Quote Originally Posted by fortheether View Post
You best get a leader and goals ASAP - I watched about 15 minutes of this:

OccupyPhiladelphia - live streaming video powered by Livestream

and most of the speakers are about their funding for school. Telling moment, when a Ron Paul supporter spoke and gave a time frame that a voter has to be registered in order to vote for Ron Paul. The very next speaker said if you had a brain that you wouldn't vote for Ron Paul - there was lot's of clapping for that speaker. Who's the name callers?

I'm not heading the movement, nor am I directly involved; I live in Arizona, about as far as you can get from NY stateside. I simply feel some sympathy and support toward the movement. That sentiment seems to be largely mixed in the world right now.

You can direct your advice to their official website, where their leaders or whatever can be found.. Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for American Revolution

Thanks for engaging me in debate and being willing to research all this info and share it with me. I appreciate it and I wish you the very best of luck.