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Thread: The end.

  1. #61
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hddscan View Post
    That's an effing lie. He has never said "I feel no responsibility for collapse of rouble", this is completely made up. Although I'm not surprised, because it's the Guardian.
    Where has he said he takes full responsibility? Or any responsibility? Find me one site, whether Western or Russian or any source.

    He blames the West for part of it and low oil prices but never takes any responsibility at all or talks about his policies. He makes a vague reference in that video regarding 'heads of state' but that's it.

    He also looks like he's going on full nutso mode:
    Vladimir Putin in bizarre rant accusing the West of 'ripping out' Russia's claws - Mirror Online

    Putin blames Western sanctions for economic crisis | Fox News

    Putin speech sparks more ruble volatility.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by diogen_ View Post
    Putin is not as naive as you might imagine to be lulled and mesmerized by such "soothing" lullabies of the West.))

    Putin: I feel no responsibility for collapse of rouble | World news | The Guardian
    The question is not how naive Putin is. The question is, how naive his followers among ordinary Russians are, and if there are limits for that naiveness at all.

  3. #63
    Почтенный гражданин UhOhXplode's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    I hate buck inflation, and you're right - anything that is higher than 4% a year is NOT ok.

    As for the ruble - it's just an asset, and its value is dependent on the financial rating of the issuer (i.e. Russia), which is now kinda going down the drain. The fall of the prices of the most (if not only) strategical resource, unreasonable foreign & domestic policies (including the infamous ban on imports), etc. are all creating a pretty shady image for the country, which immediately affects its financial rating. We can wait and see if it's going to start changing to the better at some point, but it's obviously impossible without some global refactoring on the way that country is doing its business.
    Well, at least new movies haven't changed up much. I got Transformers "Age of Extinction", Star Trek "Into Darkness", and The Hobbit "Desolation of Smaug" for less than $50. But 20 oz cokes are $1.50 now ($1 last year) and Trollies are $1.99 ($1.69 last year) and they don't even have the worms (just Tropic-O's and Bears). I bought these when I shot the photo of the gas pump today.

    Dunno what the asset and issuer thing's all about but yeah, they definitely nned to get all that refactored or whatever. Putin needs to have some serious discussions with the global financial leaders and learn what he can do that will save the ruble without seriously messing up Russia. There's gotta be a way to do that.
    Лучше смерть, чем бесчестие! Тем временем: Вечно молодой, Вечно пьяный. - Смысловые Галлюцинации, Чартова дюжина 2015!
    Пожалуйста, исправьте мои ошибки. Спасибо.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Where has he said he takes full responsibility? Or any responsibility? Find me one site, whether Western or Russian or any source.
    I guess you are banned in google
    But here you go - Путин заявил, что не уходит от ответственности за ситуацию в стране |

    Quote Originally Posted by Putin
    "Ответственность за все, что происходит в стране, всегда лежит на главе государства, ну и дальше по ранжиру вниз"
    "От этой ответственности я никогда не уклонялся и уклоняться не собираюсь"

  5. #65
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    P.S. Россияне активно скупают товары. Чуют, что на прежней зарплате плазма в новом году не станет шире, а кухня новее.
    Yes, people try to get rid of roubles. What they are supposed to do with 4 new huge TV sets?
    Foreigners (guests from Kazakhstan) participate in the campaign, too. They are purchasing apartments... What will they do with them ?
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  6. #66
    Почтенный гражданин UhOhXplode's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Where has he said he takes full responsibility? Or any responsibility? Find me one site, whether Western or Russian or any source.

    He blames the West for part of it and low oil prices but never takes any responsibility at all or talks about his policies. He makes a vague reference in that video regarding 'heads of state' but that's it.

