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Thread: "Next time someone tells you about the fascists in Ukraine..." pic

  1. #1
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    "Next time someone tells you about the fascists in Ukraine..." pic

    It's here

    First, it's so democratic, to post in a close thread, where only you, as moderator, can do it, so that everyone could read what you posted, but but no-one could reply.

    Second, those who tell you about the fascists in Ukraine, say this NOT basing it on any elections and people voting, but on what is HAPPENING in Ukraine. You better provide a table that shows how many people are killed / burnt / knifed / tortured by nationalists in different countries today.

    The German Nazi Party didn't have the majourity of voices either.

    Так что хватить передергивать.
    iCake and Alex_krsk like this.

  2. #2
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Я не обратила внимания, что тема закрыта. Ничего страшного, вот можно здесь поучаствовать: A Note on EU and Nationalistic parties, in light of events in Ukraine
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  3. #3
    Came across this by chance and wanted to share...

    Этот фильм посвящен вступлению советских войск на территорию Западной Украины и освобождению украинских и белорусских земель от гнета польских панов и воссоединению народов-братьев в единую семью.
    Very noble!
    In hindsight, maybe the Soviet Union shouldn't have bothered with this.
    These people could have been stayed with Poland if that was preferable. It might be that it was wishful thinking on part of the USSR, that these regions wanted to be liberated. Or just plain geopolitics disguised as ideology. LOL, the rhetoric! Never heard anything like it in my life.

    PS - people from Ukraine or Russia probably know all about this, but it might be interesting for others...!

    When I was in Belarus, I visited an area where a lot of the old people spoke Polish between themselves, and worshipped in Catholic churches.
    I.e. I guess that makes them Poles (?). Everything was completely integrated though, there didn't seem to be any schism about it.
    That was quite a surprise to me, I had not been aware of the history there, or had forgotten it.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Came across this by chance and wanted to share...

    Very noble!
    In hindsight, maybe the Soviet Union shouldn't have bothered with this.
    These people could have been stayed with Poland if that was preferable. It might be that it was wishful thinking on part of the USSR, that these regions wanted to be liberated. Or just plain geopolitics disguised as ideology. LOL, the rhetoric! Never heard anything like it in my life.

    PS - people from Ukraine or Russia probably know all about this, but it might be interesting for others...!

    When I was in Belarus, I visited an area where a lot of the old people spoke Polish between themselves, and worshipped in Catholic churches.
    I.e. I guess that makes them Poles (?). Everything was completely integrated though, there didn't seem to be any schism about it.
    That was quite a surprise to me, I had not been aware of the history there, or had forgotten it.
    Needless to say that in 1939-1940 the Soviets and Hitler's Germany were best friends and allies, and actually cooperated on their military actions, like that simultaneous occupation of Poland in 1939. Neither the nazi ideology nor Hitler's plans to take over the rest of Europe were deterioration for that cooperation. The Soviets only changed their mind a few years later, as they were explicitly attacked by their ally.

  5. #5
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    There's no wonder. If you have read Stalin's speeches of that period of time and the materials of the congresses of the communist party you would find that Stalin called fascists the regimes of such countries as Great Britain and Poland. And history shows that he was not far from the truth.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeMak View Post
    There's no wonder. If you have read Stalin's speeches of that period of time and the materials of the congresses of the communist party you would find that Stalin called fascists the regimes of such countries as Great Britain and Poland. And history shows that he was not far from the truth.
    Fascism means the state's absolute control over people's thoughts, will, and lifestyle. And from the history of those times, very few (if any at all) regimes were close to beating the USSR at that. Hitler's Germany was one of them, but it was more like a nazi regime. But if you want an example of an absolute totalitarian fascist state --- the USSR of the 1930s fits right in.

    And that nonsense the fascist commie rulers said about the UK and Poland cannot even be commented on...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    absolute control over people's thoughts, will, and lifestyle.
    up to date USA

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    Fascism means the state's absolute control over people's thoughts, will, and lifestyle. And from the history of those times, very few (if any at all) regimes were close to beating the USSR at that. Hitler's Germany was one of them, but it was more like a nazi regime. But if you want an example of an absolute totalitarian fascist state --- the USSR of the 1930s fits right in.

