I would normally put this in the political forum, but since it permeates through to every aspect of moden day life in the West, I thought it belongs here.
I heard the news today, oh boy, (enough of The Beatles), but it
I would normally put this in the political forum, but since it permeates through to every aspect of moden day life in the West, I thought it belongs here.
I heard the news today, oh boy, (enough of The Beatles), but it
Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.
Winston Churchill
Yeh I know, political correctness sucks (no offense to prostitutes intended).
I have heard that PC is getting pretty bad in UK.
I took this off a forum for Australian police officers.
Police to brief Muslims before terror raids
Abul Taher
POLICE have agreed to consult a panel of Muslim leaders before mounting counter-terrorist raids or arrests. Members of the panel will offer their assessment of whether information police have on a suspect is too flimsy and will also consider the consequences on community relations of a raid.
Members will be security vetted and will have to promise not to reveal any intelligence they are shown. They will not have to sign the Official Secrets Act.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0, ... 71,00.html
little green footballsI hope it is not going to go like that in Russia.
Posted: Sep 28 2006, 04:18 AM
Duty Officer
Group: Officers
Posts: 563
Member No.: 554
Joined: 16-June 03
What utter garbage mad.gif Do they consult the Methodists, Catholics et al prior to busting one of their faithful? Do this mob have more sensitive feelings than the rest of humanity? Quite frankly from my perspective, if they dont like the status quo, there are plenty of means of transport back to where they would feel comfortable.
The authorities seem to approach this mob with trepidation and over much concern for their finer sensibilities. I wonder if the same courtesies would be extended to infidels in Islamic states?
For example I wonder what would be the result of drinking alcohol in public in Saudi Arabia or a woman walking around in shorts with her head uncovered? A swift introduction to a cane no doubt mad.gif
Visitors and residents there are expected to conform with local custom. Why not the reverse in western society?
The answer is political correctness to the revolting nth degree. It only serves to have these people view this perceived weakness with contempt................and who could blame them? In their shoes I would do the same mad.gif Surely in a western society, the norms of western society should also be observed?
Ein andere Bonus Tag....Arbeit?...Was ist das?
Never argue with an idiot, you'll only educate the b....rd
Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
[/quote:2631y9u4]Originally Posted by DDT
Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.
Winston Churchill
While I agree that sometimes PC has been taken to extremes, it doesn't mean there should be none whatsoever. Especially at work it is important, to make sure the work environment is all-inclusive.
I think you should get fired if you keep calling gay people for 'poofs' or any other pejorative labels. You might not like gay people, but that is your problem and you don't have to insult fellow humans beacuse you have personal problems! Same goes for race, sex, age or any other things you might find 'unlikeable'.
Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!!))
You can't too worked up over the word "poofs" Klinky! Everybody calls everybody a poof over there, including the poofs. That's what makes things so much fun. I have also noticed people here misjudging our friend тату on his remarks too. It's different culture. You really can't judge things by American standards.
Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
Well, I hear black people (and I have permission from them to call them that) call each other for 'n!gger', but I don't feel like dying just yet...
But 'poof' I don't know, as long it isn't meant in a pejorative way and is not conceived to be so then it is fine. Apparently it wasn't conceived so, therefore the reprimand...
Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!!))
Меня раздражает, когда люди сердятся на меня за то, что использую слово "gay", чтобы говорить о чем-нибудь неприятном. Я даже не думаю про геев когда так говорю, это просто дополнительное современное значение слова. Также слово "retarded" должно быть совершенно допустимым!
I know what you are saying klinky but there is a different kind of comraderie amongst the English and Aussies and Kiwis. I fear that if American PCness creeps into these countries that this comradery will be finished and subsequently those cultures will blend into an American version of such.
Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
I heard the news today, oh boy, (enough of The Beatles), but it
I've got a TV, and I'm not afraid to use it
Crikies! Did I miss something? How did we get to anti-semitism here?
Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
Easy. Just take the PC away, and you'll be there in no time. I don't think people fully understand that certain rules make civilization what it is now, and take everything for granted. You want full freedom and zero accountability - go to Russia and enjoy being royally screwed. Russia of 90's would be a better choice, certainly.Originally Posted by DDT
And for that priceless little passage
I'd personally kick GabCNesbitt's bony fascist ass. How's that for being honest?Originally Posted by GabCNesbitt
I've got a TV, and I'm not afraid to use it
For all those who understand Russian I recommend this splendid essay: Толстая Татьяна. Политическая корректность
A little quotation:
В своей статье для американского журнала я как-то процитировала строку Пушкина: "Потомок негров безобразный". Мне позвонил редактор: "Вы что, с ума сошли? Я не могу напечатать эти слова". -- "Но Пушкин это сказал о себе". -- "Этого не может быть". -- "Может". -- Молчание. -- "Снимите строку". -- "Не сниму". -- "Тогда давайте напечатаем вашу статью под другой фамилией". -- "Тогда я вообще снимаю свою статью и напечатаю ее в другом
месте, сославшись на вашу цензуру. -- "Это тоже невозможно. Слушайте, ваш Пушкин что, расист?" -- "Наш Пушкин -- эфиоп". --Долгое молчание. --"Слушайте, без этой строки ваша статья только улучшится. Поверьте мне, старому редактору". Долгий визг с моей стороны о том, что я это уже семьдесят лет слышу, и что советская власть, и тоталитарный режим, и Главлит. и Николай Первый, и кишиневская ссылка, и понятно что. И что я от
бабушки ушел, и от дедушки ушел, а от тебя, политическая правильность, и подавно уйду. Визг не помогает. Тогда я меняю тактику и, холодно, злобно, раздельно: "Так. Мало того, что черных вы, белые, держали в рабстве в течение трехсот лет. Теперь вы затыкаете рот единственному русскому черному поэту, томившемуся в неволе среди берез тоталитарного строя. Вот он, расизм. Вот она, сегрегация. Генерал Ли сдался, а вы -- нет. Мы что, в Алабаме?.." Пушкина напечатали.![]()
Could you please occasionally correct my stupid errors!
Korrigiert bitte ab und zu meine dummen Fehler!
PC sucks!
It brings up a society of hypocrites. Does it really matter if I say 'gay' or 'queer'? I think the same of him. And have an attitude of my own.
So, whose problems are this? Mine or of the man (or woman) who takes offence? I have a right to dislike any man or social group. I have a right to speak openly of my feelings. Isn't that about freedom of speech (and of thought for that matter)?
If somebody dislikes my sayings - that's just too bad. If some anglo-saxon southern republican of a high rank says "afro-american" he thinks "n!gger". That won't going change even by forcing him to use politically correct terms. In time, new terms will be needed since the current ones are going to have that same pejorative meanings.
Every man has an absolute and undisputed right to say what he wants where he wants and when he wants. Otherwise, democracy ends right here and now.
Send me a PM if you need me.
[quote=GabCNesbitt]I would normally put this in the political forum, but since it permeates through to every aspect of moden day life in the West, I thought it belongs here.
I heard the news today, oh boy, (enough of The Beatles), but it
One day, when I write brilliant Russian I will put some Russian text here. However, I can't promise that it will be in anyway witty.
Please correct my Russian. I implore you fellow human.
Make civilization what it is now? Well I donOriginally Posted by adoc
Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.
Winston Churchill
[quote=Dagest][quote=GabCNesbitt]I would normally put this in the political forum, but since it permeates through to every aspect of moden day life in the West, I thought it belongs here.
I heard the news today, oh boy, (enough of The Beatles), but it
Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.
Winston Churchill
[quote=GabCNesbitt][quote=Dagest][quote=GabCNesbitt]I would normally put this in the political forum, but since it permeates through to every aspect of moden day life in the West, I thought it belongs here.
I heard the news today, oh boy, (enough of The Beatles), but it
One day, when I write brilliant Russian I will put some Russian text here. However, I can't promise that it will be in anyway witty.
Please correct my Russian. I implore you fellow human.
Hold on y'all... let me put my robe on, and get my guitar... would you like to hear some Johnny Horton's songs???![]()
Well, I don't know what to say. I want to say thanks to the Academy, to Mama, to Papa and to my dog. I love you all.
[quote=Dagest][quote=GabCNesbitt][quote=Dagest][quote=GabCNesbitt]I would normally put this in the political forum, but since it permeates through to every aspect of moden day life in the West, I thought it belongs here.
I heard the news today, oh boy, (enough of The Beatles), but it
Russia is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.
Winston Churchill
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