    He also looks like he's going on full nutso mode:
    Vladimir Putin in bizarre rant accusing the West of 'ripping out' Russia's claws - Mirror Online

    Crisis, what crisis? Putin's marathon news conference -

    Putin blames Western sanctions for economic crisis | Fox News

    Putin speech sparks more ruble volatility.
    zOOmg! You post one UK and three US media links and you didn't expect Putin to appear full-on nutjob? Ой, как смешно!
    If you really wanted to know, you shoulda checked out President Putin's Q&A session. There was a live-feed article for that in Rossiyskaya gazeta.
    But with 4 western links and a 29 second quip from Live News, what did you expect?
    To see the other side of the story:
    рубль Путин

    About the 29 second quip from Live News - You don't have to be an economist to understand Forex Trading. And with a plunging ruble that can be serious profits when the ruble rises again.
    Forex Trading

    I totally do get why Putin and the Central Bank stopped propping up the ruble. I mean, why lose valuable assets when a huge plunge can create seriously profitable currency exchanges. It's a Russian gold mine, right now, for Russia.

    Also this.

    If those EU sanctions get lifted then the ruble value will definitely rise.
    Лучше смерть, чем бесчестие! Тем временем: Вечно молодой, Вечно пьяный. - Смысловые Галлюцинации, Чартова дюжина 2015!
    Пожалуйста, исправьте мои ошибки. Спасибо.

  7. #67
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Perhaps, other Russians can comment?: Perhaps, he is saying he'll take responsibility but it sounds like he'll be 'responsible now.' Putin is not taking the blame for the predicament or saying he contributed to it in a signficant way. Nevertheless, it doesn't matter, does it? These problems were inevitable and he stole from the people with his oligarch friends. It's been happening for decades and stupid people there either put their heads in the sand or even supported the burglary.

    I think, here, he blames the central banks in a vague statement?:
    "В целом должна быть поднята персональная ответственность в Центральном банке и ответственных сотрудников правительства РФ за результаты работы на каждом участке, который им доверен. Вместе с тем считаю, что в целом административные структуры правительственной и финансовой власти справляются с тем задачами и проблемами, перед которыми стоит сегодня страна", — отметил он.

  8. #68
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UhOhXplode View Post
    zOOmg! You post one UK and three US media links
    Blah, blah, blah...too much nonsense from your reply....enjoy Putin's speeches about bears.

  9. #69
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    Yes, people try to get rid of roubles. What they are supposed to do with 4 new huge TV sets?
    Foreigners (guests from Kazakhstan) participate in the campaign, too. They are purchasing apartments... What will they do with them ?
    Dunno about the TVs but people still need a place to live.... They will rent them out? Perhaps, they anticipate inflation in rental fees?

  10. #70
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    They will rent them out? Perhaps, they anticipate inflation in rental fees?
    Probably so. But apartments are very expensive, it will take ages to cover spent sums.
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Perhaps, other Russians can comment?: Perhaps, he is saying he'll take responsibility but it sounds like he'll be 'responsible now.'
    Perhaps you just need to accept that you've been brainfooked my Western MSM and the reality is not as they told you.

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Serge_spb View Post
    15.12.2014 Monday
    Time 19 hundreed.
    Somewhere in Russia...

    77.8 Rub \ Eur
    62 Rub \ USD
    RTS 718 (- 10 % )
    After everything Russia's been through in your lifetime, is this really what you call "the end"?
    I realise it's scary and incredibly frustrating for normal people whose money lose their value.
    Russia hasn't been treated fairly by the West at all. But those really suffering are those in Eastern Ukraine.

    Seriously, Serge, in 3 years time, you will be on the beach in Crimea, drinking Pina Colada with a very expensive electronic gadget in your hand, and the Russian flag over your head. You will smile as you remember this. That's my prediction.

    The sad part of this is, where will a certain neighbouring brother country of Russia be? They'll be on their knees in debt to the IMF, Washington and exploited by the EU. That's the real tragedy in this.

    So don't lose track of the bigger picture.
    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
    Now everyone's children get a tiny taste of what people went through in Russia, in the 1990s.
    UhOhXplode likes this.

  13. #73
    Почтенный гражданин Serge_spb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    After everything Russia's been through in your lifetime, is this really what you call "the end"?
    I realise it's scary and incredibly frustrating for normal people whose money lose their value.
    Russia hasn't been treated fairly by the West at all. But those really suffering are those in Eastern Ukraine.

    Seriously, Serge, in 3 years time, you will be on the beach in Crimea, drinking Pina Colada with a very expensive electronic gadget in your hand, and the Russian flag over your head. You will smile as you remember this. That's my prediction.

