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Thread: Latest from Ukraine

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  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Explain this, then?:

    Russian mother of seven accused of treason over Ukraine

    No troops are there, yet this Russian is getting arrested for ....'making things up?" That is treason?!? You will say anything.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Explain this, then?:

    Russian mother of seven accused of treason over Ukraine

    No troops are there, yet this Russian is getting arrested for ....'making things up?" That is treason?!? You will say anything.
    The "troops" under discussion is a radio-technical unit, their aim is reconnaissance and communication. The article you provided shows two heavy tanks which is impertinent to the case. So, the article is actually lying.
    Movement of the troops don't actually mean anything. First of all there has been several military exercises during last year in Russia. Secondly, even if that particularly division moved to the border of Ukraine it's explainable since the territory of the adjacent country after the coup d'etat has become the source of danger for Russia, so some measures to strengthen state borders are completely justified.

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    No troops are there, yet this Russian is getting arrested for ....'making things up?" That is treason?!? You will say anything.
    Assume for a moment, that a person in the US would call ISIS's headquarter "hot line" and say something like: "You know, I noticed some military guys are leaving the basis nearby and moving somewhere. Be aware of that, maybe this information will save lives of some jihad fighters!"

    What do you think the FBI's reaction to that would be? (Regardless of the fact that the US troops are actually not planning at this moment a ground operation against ISIS.)

    As a side note, that woman is no good spy. I mean, calling the open phone line of ANY EMBASSY (be it an embassy of Kazahstan, Belarus, Japan, China, the UK, or Antarctic Penguins') and thinking that line is not monitored by the Russian security is worse than naivette - it is either absolute stupidity or a public gesture - to become a 'prisoner of consciousness' or something like that. So, I think what the FSB is doing is sending everybody a message that this behaviour is a no-no, otherwise the ignorance in this case might cause other instances which might, actually, be harmful to the state. So, will this woman be released? I think yes, eventually, but she will spend quite some time in prison even before the court hearings to teach everybody a lesson that 'the FSB is not asleep, so mind what you're doing'. IMHO.

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Explain this, then?:

    Russian mother of seven accused of treason over Ukraine

    No troops are there, yet this Russian is getting arrested for ....'making things up?" That is treason?!? You will say anything.
    She called to an embassy of foreign country and reported classified information (movement of troops, even within borders of Russia is considered classified information according to Russian law). So according to the law (moral considerations apart), it's definitely a treason.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77 View Post
    She called to an embassy of foreign country and reported classified information (movement of troops, even within borders of Russia is considered classified information according to Russian law). So according to the law (moral considerations apart), it's definitely a treason.
    Regardless, the point is Russia keeps claiming they are not involved in the Ukraine conflict and that there's no troops there. Yet, there's evidence always being revealed that this claim is a lie.

    Mother of seven accused of treason released from jail amid outcry

    It might be technically 'treason' but this excuse is bogus.

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