Does that answer your question?
So, you believe that Putin is stealthily but actively contriving something as bad as wiping out all ethical Russian population just to prevent any possibility of opposition to his rule in the future, right? A sort of preventive measure, say, to avoid any trouble that might occur? Almost unbelievable,but in this case he is worse off than Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot put together. I need to have some sanity check to embrace the info.))

Snooze. I showed you articles about the decline and potential economic problems so if some American wants to stir up controversy in the U.S., so what? He wants to sell some books.
How do you know the difference between those who write just to “sell some books” and those “honest journalists” who write “the truth and the whole truth”?

Anyway, Rosneft just a month ago found out a huge oil reserve that can meet the needs of the whole world for ten years. I guess it can solve quite a lot of problems you mentioned. The only minor obstacle for now is how to bypass the US sanctions. Hopefully, Putin is actively seeking the solutions that can guarantee the safe state of his head)).

"Роснефть" впервые за 50 лет открыла новую Карскую морскую провинцию, которая является продолжением на морской шельф крупнейших нефтегазоносных структур Западной Сибири. Новая провинция, по оценкам экспертов, превосходит такие нефтегазоносные провинции, как Мексиканский залив, бразильский шельф, арктический шельф Аляски и Канады, и сравнима со всей текущей ресурсной базой Саудовской Аравии. Континентальный шельф России - крупнейший в мире источник неразведанных ресурсов углеводородов, перспективные ресурсы которого в 13 раз превышают запасы Северного моря и Мексиканского залива вместе взятых.
ТАСС: Экономика и бизнес - "

BTW, why are you so "emotionally excited" about Putin? Are you scared of his advance to the West?