    The sad part of this is, where will a certain neighbouring brother country of Russia be? They'll be on their knees in debt to the IMF, Washington and exploited by the EU. That's the real tragedy in this.

    So don't lose track of the bigger picture.
    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
    Now everyone's children get a tiny taste of what people went through in Russia, in the 1990s.
    Have you read the thread?

  14. #74
    Почтенный гражданин Serge_spb's Avatar
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    Крупные продавцы одежды приостановили поставку в Россию

    Крупные продавцы одежды приостановили поставку в Россию. Причина – валютный кризис и высокий курс доллара и евро. Магазины ждут отскока и не исключают на это время арендных каникул

    Как сообщает газета «Ведомости», среди компаний, приостановивших поставки в магазины, такие крупные игроки, как Inditex (Zara, Oysho и Bershka), а также BNS Group, управляющая в России сетями Calvin Klein, Armani Jeans, Michael Kors и TopShop. Гендиректор последней рассказал, что компания взяла паузу до конца 2014 – первой недели 2015 года. Исключением стали бренды fast fashion, распространяемые через TopShop. По ним поставки продолжаются, хотя их объемы сократились.

    «Цена закупки виртуальная, никто не знает, по какому курсу считать», – поясняет ретейлер, указав, что рисков пока нет – в Азии поставщиков много, и в случае необходимости может подстраховать Узбекистан.

    Sela в настоящее время ведет переговоры по ценам, а обувная сеть Zenden утверждает, что некоторые ретейлеры отказываются от уже заказанного товара в Китае. По словам еще одного источника «Ведомостей», во время ноябрьского валютного скачка продавцы подняли цены на 23% в нижнем ценовом сегменте и это обрушило продажи. «Пришлось вернуться к прежней цене», – объяснил он.

    Продавцы по разному пытаются решить вопрос с арендой. В регионах они просят сети об арендных каникулах, а в Москве компания Immofinanz (управляет ТРЦ «Золотой Вавилон» и «Гудзон») предложила временное снижение арендных платежей на индивидуальной основе, чтобы помочь сократить затраты из-за девальвации рубля.

    В следующих сезонах потребители столкнутся со «стилевым однообразием» и сокращением количества товара по мере увеличения размера, говорит управляющий директор Esper Group Дарья Ядерная. Zenden сократила закупку обуви на весну/лето 2015 года на 20% пар. BNS Group скорректирует объемы поставок «как минимум пропорционально изменению валютного курса», говорит ее генеральный директор Денис .Богатырев. «Такого изобилия и вариативности, как раньше, в 2015 году не будет», – считает он.

    Крупные продавцы одежды приостановили поставку - РБК

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serge_spb View Post
    В следующих сезонах потребители столкнутся со «стилевым однообразием» и сокращением количества товара по мере увеличения размера, говорит управляющий директор Esper Group Дарья Ядерная.
    Russia would finally find the art of online purchases. Lot's of things to chose from and cheaper than in retail stores.
    UhOhXplode likes this.

  16. #76
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hddscan View Post
    Perhaps you just need to accept that you've been brainfooked by *neo-Soviet /Kremlin media* and the reality is not as they told you.
    I fixed that for you.

