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    Почтенный гражданин Serge_spb's Avatar
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    Let`s forget for a while about brave knigts from the russian epic`s wonderlands. Or cocky "kings of the backyards" who pretend to be the ones. Only ordinary, working individuals...

    The hidden truth is... That being russian actually means to be scared. Or, "socially unprotected" like they call it sometimes.

    Having lots of knowledge and experience helps to feel confident in everyday life. To predict what happens next minute. But not in a year... Somewhere in the deep you become concerned.

    Sanctions? It was funny at first, but then the humor faded...

    Just think...

    Food: prices increased on 15-20 %
    Euro\USD: increased on 20 %
    Inflation: 8 % \ year
    GDP: increase less than 0.1 %
    Industry: decreasing during last months, averege - 3 %
    Salaries: supposed to decrese (first time in 5 years!)

    Basic salary (St Petersburg, no qualification): from $500-700
    Basic salary (St Petersburg, bachelor graduate, no \ or little experience): from $750
    Rent (1 bedroom flat, suburbs, St Petersubg ): from $450+power

    Brent (Oil): decresed from $120 to $82-86 \ barrel. Our economy is designed for $96 price.
    Experts claim that there is no trouble for us as long as it is above $60-70.

    The economy is dependent from oil\gas exports. These export revenues used to pump other segments with money.
    Like in the same developing countries "cursed" with resources (Venesuela, Brazil, South Africa, Indonezia)
    the Russian economy is extremely unneffective.
    No new machineries can be ordered from the abroad and we are not able to construct our own.
    No long credits are available.
    Lots of oil-fields will stay outside of our reach.
    The main segment urgently needs help itself.

    Experts say that the bank system is about to collapse within a year. Depsite prime minister`s D. Medvedev convincing that it is impossible, experts from the rbc channel say that it is already isolated from the rest of the world .

    Promises like to "double GDP" are in history now. We have other ambitions today.

    Thinking about all of that, I suddenly got astonished. Sanctions might be counterproductive
    . But you can`t deny how powerful they are.

    If West does not give a s-t about Ukraine at all... Nevertheless, they succeed in pursuing their own goals.
    They did not sent the troops. Saved lots of their soldiers lifes.
    (I believe the whole drama would end pretty quickly if some old-style politician like G. Bush or M. Thatcher did!)
    But they made a better, crafty shot.

    Pretendting to be a bunch of hesitant cowards, who can only "be concerned" - they actually overwhelmed us
    with a huge knock out.

    Please notice that we actually had problems before. It was expected for big changes to happen somewhere between 2016 and 2020. The sanctions played a role of a catalyst. Since we do not produce anything real... If the situation continues to deteriorate - then level of living in Russia will fall within one or two years. Then, the russian Maidan might happen. But, unlike Ukrainian - it is gonna be much more brutal and extended. We don`t have the kind of a unity like the majority of ukrainians do. Lots of groups who are "protesters" today might be on the different sides of barricades tomorrow. Like pro-communism, pro-democratic, pro-nationalism, pro-united russia (current ruling party) etc etc. Everyone would have an urge to become the one who is calling the shots. That might last for several years.

    Then... all my dreams and goals which I expected to achieve by the age of 30 will be suspended for 5-10 years.
    And I could just stay in the EU, living not the best possible but stable life. But decided to take a risk and return.

    What a joke, huh?

    It`s good when you see russia through a window of expensive german vehicle. Or read optimistic news on your american Iphone. Or sit at the warm Starbucks with some easy-minded friends. But this whole tampered reality can break into pieces in one moment.

    For some d-bags who are rich with advices like "stop whining and work harder": I`ll be fine. But the others won`t... All of us could actually live a better life. We f-ed up everything. Again.

    We never learn.

    P.S. My father was 26 when Soviet Union has fallen. I`m 26 now. How symbolyc, isn`t it?

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    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Last edited by Lampada; October 25th, 2014 at 07:34 AM. Reason: Off-topic

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин diogen_'s Avatar
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    Wow, should I draw the conclusion, that you base your emotional well-being entirely on a number of things you can consume at any moment. Thirty per cent more, and you are happy, and, visa versa, thirty per cent less, and you feel down in the chops. That’s funny, but, methinks, psyche does not work in such a straightforward way. It’s exactly what sanctions instigators want you to make believe to reach their pernicious goals of destroying the Russian statehood)).

    Anyway, Russia has quite a few oil reserves and, given that world can enjoy consuming oil on only for the next forty five years*, you may safely reestablish your emotional state and be sure the prices are going to skyrocket one day or another.

    Известная пословица будет звучать через двадцать лет примерно так: “У кого нет нефти, тот не ест” )).