    And that nonsense the fascist commie rulers said about the UK and Poland cannot even be commented on...
    So you agree that fascism is not completely the same thing as nazism (which actually is a sort of fascism, but not the only possible one) let alone nationalism. So can you explain on what ground is based the above mentioned accusation of right-winged European parties in fascism?
    Oh, by the way, how can you comment the well-known Swedish friendly "neutrality" to the nazi's Germany during the WWII? For me it looks that Sweden was much more a German ally than the USSR. It used to supply the nazis with the iron ore and other materials all the way long.
    As for Poland, how could you comment that Poland tortured to death about 80 000 captive soldiers of the Red Army in their concentration camps during the 20s?
    Haven't you heard about Tuchola concentration camp?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    Fascism means the state's absolute control over people's thoughts, will, and lifestyle.
    Oh, RLY?? Where did you find this definition of fascism?

    What you're describing is totalitarianism which is absolutely not the same as fascism or nazism.
    dtrq likes this.

  10. #10
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lodka View Post
    Oh, RLY?? Where did you find this definition of fascism?

    What you're describing is totalitarianism which absolutely not the same as fascism or nazism.
    Ого, сколько у нас сейчас специалистов по фашизму, нацизму и тоталитаризму!
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Ого, сколько у нас сейчас специалистов по фашизму, нацизму и тоталитаризму!
    Не совсем понятен смысл подобных постов.
    Я ни сколько не оспариваю право кого бы-то ни было постить всё что угодно. Но все таки, какую информационную значимость сие высказывание должно иметь у читающего?
    Если же я по собственному скудоумию чегото не понял, то прошу не гнобить за тупость, а пролить свет на темноту недопонимания.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex_krsk View Post
    Не совсем понятен смысл подобных постов.
    Да что тут понимать-то. Г-же модератору хочется заткнуть рот тем, кто не считает СССР/РФ империей зла, но прямо же не напишешь, надо рамки приличий соблюдать. Вот и выдает замечания, которые ей самой почему-то кажутся содержательными и остроумными.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Ого, сколько у нас сейчас специалистов по фашизму, нацизму и тоталитаризму!
    А что поделать, врага надо знать в лицо. Можно, конечно, зарыть голову в песок, но это не убережет от проблем. Как говаривал товарищ Троцкий "если вы не интересуетесь мировой войной, это не значит, что она не интересуется вами".

  14. #14
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lodka View Post
    Да что тут понимать-то. Г-же модератору хочется заткнуть рот тем, кто не считает СССР/РФ империей зла, но прямо же не напишешь, надо рамки приличий соблюдать. Вот и выдает замечания, которые ей самой почему-то кажутся содержательными и остроумными.
    Нарушение правил форума. За выраженное несколько раз неуважение к модератору вам делается предупреждение №1. За нарушение правил форума следующий раз вы будете забанены на три дня.
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lodka View Post
    Oh, RLY?? Where did you find this definition of fascism?

    What you're describing is totalitarianism which is absolutely not the same as fascism or nazism.
    Of course, all he is doing is falsification of facts through mixing and substitution of concepts.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Нарушение правил форума. За выраженное несколько раз неуважение к модератору вам делается предупреждение №1. За нарушение правил форума следующий раз вы будете забанены на три дня.
    Тоталитаризм в действии.
    iCake, plosheet and lodka like this.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by The Guardian
    In a combative speech on Saturday following his swearing-in, Poroshenko said: "Crimea was, is, and will be Ukrainian." He was greeted with a
    standing ovation.

    Hm, I guess he flunked school history then?

    And I wonder what he's going to do about it, other than whinge to the USA.

    I am totally unimpressed that the Ukrainians AGAIN elect a billionaire oligarch and Western sycophant.
    The definition of madness is to continue doing the same thing repeatedly and expect a different outcome!

    How many years until the next revolution and what colour or flower is up for grabs? Since the Euromaidan is taken, maybe the Dollarmaidan next?

    How long until the next boxing match in the parliament?

    Do they seriously believe that EU is on the horizon for them and will do anything significant to improve things there? What do they expect from the USA?

    Obviously, it's up to them who runs their country, but to me, it seems that the circus continues, but not for Crimea, while Eastern Ukraine has civil war and Southern Ukraine mourns its innocent deaths.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeMak View Post
    Тоталитаризм в действии.
    Да, тотальное общепринятое правило на форумах. Вы, наверное, ни на каких других форумах не бываете. Вот, можете познакомиться:

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    вы будете забанены на три дня
    Во-первых, я это переживу без проблем.

    Во-вторых, а для чего такие большие буквы?

  20. #20
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    Я тут правила форума почитала (к слову сказать, их тут нет как таковых, а те, что есть, не так просто найти). Так вот, в них говорится: "Respect all forum users".
    Если уж на то пошло, то верх неуважения к участникам форума и в целом проявление крайней невоспитанности - это, встряв в дискуссию, заявить "ишь, сколько у нас экспертов по данному вопросу развелось", что и сделала Лампада.
    plosheet likes this.

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