Redfox; thanks for the thorough run-down of public services and employment opportunities.

This issue is close to heart for me. I think decent healthcare is a citizen's right in a developed country.
I can see how you find it disturbing. Those hospital pictures were DISGUSTING. I remember seeing such pics in the 1990s and it killed my sympathy for socialism/communism and the countries involved, at the time. It was obvious that a lot of people simply hadn't been doing their jobs, for things to degrade so badly, and it was a really bad reflection on the whole society, for educated people to let things go that far. It's incomprehensible really. Can't see how a country can have a top notch space program, be a leading in multiple sports and sciences and not manage to run decent hospitals, and I still don't.

It's like Lampada said in a previous post: You can judge a society by how it treats the weakest members.

If that's the standard in the toilets, you have to wonder what the standard of surgery and other medical therapies are!

I really thought things had improved a lot, but it seems they have not!

Well, ruining education is the best way to ruin a country in a longer perspective, isn't it!? No wonder you are upset!

Again another thing that was probably decent in Soviet days, or how else could there be so many good scientists?
It's particularly disturbing to hear about bribes and corruption.

I guess for a person with a decent income, they could solve the problem by paying for private education, but you shouldn't have to! Here in the UK it's like this, and in the USA to a degree, as far as I can understand. And it creates a terrible class society with an elite being educated separately from scratch, and regular people's children getting a bad education in state schools.

Finally, POLICE, There has been some threads about that here, before you started. Corrupt and useless policemen etc.
Not paid enough? Or what's the problem. How can people feel safe, if they can't trust the police....?

I have to agree with Alex krsk though. Healthcare, police and education are not necessarily linked to democracy. Saudi Arabia has excellent healthcare for their citizens. That's very far from a democracy. Likewise Singapore ranks top 5 in the world in all these area, and that's not a democracy either.

I think Edinaya Rossia has had long enough to do something about corruption now though. And improve education and healthcare. They had well over a decade. If there is no improvement soon, then I think you need a change of government! I have no idea who could do a better job, but 15 years is long enough to turn things around, so that people can notice a difference.