    *Запасы, производство и потребление нефти по странам мира

    PS.For now, you can comfort yourself with a brand new thought provoking fairytale, if you like)).

    So, while you struggle to make ends meet, oligarchs are given privileges and the general populace are being replaced by the new mongol hordes.
    14Russian, why should we be so spooky of mongols anyway? A certain American wit already noted that a Russian is “a person with a Caucasian body and a Mongolian soul. A Tartar Emetic.” Are you a racist, btw?

    RUSSIAN - Ambrose Bierce
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  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Last edited by Lampada; October 25th, 2014 at 07:38 AM. Reason: Переход на личности. Неуважение

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин diogen_'s Avatar
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    @14Russian Sorry, I’m authentic Russian and look like a Caucasian in case it matters in any way.))

    But you seem to confirm some racist streak in your personality, do you? I guess 14 may stand for "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." does it not?

    The slogan was coined by David Lane, a member of the white supremacist terrorist group known as The Order (Lane died in prison in 2007). The term reflects the primary white supremacist worldview in the late 20th and early 21st centuries: that unless immediate action is taken, the white race is doomed to extinction by an alleged "rising tide of color" purportedly controlled and manipulated by Jews.

    Because of its widespread popularity, white supremacists reference this slogan constantly, in its full form as well as in abbreviated versions such as "14 Words", "Fourteen Words," or simply the number "14."

    14 Words

    As for sanctions, Obama indeed seems to know how to make people suffer but I guess we’ll endure any temporary hardships, anyway. And I never wrote the opposite in my previous post, if you try to read it with full attention. So, your six links to disprove I don’t know actually what look like a sophistry.))

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diogen_ View Post
    @14Russian Sorry, I’m authentic Russian and look like a Caucasian in case it matters in any way.))
    No, I could care less. You can say anything you want. But, you seem obsessed with accusations because you can't refute my critiques or the info I presented.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by diogen_ View Post
    @14Russian Sorry, I’m authentic Russian and look like a Caucasian in case it matters in any way.))

    But you seem to confirm some racist streak in your personality, do you? I guess 14 may stand for "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." does it not?

    14 Words

    As for sanctions, Obama indeed seems to know how to make people suffer but I guess we’ll endure any temporary hardships, anyway. And I never wrote the opposite in my previous post, if you try to read it with full attention. So, your six links to disprove I don’t know actually what look like a sophistry.))
    Your rulers who in fact brought those "temporary" hardships on you with their headless military games will, however, keep enjoying their lives just as before, and won't give a darn about any of you, but many of you still think they are great. Your rulers couldn't dream of a better crowd. Though, if the majority of you guys thought the way the OP does, your country might just have a chance.

    By the way, as one popular Soviet joke said, "The only permanent thing in the Soviet Union is the temporary hardships."
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  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Putin et el. (Putin clans, rival clans, Kremlin officials and clowns etc. etc.) don't care about ordinary Russians and in particular, ethnic Russians (clueless, alleged ethnic Russians aside) - and many are disillusioned, I've learned and the feelings of hopelessness have led to indifference of current politics and situation (for many/most?).

    Eurasian Customs Union: Advantages and Disadvantages - Hazar Strateji Enstit

    A More Imperfect Union | The Interpreter

    Crime rates among Moscow migrants rise by third - Investigative Committee | Russia Beyond The Headlines

    Russia Has World's 2nd Largest Number of Immigrants – UN Study | Russia | RIA Novosti

    I just tried to assert the theory that Putin's goal of State brainwashing (media is all concentrated and any private media is pressured to conform to Kremlin wishes/aims) and economic gains for just a few - is very similar in many ways to the West. So, one is not 'better' but the 'EurAsian' goal of Putin et. al. is a desired and purposeful design to replace ethnic Russians with peoples from aforementioned areas - and the trade deals made or attempted are proof of this. They are by design with such areas. But, the likelihood that Russians will gain from this is slim to none. Just read the arguments/rationale of the articles. When the Western countries applauded free trade, they made it sound like fantasy and a fairy tale but the only benefactors were affluent and wealthy CEOs/corporations at the top and the foreigners who were given the privilege to make the products abroad (or who emigrated to the West). Trade surpluses soon became deficits - unless, you think the USA made like bandits compared to China/Mexico etc. I don't think so....

    (Deleted. L.)
    Last edited by Lampada; October 27th, 2014 at 04:04 AM. Reason: Переход на личности

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин diogen_'s Avatar
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    So, one is not 'better' but the 'EurAsian' goal of Putin et. al. is a desired and purposeful design to replace ethnic Russians with peoples from aforementioned areas - and the trade deals made or attempted are proof of this.
    Why does he need all that after all? Why is he so extremele unhappy with the existing and very loyal to him population that his clique covertly designs such a “global cleansing” plan?

