Какой же это рынок?Originally Posted by Оля
Если есть денег только на половину газа, пусть берут половину газа тогда. Либо путь берут кредиты. Пусть учатся зарабатывать. Можно Крым продать в конце концов. Вот это будет рынок.
Какой же это рынок?Originally Posted by Оля
Если есть денег только на половину газа, пусть берут половину газа тогда. Либо путь берут кредиты. Пусть учатся зарабатывать. Можно Крым продать в конце концов. Вот это будет рынок.
I read what Putin said recently, but I'm pretty sure he referred specifically to the trouble Ukraine is in with the current financial crisis, which is worse than it is in Russia. My question was more general than that. There's been at least one new gas contract since the Oranges took control in Ukraine, well prior to the financial crisis, and I was just surprised that they had been allowed to keep as much of the pos-Soviet discount as is evidently the case, then as much as now, since that discount really amounts to a large financial subsidy of an openly hostile government.
I just don't think Putin's claims of brotherly concern fly. Russia could have put Yushenko's administration under huge pressure by simply asking for market rates and no one could have accused Russia of doing anything immoral or devious, and yet they didn't. At the very least I would have expected them to use this sort of altruism toward the Ukrainian state as a PR device, but they don't even apear to have done that. Is there some quid pro quo I'm not seeing, or do you think it just suits the Russian government to have this bit of leverage so that they can turn the screw bit by bit whenever it suits, rather than wasting it in one go?
Вот и я удивляюсь. Давно бы уже предложили Украине много-премного газа за так в обмен на Крым. И всем было бы счастье.Originally Posted by mishau_
А то и вовсе, раз Украина делает вид, что никаких задолженностей у ней за газ нет, то и Россия никаких Крымов не дарила. Обычно у несостоятельных должников забирают часть имущества в счёт погашения долга. Крым покрыл бы все долги с лихвой.
Я так думаю.
Милов ругает "Газпром": http://v-milov.livejournal.com/92042.html
Проблема в том что все газопроводы идут через них. Захотят, вообще не будут газ пропускать. Поэтому и могут диктовать Газпрому любые условия, хоть 200$, хоть 100$. Хотя им конечно тоже не выгодно резать курицу несущую золотые яйца...по крайней мере пока они золотые (т.е. по 250$)
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
Запаздали со строительством балтийского трубопровода, а то вот бы они сейчас где сидели.
Я так думаю.
Ну вообще-то не все.Originally Posted by ST
Диктовать надо было, когда контракт на транзит подписывали. А подписали - извольте выполнять. А так не пропускать-то они "могут", но только по праву силы, не юридически. На них вон уже некоторые европейские потребители в суд подают.Захотят, вообще не будут газ пропускать. Поэтому и могут диктовать Газпрому любые условия
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
Ой, вот это уже что-то новенькое!
Киев предлагает Брюссель профинансировать прокачку через территорию Украины поставляемого в Европу российского газа.
ЕС должен оплатить «Газпрому» весь технический газ, который Украина требует для восстановления штатной работы своей газопроводной инфраструктуры. Одновременно ЕС должен возместить Украине расходы по транспортировке российского газа. Основой для данных оплат должно стать специальное решение руководящих структур Евросоюза, определяющее ситуацию как «угрозу гуманитарной катастрофы» странам-членам ЕС
А мне казалось, раньше это уже Путин предложил.Originally Posted by mishau_
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
А мне так и думалось. Эта наглая клика киевских воров всё выставит так, чтобы за российский газ для Украины платил Евросоюз. А винить во всём станут Газпром.Originally Posted by mishau_
Я так думаю.
Ну разве только в Америке. В Европе всё прекрасно понимают.Originally Posted by Leof
(Слышала по телеку в обзоре прессы отрывок из какой-то статьи в "New York Times" - там говорится, что Россия перекрыла газ в целях политического давления на демократическую и ориентированную на Запад Украину. Хосссспади, и неужели ж американцы это хавают?....)
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
Not exactly. It is clear for everyone in Europe that this quarrel is not economical but political. Europe (officially at least) blames both Russia and Ukraine for that. As for Ukraine - its economy cannot afford paying the so called 'market prices' (by the way, the term 'market price' assumes that there IS a market for gas, in reality there ISN'T since Gazprom practically is a monopoly).
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I think this row is neither economical nor political. It's a greatist corruption scandal, that shows up how deeply corruption has penitrated into all verticals of authority of both countires. And now it's become beyond control. What makes me think so is that there are some middlemen who made the gas price so high, like $350 or so for Ukrainian consumers instead of $180 Ukraine got for.Originally Posted by Ramil
This TV ad just started running (at least the Washington, D.C. area) on February 22, 2009.
I am posting two links in the event that you don't have access to the actual Web site that the tv spot comes from.
Now coming from a film background, this spot takes advantage of ALL the typical tricks, like how it starts with shots of Russia being in black and white, not even that ...more gray and dark, ominous foreboding along with the menacing clouds overhead ... all to make Russia look evil. Yet, what is the commercial about? Is it about big bad Russia?
I am not making any political statement here... I just find it very interesting how this ad was created and produced and what the message is they are actually trying to get across.
Take a look...
This is who sponsors the tv ad spot:
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Typical for them. Sometimes I wonder what would have happenned if Russia and the Russians were at least 10% as bad as they say we are... )))
Unfortunately I don't have any sound system here so I can only guess that this video is about alternative energy resources. I still think no alternative presently would satisfy American demand for energy. US burns every fourth gallon of oil produced worldwide. There are no alternative for oil, unfortunately, until fusion power plants start working.
Send me a PM if you need me.
Ramil...you are right... it is about alternative energy.Originally Posted by Ramil
Here is what is said in the opening of the ad in a very "southern drawl" of a voice:
Now... I showed this ad to my girls (remember ages 11 & 12) and asked them if they did not know anything about Russian or Russian's what would they think about them based upon this ad?Now get this one. Did you know what happened when Russia cut off Europe’s natural gas supplies in the middle of winter? Europe begged Russian, real nice, “Please turn it back on, it’s cold.” Europe even said they’d pay more. Why? They had to. Russia control’s Europe’s supply of natural gas. They don’t have a choice.
They both had the same reaction...How sad that one 60 second spot could make that kind of impression.That Russians are meanies. Not nice people. Why would they cut off the gas in the winter when it is cold and not turn it back on? Looks like an awful place to live.
I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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Especially when it's Ukraine who cut off the gas, not Russia.Originally Posted by rockzmom
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
Hm, technically it was Russia, when it realized that no gas pupmed into the pipe appears on the other side.
Of course, we are meanies. Still, rockzmom, if you show your girls something about what US did to the world they would too think that the Americans are definetely NOT NICE )))
Send me a PM if you need me.
Yes, Ramil... Americans, like many humans, have been unkind, cruel and have done many indefensible things. While I try my best to be like "Switzerland" in many cases, I too have my mean streaks and uncalled for prejudices.Originally Posted by Ramil
Since being on MR, my daughters and I have begun to learn a great deal about Russians. Little things that can’t be taught in books at school. Treasured nuggets of information that will help me and my girls to question an advertisement like this one.
Instead of my family seeing this ad and thinking as I would have in the past “the evil empire is at it again” now, I stop. I question. I look at it from a different perspective. I think of all of the people who I have exchanged posts with on threads here. I begin to think of Russians vs. Russia.
And because my girls often read some of the posts with me or I tell them about them, they have begun to think of ya’ll as quasi friends and hopefully will never think of you as I once did...enemies from a nation that wanted to kill me.
I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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