Yes I was referring to that kind of stuff. It's one thing to treat everybody with respect and humanity; it's quite another thing to allow porn clubs, pride parades and demo condoms to 12 year olds in school. I have conservative values on that front because I believe that anything else is destructive to society in the long run. At least more so than the alternatives. This kind of stuff originated in the USA, but Europeans have been all too quick to emulate most of it. So whose values? Well I guess I was talking about traditional values, or Christian values.

Other things that seems "self-destructive" to me in the the USA, is that it is beginning to be the norm with 1-2 shooting sprees per month. Wouldn't happen if they restricted gun ownership and didn't constantly show violent shows on TV and allow perversely violent video games. The fact that this happens so much is a sign of a society that is twisted.

I think a lot of US culture just appeals to the lowest human instincts; sex and violence.
I just think that violence should never be glorified and sex is a private matter.

But if the main objective is to sell, and for the seller to get rich and money is the highest virtue, then it's just logical that the most easy-to-sell concepts, products and lifestyle will always win out.

And the wars. The USA is just spreading chaos and destruction in its path. How many failures is it going to take until they stop invading other countries. Or will nothing short of a taste of its own medicine, or the dollar bubble popping do the trick.

And this isn't actually attacking just the USA, rockzmom! So don't take it personally if at all possible!
(People like you make me think the USA can't be all evil...) I can go on a long tirade about my own country, that has some extremely weird and very destructive stuff going on. Or Europe in general. So sure - I am anti-American, in many respects but I am anti a lot of things that go on in Europe too. And most of the things that America starts, Europe quickly lashes on to.

I respect the Russians for rejecting a lot of this, and for not shying away from taking the slack for doing so. And I have noticed that more and more Europeans seem to begin to take notice.