    They are by design with such areas. But, the likelihood that Russians will gain from this is slim to none. Just read the arguments/rationale of the articles. When the Western countries applauded free trade, they made it sound like fantasy and a fairy tale but the only benefactors were affluent and wealthy CEOs/corporations at the top and the foreigners who were given the privilege to make the products abroad (or who emigrated to the West). Trade surpluses soon became deficits - unless, you think the USA made like bandits compared to China/Mexico etc. I don't think so....
    If the situation is so debilitating for Russia as you write here why an American leading energy expert is so afraid of Putin’s challenge? (N1 bestseller in Oil & Energy Industry at the moment).

    Russia is in the midst of a rapid economic and geopolitical renaissance under the rule of Vladimir Putin, a tenacious KGB officer turned modern-day tsar. Understanding his rise to power provides the keys to understanding the shift in the energy trade from Saudi Arabia to Russia. This powerful new position threatens to unravel the political dominance of the United States once and for all.
    If Putin's plans are successful, not only will Russia be able to starve other countries of power, but the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) will replace the G7 in wealth and clout. The Colder War takes a hard look at what is to come in a new global energy market that is certain to cause unprecedented impact on the U.S. dollar and the American way of life.

    The Colder War: How the Global Energy Trade Slipped from America's Grasp: Marin Katusa
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  10. #10
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diogen_ View Post
    Why does he need all that after all? Why is he so extremely* unhappy with the existing and very loyal to him population that his clique covertly designs such a “global cleansing” plan?
    Because, the only real opposition or opposition to fear are ethnic (Russian) nationalists (ethno-nationalists) - your 'Russia for Russians' type of people. In other words, those with that mindset. He doesn't give a flying **** about ppl coming over from Chechnya, others from Caucasus, muslims etc. etc. - they come over and worship the Kremlin - which has laws and policies beneficial for them. In Russia, it's a much better situation than where they come from. They are also cheap labour for his EurAsian economic plan. However, the 'loyal population' can turn on a dime. So far, the propaganda works. But, when the economy and each citizens' personal situation is tolerable, there is no real dissent. But, that can realistically change. Does that answer your question?

    If the situation is so debilitating for Russia as you write here why an American leading energy expert is so afraid of Putin’s challenge? (N1 bestseller in Oil & Energy Industry at the moment).

    The Colder War: How the Global Energy Trade Slipped from America's Grasp: Marin Katusa
    Snooze. I showed you articles about the decline and potential economic problems so if some American wants to stir up controversy in the U.S., so what? He wants to sell some books.

    I don't know how many people will propose that Russia's economy is somehow immune to recession or problems especially considering the isolationist sanctions going on. Sure, he can trade with other Eurasian Customs Union bloc countries like the -stan countries - which are leading the world with products right now? Um, wait.... Okay, then China.... Ummmm.... China has a surplus with most countries (all?) so how is that going to work? Russia has oil but Putin et el. have mismanaged the economy other than that..... sure, it has a better PR image than the Soviet collapse but to say that they are an economic powerhouse somehow? There are some good points in the book but Russian citizens will probably not benefit compared to the oligarchs and high profile people in Putin's circle. The ones that own and control the natural resources and energy sector.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serge_spb View Post
    Just think...

    Food: prices increased on 15-20 %
    Euro\USD: increased on 20 %
    Inflation: 8 % \ year
    GDP: increase less than 0.1 %
    Industry: decreasing during last months, averege - 3 %
    Salaries: supposed to decrese (first time in 5 years!)
    Yes, that is a problem.
    But the alternative is worse. The US does not need powerful Russia and the US currently rules the world, yes, rules.
    Sanctions has shown that Russia needs to be more independent, otherwise it will break to pieces.
    It will be bad couple of years but it's not the end of the world.
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  12. #12
    Почтенный гражданин diogen_'s Avatar
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    Does that answer your question?
    So, you believe that Putin is stealthily but actively contriving something as bad as wiping out all ethical Russian population just to prevent any possibility of opposition to his rule in the future, right? A sort of preventive measure, say, to avoid any trouble that might occur? Almost unbelievable,but in this case he is worse off than Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot put together. I need to have some sanity check to embrace the info.))

    Snooze. I showed you articles about the decline and potential economic problems so if some American wants to stir up controversy in the U.S., so what? He wants to sell some books.
    How do you know the difference between those who write just to “sell some books” and those “honest journalists” who write “the truth and the whole truth”?

    Anyway, Rosneft just a month ago found out a huge oil reserve that can meet the needs of the whole world for ten years. I guess it can solve quite a lot of problems you mentioned. The only minor obstacle for now is how to bypass the US sanctions. Hopefully, Putin is actively seeking the solutions that can guarantee the safe state of his head)).

