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Thread: The views of Russians, according to the "Pew Institute". True or false?

  1. #21
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Quote Originally Posted by mishau_ View Post
    Every next governer critisized the previous one.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mishau_ View Post
    No one for example wants to get back the USSR of the late 80x when there was no sugar, no soap, no tobacco and all the shops were empty.
    Когда говорят об этом времени, обязательно нужно упомянуть, что также не было туалетной бумаги. Так более драматичнее.

  2. #22
    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    О, насчет бумаги пусть он упоминает

    Геннадий Хазанов "Иллюзионист" - YouTube
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    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

  3. #23
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    The Pew Research Center is a respected American organization. It is a nonpartisan "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It does not take positions on policy issues. Something like the Levada center in Russia.

  4. #24
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Когда говорят об этом времени, обязательно нужно упомянуть, что также не было туалетной бумаги. Так более драматичнее.
    And don't forget looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooong queues after bread, sausages and other basic stuff.

    Now these look almost unbelievable.
    Серп и молот - смерть и голод!

  5. #25
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Yeah "у нас секса нет" - also homosexuals were put in prisons - it was a crime in USSR.
    Серп и молот - смерть и голод!

  6. #26
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    To be homosexual - it was a crime in USSR.
    And that shows how backward this country was...
    Серп и молот - смерть и голод!

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by nulle View Post
    To be homosexual - it was a crime in USSR.
    And that shows how backward this country was...
    Do you mean that homosexuality is the future??

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Do you mean that homosexuality is the future??
    In Latvia

  9. #29
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Do you mean that homosexuality is the future??
    I mean - not treating these people like criminals is present and hopefully future.

    And of course - everyone probably have seen this.
    True communist love
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  10. #30
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nulle View Post
    And of course - everyone probably have seen this.
    Да, похристосовались. Easter salutation.
    Should we make a big deal out of it?
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  11. #31
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by nulle View Post
    To be homosexual - it was a crime in USSR.
    And that shows how backward this country was...
    Here is the timeline - decriminalisation of same-sex sexual activity in Europe (geographically) for the last 80 years:

    1933 - Denmark
    1942 - Switzerland
    1944 - Sweden
    1951 - Greece
    1961 - Hungary
    1962 - Czechoslovakia
    1967 - England, Wales
    1968 - East Germany, Bulgaria
    1969 - West Germany
    1971 - Austria, Finland
    1972 - Norway
    1973 - Malta
    1977 - Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro
    1979 - Spain
    1980 - Scotland
    1982 - Nothern Ireland, Portugal
    1983 - Guernsey
    1989 - Liechtenstein
    1990 - Jersey
    1991 - Isle of Man, Ukraine
    1992 - Estonia, Latvia
    1993 - Ireland, Lithuania, Russia, Gibraltar
    1994 - Serbia, Belarus
    1995 - Albania, Moldova
    1996 - Romania, Macedonia
    1998 - Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina
    2000 - Azerbaijan, Georgia
    2001 - San Marino
    2002 - Armenia

    As you can see, decriminalisation of same-sex sexual activity in the whole Europe was gradual process which took a couple of centuries to be completed. Also note that in many cases age of consent for gays was higher even after that, and was equalised years later. There is no need to single out Russia (or USSR) as backward in this respect, because most European countries were equally "backward" till some year in the 20th century. Of course, there were pioneers like Belgium, France, Netherlands, Andorra, Monaco, Luxembourg and Turkey (no punishment for homosexual activity since 18th or 19th century) and Poland (homosexuality was never illegal under Polish law). Russia was neither a pioneer, nor an outsider in this process.

    By the way, here is one curious thing: seems that anti-homosexual laws always targeted men only (мужеложество), whereas lesbianism was not punished by the law. Why the bias?

  12. #32
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by nulle View Post
    And of course - everyone probably have seen this.
    True communist love
    Looks like Soviet Union was promoting, not suppressing homosexualism after all
    I think that Brezhnev's behaviour was inspired by Russian tradition of Easter greetings - христосование, which includes triple kiss on the alternating cheeks. Leonid Ilych just made that old tradition more explicit

  13. #33
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Написал jnllll (и мои извинения модератору, but I wanted to make a comment as a non-native learner of Russian):

    Хотя я и неуважительно отношусь к лицам нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации, но оскорбительных терминов по отношению к ним не употреблял.
    Значение слова "п@дарас": пидорас — Викисловарь
    Обратите внимание на 2-е значение этого слова. На этом и была построена игра слов моего комментария.

