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Thread: Edward Snowden and his stay in Russia

  1. #1

    Edward Snowden and his stay in Russia

    So frustrating that Edward Snowden (a true hero, imho) didn't apply for asylum in Russia straight away.
    Russia may not be a perfect country, but at least it's not a puppet to the US, and you can have a good life there It has beaches, ski slopes and great nature.. So why didn't he apply for asylum there straight away?!

    • Secondly: Politically, Russia is being SO lame in this matter. I am so unimpressed!
    • Why couldn't Russia offer asylum with no strings attached?
    • Or why can't Russia simply help Snowden get away, behind the scenes? They could have said he got away... and didn't know where he was.

    It would be the simplest thing in the world, to sort out some travel documentation, do a radical makeover and off he goes, with nobody the wiser. Or simply sneak Snowden out the back door and put him on a commercial ship to Cuba or Venezuela or wherever he wants to go.

    Since no "real" country commits to helping him, maybe he should go to one of these ex-Soviet breakaway countries, that are not "real" countries. Like Pridnestrovie (which I visited!!), Abkhazia or South Ossetia. A stateless man in a country that doesn't exist.... Sounds a bit poetic.

    Last option: Iran or North Korea....?! (or am I forgetting some even more obscure country?)

    I really think Russia should help out Snowden before it needs to come to that!

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Привет, Ханночка! Да уж, парень влип, так влип. В руках полковника КГБ (хоть и в запасе) не сильно побарахтаешься.
    Страшно за него. Почему-то думаю, что вернётся он домой восвояси, отсидит несколько лет за тюремным компом и всё забудется. Он своё дело сделал.
    Hanna likes this.

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин pushvv's Avatar
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    Ну, во-первых, Сноуден (как нам показали) поступил, все таки, не очень хорошо - ему доверили секрет, а он его разболтал =). Во-вторых, afaik, его не выдали в США из России, но, при этом. потребовали прекратить безобразие, с какой целью, правда, не совсем ясно. В-третьих, вся эта история очень смахивает на фэйк (например, с целью отвлечь внимание общественности от чего-то другого).

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    Выглядит так, будто Россия торгуется. Возможно даже обсуждая это с самим субъектом. Сноуден, кажется, из особой породы людей, которым не нужны горнолыжные курорты, ему справедливости хочется. И да, Россия - не Советский Союз, могут и выдать.
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин DrBaldhead's Avatar
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    When I think about Snowden, I imagine the following scene:

    The Whitehouse. A military guy reporting to Obama.

    Obama: Greetings, general. You are free to report.
    M.Guy: I have got two news for you, Mr. President, a good one and a bad one. From which should I start?
    Obama: Start with the bad one.
    M.Guy: In the country we've been sent in we haven't found any weapons of mass destruction.
    Obama: Any? Really?
    M.Guy: Certainly. Moreover, we haven't found any chemical, nuclear and biological weapons contrary to our current diplomatic agreements as well.
    Obama: What a drag... What's with the good one?
    M.Guy: We've found Snowden there! And he has got the asylum!
    Obama: Great! Arm the ships, general! There is some democracy to save! *To his secretary* Award Agent "Fisher" with medal and tell him that his next stop will be <yet another country>.

    And after that line I understand that I do not really understand the matter I am talking about and just hope for the best. Yet, I still consider that Snowden guy suspicious.

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин diogen_'s Avatar
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    I experience cognitive dissonance when I try to imagine Mr Putin go into the trouble of granting political asylum to Snowden because of sharing his ideals.))) On the other hand, to extradite him to the USA means display political weakness, the quality that the Russian president simply cannot afford...

    As to the country that could host Snowden, I still think that despite the fact that Snowdan wasn’t found by Austrian police on board the president’s plane, the Plurinational State of Bolivia seems the most probable next destination place for the whistleblower for now.

  7. #7
    Люди в России думают, Cноуден - фальшивка (заговор)?!
    Я читалa то же самое о Аssange... По-моему вы слишком подозрительны.

    I think Snowden should have gone straight to Russia (or possibly China) and asked for help. Rather than going to Hong Kong. It needs to be a really big and strong country to support him. Alternatively he should have gone straight to a country that really doesn't like the USA and would help him on principle. However, many such countries are not big on freedom of speech etc - which Snowden values. He's really stuck between a rock and a hard place, but I think Russia would have been his best bet.

    The question is, how do you fly from Moscow to South America without passing over any EU or NATO territory? Austria is a neutral country! They should not take sides in this conflict - so rude to search the plane of the Bolivian prime minster. Maybe Snowden is stuck in Russia whether he likes it or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    Сноуден, кажется, из особой породы людей, которым не нужны горнолыжные курорты
    Haha - В этом случае, попробуй Беларуси!

    He should start by joining either way! Seems like Russian might turn out to be a very useful language for him, the way things are going.

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    I didn't doubt for a second if the OP was going to return, stuff like this would be among the first subjects to discuss

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    "Why couldn't Russia offer asylum with no strings attached?"

    Well, just offer it to him, yes. Putin is wimping out? So, there's no country willing to help this guy? Not even Russia?

    The guy uncovered unethical and unjust spying and surveillance on their own people probably breaking numerous laws (not to mention Constitutional). 1984, anyone?

    So, what's the problem? I thought Putin had a backbone. I guess not.

    "I think Snowden should have gone straight to Russia (or possibly China) and asked for help. Rather than going to Hong Kong. It needs to be a really big and strong country to support him. Alternatively he should have gone straight to a country that really doesn't like the USA and would help him on principle. However, many such countries are not big on freedom of speech etc - which Snowden values. He's really stuck between a rock and a hard place, but I think Russia would have been his best bet."

