Quote Originally Posted by UhOhXplode View Post
Why does it have to be a democracy? Not everyone wants to live in a democracy. Don't other countries have the right to self-determination?
Novorossiya is not a territory - it's a Republic. Imo, the Peoples Republic of Donetsk and the Peoples Republic of Lugansk both have the same right to self-determination that the Ukraine has. So if the Ukraine expects to have the right to self-determination then it must also give that right to those Republics.
The war against self-determination needs to end. It should have ended when the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic was formed.
Imo, the will of the people is way more important than terretorial integrity. But that's just me.
Sigh. Don't call it a democracy, then. Do you think the citizens are free there? I guess you didn't notice I put 'democracy' in quotes?

So, self-determination includes unilateral breaking away based on having guns pointed at your head? I know that a large percentage didn't want to join the 'new regime' in the rest of Ukraine (why do you use 'the Ukraine?). Many are pensioners, though. Many are indoctrinated via the old empire and system. But, I've talked to some people in that part (Donbass) and they are not big fans. Not everyone supports the system there so where does their 'determination' fit in?

I really don't care for either 'government/regime' especially if you consider 'Novorossiya' is governed by people with guns and that's their government in a nutshell. If the rest of Ukraine can organize and create some new parties (which they will need to if they want to end the status quo of oligarchs and politician collaboration), then they could change it. But, right now, I believe most are worried about jobs, the economy and what is next. But, I haven't read anything about Novorossiya that illustrates the ordinary citizen has 'freedom' unless they comply and abide by the desired system there.