Quote Originally Posted by Юрка View Post
1) Я видел программы русского телевидения из Сирии, в которых сирийцы пытаются докричаться до мира при помощи нашего телеканала. Потому что нет других средств.
2) Аль Джазира - по вашим понятиям это образец независимости и объективности? А по-моему, нет.
I'm not sure this situation is very clear because there is so much lying, manipulation and media spin going on.

I just thought of presenting a point and you can beat it down or whatever you want. I am not interested in getting involved in another argument. But, I did come across someplace claims that Turkey was arming and/or training Syrian rebels and that the shelling was a response or reaction to this. So, just to speak on the hypothetical, what if this is part of the reason. It's not being reported. But, if Assad does try to claim this, then this should be included in any discussion.

It's peculiar that Syria (as bad and rogue a state as it is) cannot be left to its own devices in a civil war and when Iran is supposedly helping, it's condemned, too.

Yet, the U.S. can bomb the crap out of other countries AND INTERFERE with impunity. It's always one side and the media always portrays the U.S./NATO or whoever as one that cannot be beneath anything whereas it's Iran/Syria/whoever they want as the guilty one. It's funny how everyone immediately takes it as gospel.

Anyway, carry on...