Quote Originally Posted by UhOhXplode View Post
LOL. That analogy was beyond far-fetched. There's no grande armee, Barday, Kutuzov, Cossack light cavalry, or even a Count Rostopchin to order the fires. And comparing Biden to Napolean is like comparing a plastic butter knife to a fine saber. It's also not attrition unless it's attrition for all of Ukraine in a civil war. But if that happens then Biden may not have any prize to collect when he arrives in Kiev.
I really need to stop watching military re-enactments when I'm posting...
Это вообще был набор слов.

Quite amazing that CEO's from large American and west European companies change their positions to work in Russian companies -- this is ok. But one guy does this for Ukrainian company and he's greedy (although there's no mention of salary anywhere). Of course, everyone in Ukraine who wants something of a better life for themselves and children has been labelled a terrorist/nazi/killer. This hatred is completely for new for me.