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Thread: 'Victory' in Tripoli, Libya. A big lie?

  1. #1
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    'Victory' in Tripoli, Libya. A big lie?

    There are stubborn rumors circulating around the web, that there are decorations built in Quatar that represent the Libyan capital for training purposes. All so called TV reports about victorious rebels are rumored to be shot there, not the actual Libyan capital:

    Here's a 'proof' pic:

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  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    There are three undisputed facts for the time being. There were at least some special ops in the city whose goal was to assist the landing wave. Let's think it was a FIRST wave for the time being.
    Second: some people with tri-colored flags were able to get through to the city suburbs at least. We'll talk about it later. Third: there were very big inconsitencies in the TV reports from Tripoli.
    There's no question right now that the task of elimination of these diversionary groups was assigned to Khamis's brigade. Brigade is rather a grand term, its numbers were about 7 thousand people in the beginning of the conflict, right now there's hardly a half of that. Nevertheless, 3 - 3.5 thousand people belonging to one of the best regiments of the Libyan army represents a formidable force. And they're loyal which is probably more important than anything in this chaos. Obviously NATO took this into account and the appearance of the bandits on the suburbs had probably the only reason to force Khamis to withdraw its regiment from the frontline. The most recent communications from there stated that he was somewhere near Zliten (about 2-3 hours of forced march from Tripoli). In other words, the report stating that some commanding officer had betrayed Gaddafi and opened the front is, most probably, a lie. There's other reason to consider it a lie though:
    The landing operation undoubtedly had the one and one only goal - the elimination of Gaddafi. There simply no other military goals there. If the commander of Tripoli defences had defected this would give NATO the valuable information about Gaddafi's whereabouts since as a commander of the defence he simply had to report to him daily and it's hard to believe that he was brought to Gaddafi blindfolded each time. He must have been within a small circle of people who knew exactly where Gaddafi is. NATO however arranges a bloodbath in the city and bomb large areas - apparently not being aware of Gaddafi's true location. There's a conclusion - there were no defection. The same reason applies to Gaddafi's sons - they too had to know where their father was.

    The second conclusion: it is obvious that the landing force's chances of survival are minimal. Therefore its task was to arrange some bit atrocities in the city which technically was quite easy. Tripoli is located on the coast and that infamous Green square is quite close to the sea. There are always many people there and therefore a landing force suddenly appearing there could quite literally 'cut' through the crowd. Why this was necessary?
    For a 'picture'. So that the world would see the victims. Many victims. In order for the Libyan government themselves to annouce these wild figures. And we also need videos for proof. They have them and they broadcast them a wave after wave. And in any video - Tripoli is bathed in city lights while NATO bombs gas and power stations and the main problem there is the lack of power. How so, if recharging a cell phone is a big problem there?

    Libya is nearly cut off from Internet, but nevertheless all videos appear regularly on YouTube, how so?
    Look closer on these videos - compare the date the video was made and the date it was uploaded. I'm sure you'll find many inconsistencies there too. It appear there is somewhere a working time machine.

    We already know about these decorations built in Quatar for military training - see the pic, you'll see where half of these reports were made.
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  3. #3
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    Two persons reporting from Libya have been able to get material out, don't know if there are time inconsistencies.
    A link for Ramil's story: . & - Centre for Research on Globalization - Centre for Research on Globalization

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  5. #5
    Interesting info Ramil. This war just makes me sick!
    And when they are done with Libya, next stop on the roadmap appears to be Syria which in many ways is quite a decent country, trying to do its best for its own citizens and millions of refugees from Iraq and Palestine.

    The things that scares me the most is that the US apparently had a plan back in 2001 or whenever it was.... that they were going to take out Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, Sudan and Somalia.

    This is from the famous General Wesley Clark speech where he revealed a secret plan that he as a four star general had taken part of.

    I mean bloody hell that makes you wonder if ANYTHING happens by chance. It is truly creepy.
    I mean were there fake blogs and Twitter account in the conflict too? Did someone spur the revolutionists on, or was it genuine?