    Знаете, jnllll, когда я (в качестве иностранца) читал ваше сообщение выше о "п@дарасах и гомосексуалистах", смысл вашей игры слов не дошёл до меня. Я принял ваше слова за "настоящию гомофобию", и естественно, на меня производит отрицательное впечатление о человеке, если он с предрассудком относится к иным.

    А потом я читал дальше на ссылке "п%дорас" у Викисловаря, и стало ясно, что в этом контексте я понял (и перевёл) слово не так. Короче, я теперь понимаю в итоге, что вы не хотели приложить слово "п%дорас" к гомосексуальным мужчин, а к некоторым политическим лицам. (Да?)

    I hope that made sense in Russian! What I wanted to say is that as a foreigner, when I read jnllll's comment about "п@дарасах и гомосексуалистах", I was a little bit shocked at first because I didn't "get" your wordplay, and I took "п@дарас" to mean "противный, грязный, паршивый гомосексуалный мужчина" -- in other words, a "faggot" (which is usually the correct translation into US English!).

    And I thought he was making a homophobic joke, based on this general model:

    Мужик приходит к сексопатологу, говорит:

    -Знаете доктор, я -- гей...
    Доктор ему:
    -Вы наверно очень богаты?
    -Да нет...
    -Тогда вы наверное дизайнер, музыкант, художник?..
    -Тоже нет.
    -Ну так ты не ГЕЙ, мужик, ты ПИДОР!
    We have a somewhat similar joke in English, which can be told about blacks, homosexuals, Jews, Chinese, women, etc., with the substitution of the appropriate terms:

    Q: What do you call an African-American gentleman who has left the room?
    A: A "nigger".
    (NB: This joke is not always "racist"; sometimes it used in an ironic, sarcastic, "meta-humor" way by someone who is anti-racist -- it depends on who tells the joke, and in what tone of voice. One can even use the same joke in a political way: for example, a "Republican gentleman" who has left the room is a "Nazi", while a "Democratic gentleman" becomes a "Commie".)

    But now I see that in jnllll's comment, "п%дорас" referred to certain politicians, and not to homosexuals -- and thus the correct translation here would probably be "c*cksucker" -- we generally wouldn't use "faggot" in this sense.

    However, the point I want to make for jnllll is that it gave me (temporarily) a bad impression of him when he used such a rude word, because I'm not Russian and I understood him in a too-literal way. So that's another reason to avoid using language like "п%дорас" -- even if you don't care at all about being polite to "лица нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации", it's disrespectful to foreigners learning Russian if you use such terms carelessly on a Russian-learning site such as MR.

    And the reason it's disrespectful to foreigners is that you're asking us to understand that you meant to use "п%дорас" in its second meaning -- and you also expect us to understand that you, jnllll, are NOT the type of пошлый хам who habitually uses the word in its first meaning! (Even Lampada, a native Russian speaker, misunderstood your meaning. How much more will non-natives misunderstand you?)

    In the same way, I wouldn't tell the joke above (about an "African-American gentleman") on an ESL-learning site, at least not without explaining the joke's context, and warning ESL speakers not to repeat the joke!

    I hope this all makes sense to jnllll!
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  14. #34
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xdns View Post
    By the way, here is one curious thing: seems that anti-homosexual laws always targeted men only (мужеложество), whereas lesbianism was not punished by the law. Why the bias?
    Why the bias?

    Потому что пропускать предмет размером с банану в задний проход -- это неудобно, и может быть больно, и даже вредно -- вот почему! (Because being anally penetrated by an object the size of a banana can be uncomfortable, painful, and even harmful -- that's why!)

    I mean, the bias against male homosexuality was consistent with the general aversion to anal sex, which historically was sometimes used as a painful humiliation for heterosexual male soldiers who were captured and enslaved by the enemy.

    And I don't know what the legal tradition was in Russia, but I know that historically, in English-speaking countries, анальный секс между мужчинами was in a special category of legal horribleness, вместе с скотоложеством (along with bestiality).

    But in the English legal tradition, "минет" или "взаимо-дрочка" между мужчинами тоже составляли преступлениями, однако преступления в меньшей степени. ("Blowjobs" or "mutual wanking" between men were also crimes, but crimes of lesser degree.)