    "Роснефть" впервые за 50 лет открыла новую Карскую морскую провинцию, которая является продолжением на морской шельф крупнейших нефтегазоносных структур Западной Сибири. Новая провинция, по оценкам экспертов, превосходит такие нефтегазоносные провинции, как Мексиканский залив, бразильский шельф, арктический шельф Аляски и Канады, и сравнима со всей текущей ресурсной базой Саудовской Аравии. Континентальный шельф России - крупнейший в мире источник неразведанных ресурсов углеводородов, перспективные ресурсы которого в 13 раз превышают запасы Северного моря и Мексиканского залива вместе взятых.
    ТАСС: Экономика и бизнес - "

    BTW, why are you so "emotionally excited" about Putin? Are you scared of his advance to the West?
    Hanna and UhOhXplode like this.

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  14. #14
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diogen_ View Post
    So, you believe that Putin is stealthily but actively contriving something as bad as wiping out all ethical Russian population just to prevent any possibility of opposition to his rule in the future, right? A sort of preventive measure, say, to avoid any trouble that might occur? Almost unbelievable,but in this case he is worse off than Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot put together. I need to have some sanity check to embrace the info.))

    Anyway, Rosneft just a month ago found out a huge oil reserve that can meet the needs of the whole world for ten years. I guess it can solve quite a lot of problems you mentioned. The only minor obstacle for now is how to bypass the US sanctions. Hopefully, Putin is actively seeking the solutions that can guarantee the safe state of his head)).

    BTW, why are you so "emotionally excited" about Putin? Are you scared of his advance to the West?
    Both Russia and the West should be scared of China, if they are scared of anyone. Russia has too many problems to be competitive.

    You are hopeless. Feel free to continue your brainwashing and stay the course with no critical skills or objectivity, whatsoever. I already posted links on the economy situation regarding Russia - I gave both Western and Russian links for good measure.

    Here are two links about immigration situation.
    Russia: The World's Second-Largest Immigration Haven | The National Interest Blog

    One would have to be totally naiive and oblivious to mock the assertion he's trying to alter the population demographics. I am not sure what more you want.

    Russia's Great-Power Problem | The National Interest

    So, Russia has energy and little else. The government neglects the citizens like the OP (read original post) and doesn't give a **** about ethnic Russians and their struggles so they bring in tons of immigrations from other nations. Have fun in prosperous Russia.... I'm sure Russia will be the leader of economic nations before too long.

  15. #15
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    I know you don't like my posts (few here, do) but I'd like to pass this along...

    Мэрия Москвы не согласовала
    В Нижневартовске отменили "

    I have empathy and feel sorry for these Russians - cannot even protest in their own country. I guess many citizens don't care and after all, the great EurAsian economic miracle will out weigh what some (Deleted. L.) Russians want to do like go outside and complain.
    Last edited by Lampada; November 1st, 2014 at 01:02 AM. Reason: Оскорбительное высказывание

  16. #16
    Почтенный гражданин Serge_spb's Avatar
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    That`s a real (and by the way the last) novel from the series of a year 2008.
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  17. #17
    Почтенный гражданин diogen_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    I know you don't like my posts (few here, do) but I'd like to pass this along...
    Why should I dislike your posts. They are so unusually direct and straightforward. You don’t bother yourself with a train of softening lines to mask your true feeling but take the bull by its horns instead. Quite Russian approach. I appreciate it.

    Now I understand that everything is about conspiracy. Yellow races and probaly some others are harboring plans to annihilate the white race and Putin is their secret emissary, trojan horse so to speak. Gotcha)).
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  18. #18
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diogen_ View Post
    Why should I dislike your posts. They are so unusually direct and straightforward. You don’t bother yourself with a train of softening lines to mask your true feeling but take the bull by its horns instead. Quite Russian approach. I appreciate it.

    Now I understand that everything is about conspiracy. Yellow races and probaly some others are harboring plans to annihilate the white race and Putin is their secret emissary, trojan horse so to speak. Gotcha)).
    I like this diogen fella. Says I sound like a Russian but then acts like a typical Westerner. Ironic, isn't it?

  19. #19
    Почтенный гражданин Serge_spb's Avatar
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    Black Thursday...

    EUR \ RUB

    USD \ RUB

    RTS index,

  20. #20
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Serge, what do you think of the recent deal with China? I think Putin should be called out by more people there now. It's just insanity... a worse deal than with Europe OR Ukraine...not to mention Russia has to build the infrastructure to no cost to China. Then Russia is providing cheap gas at China's price request. Putin is gutless just like any other government leader but he's using Kremlin propaganda to sell it as some sort of victory... LOL. I empathize, honestly. It's really serious and unfunny, actually.

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