    Duh, he is in Russia. Well, the airport. I bet Putin sent him a message with a smartphone or small TV with a video/movie, 'The Terminal.' Putin: "Хорошо повеселиться!" Snowden: "Да. Большое спасибо." (whispers: 'Jerk!")

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    I thought Putin had a backbone. I guess not.
    Yeah, exactly! I am not a big Putin fan, even if I think his comments are quite funny sometimes, and I agree with SOME of the things he says. However, I did actually think he had backbone! Was I wrong?!

    But he said "Snowden would have to stop his activities against our American partners". Either Putin has an identical program running in Russia, and supports a mass surveillance state himself... Or he has no backbone! Or perhaps the USA is blackmailing him with something. He did say "as strange as this may seem, coming from me..." as if he wanted to hint that it was a bit of a strange position for him to take.

  11. #11
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Yeah, exactly! I am not a big Putin fan, even if I think his comments are quite funny sometimes, and I agree with SOME of the things he says. However, I did actually think he had backbone! Was I wrong?!

    But he said "Snowden would have to stop his activities against our American partners". Either Putin has an identical program running in Russia, and supports a mass surveillance state himself... Or he has no backbone! Or perhaps the USA is blackmailing him with something. He did say "as strange as this may seem, coming from me..." as if he wanted to hint that it was a bit of a strange position for him to take.
    'Snowden would have to stop his activities against our American partners.' Yes, everyone knows how often Putin takes an ethical stance.

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    Any of you guys seen this? -->

    That's the funniest and most worthy thing I've learned about that guy, all the rest seems to be a time wasting blah-blah-blah...

  13. #13
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrBaldhead View Post
    When I think about Snowden, I imagine the following scene:

    And after that line I understand that I do not really understand the matter I am talking about and just hope for the best. Yet, I still consider that Snowden guy suspicious.
    Why? What is suspicious?

    The only theory I've heard to date is a bit of conspiracy. The idea is something like this: There is some competition in the USA between the CIA and NSA for control (+ power) and this guy worked previously with the CIA (and obviously had connections). So, this is to discredit and damage the NSA. Take that as you will but I doubt that is what you were referring to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    The guy uncovered unethical and unjust spying and surveillance on their own people probably breaking numerous laws (not to mention Constitutional). 1984, anyone?
    And that makes him what, exactly?
    He's a giant PITA for any country

    BTW, technically there were no "spying", so the only thing that happen is "unethical behavior" of the government
    But the guy broke some laws and committed treason in his country, that's a fact. And he's trying to "buy" his new life by publishing information related to other countries, doesn't look like a "hero" anymore, more like a "merchant"
    DrBaldhead and Yulia65 like this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doomer View Post
    And that makes him what, exactly?
    He's a giant PITA for any country

    BTW, technically there were no "spying", so the only thing that happen is "unethical behavior" of the government
    But the guy broke some laws and committed treason in his country, that's a fact. And he's trying to "buy" his new life by publishing information related to other countries, doesn't look like a "hero" anymore, more like a "merchant"
    I would also put it this way: there are really a lot of countries across the world where people are being spied on, and have no basic human rights; that dude, however, chose the U.S. for his "great mission" which makes him... well, an idiot

  16. #16
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doomer View Post
    And that makes him what, exactly?
    He's a giant PITA for any country

    BTW, technically there were no "spying", so the only thing that happen is "unethical behavior" of the government
    But the guy broke some laws and committed treason in his country, that's a fact. And he's trying to "buy" his new life by publishing information related to other countries, doesn't look like a "hero" anymore, more like a "merchant"
    Why Edward Snowden Is a Hero : The New Yorker

    No spying?!? LOL! I've read stuff from you on here before. I don't care if Baldy agrees with you. I don't have time to argue.

    I'm glad that there's a lot of Americans who are against this - it shows how much they're hypocrites and proves I'm right about how the sheep tolerate anything their Government does.

    I don't care if he's considered a hero. It's irrelevant.

  17. #17
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    I would also put it this way: there are really a lot of countries across the world where people are being spied on, and have no basic human rights; that dude, however, chose the U.S. for his "great mission" which makes him... well, an idiot
    Yes, he's an idiot for exposing the Government and giving 'real proof.' He's an idiot for creating the predicament for himself that prevents him having any freedom of movement and being wanted by the USA who would probably end up putting him in prison. That is stupid, if you look at it that way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    Yes, he's an idiot for exposing the Government and giving 'real proof.' He's an idiot for creating the predicament for himself that prevents him having any freedom of movement and being wanted by the USA who would probably end up putting him in prison. That is stupid, if you look at it that way.
    He chose a wrong target. There would've been no problem if he had chosen some third world sh@t of a country, and he knew that. He also knew he was going to ruin his life rather than actually help anyone with anything; it's obvious now almost no one in the U.S. gives a darn about what he did, except for those viewing him as a traitor; now, do you see it differently?

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    Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
    No spying?!? LOL! I've read stuff from you on here before. I don't care if Baldy agrees with you. I don't have time to argue.
    So, you only care for your own precious opinion, which obviously bestows us with its enlightening wisdom

  20. #20
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    He chose a wrong target. There would've been no problem if he had chosen some third world sh@t of a country, and he knew that. He also knew he was going to ruin his life rather than actually help anyone with anything; it's obvious now almost no one in the U.S. gives a darn about what he did, except for those viewing him as a traitor; now, do you see it differently?
    'He chose the wrong target?' LOL! That is all you can say? What a joke. He's an American, working for top secret/security organizations of the USA and exposing their transgressions and breach of trust. "it's obvious now almost no one in the U.S. gives a darn about what he did." I hope you emphasize the word 'almost' but I can believe that.

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