    Thus, if male homosexuality was a lesser crime when there was no proof that buggery (anal penetration) had occurred, it's not surprising that lesbianism was less punished, because buggery is something that two women can do only with an artificial phallus. But in contrast, male homosexuality always fell under suspicion of possibly "leading to anal sex" or "being a temptation to buggery" even when anal sex did not happen.

    So we find that for long stretches of Western history, male/male anal sex was punished very harshly, sometimes by death; while other sex acts between males (oral sex, and sometimes masturbation) were also criminalized, but the punishments were usually lighter; and the law almost totally ignored lesbianism. (Anal sex between a man and a woman was sometimes tolerated more than male/male anal -- reflecting the low status of women generally.)

    In the famous case of Oscar Wilde, for example, the "Crown" prosecutors gave him two years in prison (for the crime of oral sex with other males) because they were not able to prove that he had done anal sex (which carried a prison sentence of 20 years, not 2 years!). If Wilde had lived a century earlier, he might have gotten 20+ years for минет с мужиками, but the Death Penalty for anal sex! However, British law had been liberalized a bit in the 1860s, and his case was in the 1890s.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee View Post
    предмет размером с банану
    банан is a male noun in Russian
    IDK if that makes it more suitable for this sentence

  16. #36
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    I wonder where my post from here has been moved to. The post contained an idea of the USSR leaders being homosexual, and wasn't offensive to anyone on here, neither did it contain obscenities. Now we come across certain kinds of censorship on here, right?

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    I wonder where my post from here has been moved to. The post contained an idea of the USSR leaders being homosexual, and wasn't offensive to anyone on here, neither did it contain obscenities. Now we come across certain kinds of censorship on here, right?
    Of course. And some Americans here have relationships with the mods to shove the PC material down the thoats of readers to let them know what is offensive and what is not?

  18. #38
    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee View Post
    We have a somewhat similar joke in English,

    Yes, you can read about this here:

    "The F Word" was the highest rated episode of the thirteenth season of South Park.[6][9] The episode was seen by 1.99 million households in the subgroup of adults between the ages of 18 and 49.[9] The episode earned a higher rating than that of The Jay Leno Show, a primetime late night talk show on NBC.[10] Nevertheless, it was seen by fewer cable viewers than the FX drama series Sons of Anarchy, which drew 2.32 million households; the E! reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, which drew 2.19 million households; and a television special about reality show star Kate Gosselin, which drew 2.3 million households.[
    English Edition

    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

  19. #39
    Of course. And some Americans here have relationships with the mods to shove the PC material down the thoats of readers to let them know what is offensive and what is not?
    @Pavelov and Eric C & co...

    First of all, there is only one moderator as far as I know, and that person is extremely tolerant - nobody has been banned for all the time I have been a member, despite the fact that there have been several people with mental health problems, as well as several bullies/trolls. As far as I am aware, the moderator doesn't live in Russia and is technically not Russian (I think), so therefore there is no prejudice in favour of Russia or the USSR for that matter.

    Secondly, just face it: Your worldview is in minority here! As it is on the planet as a whole. Nobody here is a Fox News viewer.

    On this forum, economic sanctions, invasion, superior weapons and sly manipulation of public opinion will not work! You will have to argue your points of view with examples and certain amount of politeness!

    And don't forget that most of the regular contributors are mature people with an interest in current events, politics and history!

    Many are bilingual or trilingual and have lived in more than one country with experience of several different cultures and political systems.
    In the case of people from the ex-USSR countries, they have experience of several quite different political and economic systems and have survived challenging times of much upheaval and dramatic events.
    The experiences and observations of such people are valuable to learn from!

    I have personally changed my views and prenotions on lots of matters to do with Russia, the USSR etc after reading what people here have said.
    You would benefit a lot from opening up your minds a bit.

    Finally, the emphasis here is on learning Russian and learning about Russian culture etc. Let's have a certain degree of respect towards the "hosting nation", so to speak. Not that we can't critisize or challenge Russia or Russian people, but let's do it respectfully without being rude. This forum is quite unique on the internet. Let's keep it a nice and friendly place.
    Lampada likes this.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Да, похристосовались. Easter salutation.
    Should we make a big deal out of it?
    Единственный лидер, попытка поцеловать которого у Брежнева провалилась, была Маргарет Тетчер.
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    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

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