Теория неуклонного прогресса и "одного пути" господствует на Западе (кстати, она является основой расизма).
Dear Юрка, I've checked some of your recent posts over, and I would like to tell you if you could be a little bit more modest in your statements, maybe people would treat you with more attention. As in that particular example, where you've messed some unrelated things up.
Sorry, but tolerance to nonsense is definitely not a trait of my personality.

People were killing and abusing each other for ages without any idea of what racism was. But when they just took a few steps to the better world... and of course! — the western civilization became guilty of racism! Who cares the very same civilization defeated starvation and lots of deadly diseases, developed concepts of equality and human rights, made average human life two times longer... and gave you opportunity to write all your stuff here, by the way.
If you would really like to prefer another way, you are free to leave western way at any time, but do not forget to throw away your phone, synthetic cloths, any medicines and any other damned stuff.

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I agree with you absolutely, there isn't any reason of doing that. So why do you do?