    As for the idea that Col. Khaddaffi was a brutal oppressive dictator; Libya was apparently one of the best organised states in Africa with a good educational system and likewise healthcare. Possibly the best organised country in North Africa. Somebody who I personally know and respect (an arabic speaking woman who's an old friend of mine)
    has several times mentioned that she has a high view of Khaddaffi.
    No doubt he had many faults both as a person and in his administration, but there are plenty more brutal regimes in Africa...

    It's disgusting that NATO has got involved in what should have been an internal business in Libya for the Libyans to sort out. The idea of democracy in Africa is really rather ludicrous and there will not be any form of proper democracy replacing Khaddaffi, just someone who is pro US and willing to do the type of oil deals that the NATO countries are interested in.
    Anyone who fails to understand what is going on with this conflict is naive beyone belief.

  6. #6
    Dmitry Khomichuk
    Похоже на разведку боем. На окраинах напали бандиты и прочая шпана, отвлекли войска. В это время с моря высадился десант. Его задачей было посмотреть как отреагируют войска, как быстро подтянутся, кто, в каком количестве, с каким вооружением. Как быстро смогут уничтожить десант. Попутно десант попыталсяуничтожить или захватить членов семьи Каддафи.

  7. #7
    Dmitry Khomichuk
    В Минске Посольство Ливии сменило флаг на повстанческий.

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus View Post
    This site is obviously under a DDoS attack. Isn't it interesting? Couldn't get through 5 times in a row. The attack is weak though.
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  9. #9
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    ... just someone who is pro US and willing to do the type of oil deals that the NATO countries are interested in.
    Anyone who fails to understand what is going on with this conflict is naive beyone belief.
    They want the Wheelus military base also, as part of their 'base world' like Bondsteel in the Balkans It is part of their full spectrum dominance strategy . Wheelus used to be a US base ~40 years ago. .
    Last edited by Seraph; August 25th, 2011 at 03:42 PM.

  10. #10
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    Well, for now you cannot 100% believe anything about that war, because it is still ongoing and spreading propaganda and misinformation is normal part of any war.
    Because - if I can read something on the net - so can Gaddafi and rebels.

    Even if victory in Tripoli is false - it is a good way to harm morale for Gaddafi troops anyway.

    As for the idea that Col. Khaddaffi was a brutal oppressive dictator; Libya was apparently one of the best organised states in Africa with a good educational system and likewise healthcare. Possibly the best organised country in North Africa.
    No doubt he had many faults both as a person and in his administration, but there are plenty more brutal regimes in Africa...
    Yeah, and Baltics should have remained in Russia.
    Just like Gorbachew and some western leaders wanted.

    Somebody who I personally know and respect (an arabic speaking woman who's an old friend of mine)
    has several times mentioned that she has a high view of Khaddaffi.
    Yes, I have met a few people that are whining for USSR and want it back too. (poor miserable losers)
    Watching his speeches - it is clear that old nutjob (Gaddafi) has lost his mind.

    Because my country was oppressed by brutal and inhuman regime for decades - I strongly support people from Arab world that want to get rid of their dictatorships.
    Of course there will be a lot of chaos and uncertainty - just like after USSR collapse - but after that they might be better of if they choose a democracy and do not let another dictator to take power (most of former USSR failed to do it).
    Серп и молот - смерть и голод!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    And when they are done with Libya, next stop on the roadmap appears to be Syria which in many ways is quite a decent country, trying to do its best for its own citizens and millions of refugees from Iraq and Palestine.
    I'm not going to comment on all the BS you posted, but this one is just astounding. So, you're saying the murderers who have already killed over 2,200 people are trying to do their best for the citizens? I wonder then what their worst is... And what's wrong with you in the first place? How can one ever stand for murderers and bloody criminals unless s/he is totally insane or is the same kind of person???