    I'm anti-West as they come but, woooooo, guess what, I can acknowledge the propaganda the Kremlin dishes out. You are lied to over and over so guess what that makes you, when you keep believing it? Putinboots and company have ****** Russia over and the country is not sustaining itself. There have been no plans or policies to sustain itself in case of a downturn in the major industries like the oil/gas sector. Western countries are not sustaining either but no one has confidence in the ruble. It's not a world-wide currency. Russia is not importing much other than a few resources/goods. Corruption is rampant. There are plenty of brainwashed zombies though that won't criticize the government to any real signficant extent. Even when the country is collapsing, there will still be citizens claiming the US boogyman did something. Yes, the US and other western nations do pull strings but for Russia's economy, at face value, that is on the government for having no economic policy that can sustain downturns. Not to mention the country giving itself to China, most recently. Talk about gullible... It's a real shame.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    I'm anti-West as they come
    I'm sorry but I can't agree with you on that or maybe you hide it very well.
    Moreover the way you present your information sources show that you are always getting one side of the story, which means you are not operating with facts but with propaganda only
    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    You are lied to over and over
    Hmm, let's face the facts, shall we?
    You asked to confirm where Putin says that he takes responsibility, I gave you that and please note that information sources you read did not give you that information i.e. they lied to you.
    Now you still insist that I'm being lied to over and over but in reality it's the other way around. I guess that makes you what? Harperbot?
    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    There have been no plans or policies to sustain itself in case of a downturn in the major industries like the oil/gas sector.
    True, and this is completely and entirely fault of Russian government - Putin's government and Yeltsin's and Medvedev's.
    Although I finally see something good happening about that not that it is Putin's desire but rather inevitability of the situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Western countries are not sustaining either but no one has confidence in the ruble. It's not a world-wide currency.
    Do I need to care about that? And why?
    BTW I have no plans to keep my earnings in Canadian dollar and I bet I'm not alone. Does it make Canadian currency unimportant?
    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Even when the country is collapsing, there will still be citizens claiming the US boogyman did something.
    Hold to that thought
    Now go and read all those precious MSM you've been referring to.
    You'll find that they all claim loud and ambitious that the sanctions are working and Russian economy is hurt because of that.
    So what is it? Do they work or do they not? You can't have it both ways.

  18. #78
    Почтенный гражданин UhOhXplode's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serge_spb View Post
    Have you read the thread?
    I have and I've also read every link. And I've been following the events in the western and eastern media.
    And I totally agree with Hanna's post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Serge_spb View Post
    Крупные продавцы одежды приостановили поставку в Россию
    Крупные продавцы одежды приостановили поставку в Россию. Причина – валютный кризис и высокий курс доллара и евро. Магазины ждут отскока и не исключают на это время арендных каникул


    Как сообщает газета «Ведомости», среди компаний, приостановивших поставки в магазины, такие крупные игроки, как Inditex (Zara, Oysho и Bershka), а также BNS Group, управляющая в России сетями Calvin Klein, Armani Jeans, Michael Kors и TopShop. Гендиректор последней рассказал, что компания взяла паузу до конца 2014 – первой недели 2015 года. Исключением стали бренды fast fashion, распространяемые через TopShop. По ним поставки продолжаются, хотя их объемы сократились.
    «Цена закупки виртуальная, никто не знает, по какому курсу считать», – поясняет ретейлер, указав, что рисков пока нет – в Азии поставщиков много, и в случае необходимости может подстраховать Узбекистан.
    Sela в настоящее время ведет переговоры по ценам, а обувная сеть Zenden утверждает, что некоторые ретейлеры отказываются от уже заказанного товара в Китае. По словам еще одного источника «Ведомостей», во время ноябрьского валютного скачка продавцы подняли цены на 23% в нижнем ценовом сегменте и это обрушило продажи. «Пришлось вернуться к прежней цене», – объяснил он.
    Продавцы по разному пытаются решить вопрос с арендой. В регионах они просят сети об арендных каникулах, а в Москве компания Immofinanz (управляет ТРЦ «Золотой Вавилон» и «Гудзон») предложила временное снижение арендных платежей на индивидуальной основе, чтобы помочь сократить затраты из-за девальвации рубля.
    В следующих сезонах потребители столкнутся со «стилевым однообразием» и сокращением количества товара по мере увеличения размера, говорит управляющий директор Esper Group Дарья Ядерная. Zenden сократила закупку обуви на весну/лето 2015 года на 20% пар. BNS Group скорректирует объемы поставок «как минимум пропорционально изменению валютного курса», говорит ее генеральный директор Денис .Богатырев. «Такого изобилия и вариативности, как раньше, в 2015 году не будет», – считает он.
    Крупные продавцы одежды приостановили поставку - РБК
    First it was furniture and appliances, now it's clothing. But these are stores that sell a lot of imports so that should have been expected.
    Buy Russian. Problem solved. Or buy online, that's always cheaper.
    But I would like to see how it's spun in the Russian media - Not the US/UK/Finnish media being corroborated by the Dutch Moscow/St. Peterburg Times. That's a bit too expat to be Russian.

