class gentlemen "of his own station", there was a surprising amount of public sympathy for him. Because the educated, progressive Victorian middle class (and the newspapers they read) said, basically, "Of course this is all rather disgusting, but surely it should be a private matter between individuals, and there's no reason for the Crown to treat it as a crime in our modern scientific era, etc."
But later in the trial, the prosecutors were able to prove that Wilde had been having lots and lots of oral sex with male prostitutes all around London -- and this fact outraged those very same Victorian progressives, who thought that a successful upper-class gentleman like Oscar Wilde had a duty to help educate young men of the lower classes, and not to take advantage of their poverty by paying them for blowjobs!
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
no more then translating "spic" as Mexican fag
зачем обсасывать расовую/национальную тему?
I do not call Americans пиндосы because I think it's offensive and usually used by some narrow-minded individuals who have never met any American personally but truly believe that know everything about Americans (bad stuff obviously)
Also why would anybody here care who f*cks who (or what), excuse my French
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