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitry Khomitchuk View Post
    В Минске Посольство Ливии сменило флаг на повстанческий.
    Still there are not as many Lybians standing for the mad dog as many supporters of such regimes on here are trying to "show", are there?

  13. #13
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Does anybody watch CNN? If so then how it could be that we all see the same reporting and understand it diametrically different? So strange... - Sara Sidner reporting

  14. #14
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    Jesus. I think reading this thread caused my IQ to drop several points.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by zedeeyen View Post
    Jesus. I think reading this thread caused my IQ to drop several points.
    What do you mean by that?

    Anyway, the UN mandate was to protect the civilians in Libya and frankly I have no idea why Russia for example went along with this idea.

    So how does a NATO hunt for Khaddaffi save civilians in Libya?

    This war just makes me totally sick - things should have been allowed to take their course in Libya without anyone elses involvement.

    The Libyans were proud and happy with Khaddaffi for quite a long time. If they suddenly change their mind it's nobody's business but theirs, and they should sort it out.

    Suddenly the rebels are offering a number of million dollars for the capture of Khaddaffi... Who gave them the millions.
    And who will set up a new government there now?
    The Libyans can wave goodbye to the control of their oil now.

  16. #16
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    The Libyans were proud and happy with Khaddaffi for quite a long time.
    Yes, and Baltic people lived happily under USSR occupation.
    The Libyans can wave goodbye to the control of their oil now.
    Libyans never had control in the first place - oil was under Gaddafi's control.
    Just like natural resources of USSR was not USSR people's property, but were exploited by communist elite building useless shit like nuclear weapons.
    If they suddenly change their mind it's nobody's business but theirs
    They did not suddenly changed - they used opportunity when such things happened in whole region and neighbouring dictatorships could not help them, because they had problems of their own.
    Just like Warsaw pact countries overthrew their communist governments when they saw that there will not be backing from USSR anymore.
    Latvians did not suddenly decide to leave USSR for example - you might not know this, but armed resistance against Soviet occupation happened till 1956 - more than 16 years.
    And who will set up a new government there now?
    Well I hope that people of Libya will do it, not some bloodthirsty dictator anymore.
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  17. #17
    Старший оракул Seraph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    ...Suddenly the rebels are offering a number of million dollars for the capture of Khaddaffi... Who gave them the millions.
    And who will set up a new government there now?
    western/Nato countries froze over $100 billion of Libyan assets, and apparently they are using it in this war. Nato actions appear to violate treaties/position against war of aggression.
    .Nuremberg trials were important for using this concept. Nato are not accountable to anyone.

  18. #18
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nulle View Post
    Yes, and Baltic people lived happily under USSR occupation.
    You're probably a very young person who didn't live back in the USSR era. Nevertheless you would be surprised to know that I actually know a number of ethnic Luthuanians who wouldn't agree with your sarcasm.

    Libyans never had control in the first place - oil was under Gaddafi's control.
    Man, ordinary people had better social allowances in Libya than they have in Sweden. Take your head out of the TV box.

    Just like natural resources of USSR was not USSR people's property, but were exploited by communist elite building useless shit like nuclear weapons.
    Again, you're probably too young to know, but people did live far more happier in USSR than they are now.

    They did not suddenly changed - they used opportunity when such things happened in whole region and neighbouring dictatorships could not help them, because they had problems of their own.
    A number of mercenaries were paid by the State Dept. to organize this so called 'rebellion'.

    Just like Warsaw pact countries overthrew their communist governments when they saw that there will not be backing from USSR anymore.
    Latvians did not suddenly decide to leave USSR for example - you might not know this, but armed resistance against Soviet occupation happened till 1956 - more than 16 years.
    Yeah, there were 3.5 Latvians who opposed.

    Well I hope that people of Libya will do it, not some bloodthirsty dictator anymore.
    I hope Gaddafi kills all the rebelious leaders and send their heads to Washington in a decorated bucket.
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  19. #19
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Жжешь, Рамиль! =)

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    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Send me a PM if you need me.

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