    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    I'm anti-West as they come but, woooooo, guess what, I can acknowledge the propaganda the Kremlin dishes out. You are lied to over and over so guess what that makes you, when you keep believing it? Putinboots and company have ****** Russia over and the country is not sustaining itself. There have been no plans or policies to sustain itself in case of a downturn in the major industries like the oil/gas sector. Western countries are not sustaining either but no one has confidence in the ruble. It's not a world-wide currency. Russia is not importing much other than a few resources/goods. Corruption is rampant. There are plenty of brainwashed zombies though that won't criticize the government to any real signficant extent. Even when the country is collapsing, there will still be citizens claiming the US boogyman did something. Yes, the US and other western nations do pull strings but for Russia's economy, at face value, that is on the government for having no economic policy that can sustain downturns. Not to mention the country giving itself to China, most recently. Talk about gullible... It's a real shame.
    I may respond to that (bold) when I stop rolling all over the floor laughing...
    It was Vladimir Putin that paid off the old USSR debts - including the hardcore Paris Club of Creditors - and made Russia one of the most solvent countries in the world.
    So if anyone knows how to pull Russia out of a financial disaster, it's definitely Vladimir Putin. He already proved, after the 1990's, that he can.
    Лучше смерть, чем бесчестие! Тем временем: Вечно молодой, Вечно пьяный. - Смысловые Галлюцинации, Чартова дюжина 2015!
    Пожалуйста, исправьте мои ошибки. Спасибо.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by UhOhXplode View Post
    I have and I've also read every link. And I've been following the events in the western and eastern media.
    And I totally agree with Hanna's post.

    First it was furniture and appliances, now it's clothing. But these are stores that sell a lot of imports so that should have been expected.
    Buy Russian. Problem solved. Or buy online, that's always cheaper.
    But I would like to see how it's spun in the Russian media - Not the US/UK/Finnish media being corroborated by the Dutch Moscow/St. Peterburg Times. That's a bit too expat to be Russian.

    I may respond to that (bold) when I stop rolling all over the floor laughing...
    It was Vladimir Putin that paid off the old USSR debts - including the hardcore Paris Club of Creditors - and made Russia one of the most solvent countries in the world.
    So if anyone knows how to pull Russia out of a financial disaster, it's definitely Vladimir Putin. He already proved, after the 1990's, that he can.
    (Deleted. L.)
    Yes, he'll just go in the shop and buy those nice Russian pants, jacket and shirt he's always wanted. Plus, the cars, appliances, furniture - all made in Russia? Of course, online shopping is getting bigger and it's a resource to get a good deal but while people are buying online, your neighbourhood shop is not making money. They probably shouldn't charge so much but then the markup is there because they bought online themselves. So, buying online HELPS you to some extent but that doesn't mean the economy will pick up. Most people know about ebay, paypal, alibaba but the economies around the world are still in free fall, Russia as one e.g., that is in rapid decline. Anyway, you don't think about these things. It doesn't matter if you are laughing about my 'anti-west' comment. I've posted about the West before when the topic is relevant.

    I don't see the problem with using 'Western' sources when it's including neutral info - Putin spent most of his speech using a bear analogy so it's the same whether you use a Russian or a Western source. The data more or less is corresponding with each other - the ruble has still fallen.
    Last edited by Lampada; December 20th, 2014 at 04:07 PM. Reason: Disrespectful comment

  20. #80
    Завсегдатай Antonio1986's Avatar
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    Пафос - Кипр
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    «Да, падают цены на нефть. Но уровень жизни в России падает катастрофически не из-за этого. В Норвегии или даже Нигерии, которые примерно так же зависят от нефти, как Россия, валюта упала на 12–15%. Граждане не потеряли две трети сбережений и доходов. Нет паники на бирже, ставка не взлетает до 17%. Ведь дело-то в другом. Этой власти больше никто не доверяет. Ни внутри страны, ни снаружи. Даже те, кто на словах демонстрирует горячую поддержку курса Путина, бегут в обменники, пока курс доллара не вырос еще больше»
    Чем больше слов, тем меньше они стоят.

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