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Thread: Demographic Situation in Russia (Not enough children being born....) Reasons & views

  1. #1

    Demographic Situation in Russia (Not enough children being born....) Reasons & views

    I would like to find out more about the demographic problem in Russia, whereby not enough children are being born, to support the older generation.

    Do you see this as a real and serious problem or are the politicians exaggerating it?

    Should the politicians try to do something about it; if so what?

    Or should they focus on improving living standards of everyone, so that people feel more positive about having children..

    Do you think that this problem has occurred in Russia because of problems that are unique to Russia's recent history, or is it happening for the same reason as in many Western European countries (financial reasons, womens' career considerations... general decline of marriage....)

    Does anyone know any good graph to illustrate what the actual stats are; when did this trend start, and has there been any improvement...?

    Is this very different depending on which part of the country you are in?

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Do you see this as a real and serious problem or are the politicians exaggerating it?
    Yes, it's very serious.

    Should the politicians try to do something about it; if so what?
    Or should they focus on improving living standards of everyone, so that people feel more positive about having children..
    Do you think that this problem has occurred in Russia because of problems that are unique to Russia's recent history, or is it happening for the same reason as in many Western European countries (financial reasons, womens' career considerations... general decline of marriage....)
    It's for the same reason as for the rest of the European people - emansipation, women and people in general become more selfish, they want to 'live for themself, why to live for children?'

    when did this trend start, and has there been any improvement...?
    It has started right after the WWII baby boom I guess. There is a slight improvement lately but it's only comparing to demographic pit in 90s, the general trend still exists.

    Is this very different depending on which part of the country you are in?
    It's only different at the Caucasus there people still live by the barbaric tribal (mostly Muslim) customs and culture. The rest of the country populated by ethnic Russians is dying.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  3. #3
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    AFAIK +50000 - +100000 to population in 2009. It's ok.

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    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    I think this link of expert opinions would be as interesting for you as it was for me, Hanna.

    Демографический кризис в
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    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

  5. #5
    Cool I will read that article shortly. I understand the header and the introduction, at least...

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    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    Можно попробовать так:
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    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

  7. #7
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Interesting that in Russia demography is treated as a part of politics rather than, let us say, culture and history or society.

    In some countries you have demography, in Russia demography has you, Neo.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  8. #8
    Interesting that you made that observation..
    I posted it in this section because I was thinking about the political impacts and results of it and what government campaigns there are about it... (apparently there are some initiatives).

    In Northern Europe it is Politics too; It's just about the only reason why some are prepared to accept so much non-European immigration. (which is pretty contriversial as you know....) It fills the demographic gap and the immigrant families continue to have lots of children for a couple of generations.

    Perhaps this is being blown out of proportion in relation to Russia though, and it is not a bigger problem in Russia than in many other European countries. Maybe I got the wrong end of a stick.

    And isn't it ironic that China which is a neoighbour of Russia's has the opposite problem?

  9. #9
    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    Китайцы доплачивают тем, кто живет за границей.

    Вообще, с политической точки зрения, проблема семьи и ее социальной защищенности стоит далеко не на первом месте у российских властей. Что мы имеем? Материнские пособия, единовременно 250 тысяч рублей. Причем одинокие отцы вообще не могут их получать (имеется только 2 положительных судебных прецедента). Молодых отцов (в том числе многодетных) стали забирать в армию (на год).
    Ипотека (льготное кредитование жилья для молодых семей) провалена.

    В Москве хронически не хватает детских садов. Новорожденные со слабым здоровьем не обеспечены надлежащей медицинской помощью. (Скандал в Наб. Челнах - детей в доме ребенка поили алкоголем, чтобы не кричали. Один ребенок погиб от передозировки. При этом, через 2 недели этому дому ребенка дали премию в номинации "Милосердие")

    Среди национальных проектов, есть казалось бы все, кроме семьи. В сете новых законов отпуск по беременности не входит в пенсионный стаж. И т.д. Все большее распространение получает незарегистрированный брак.

    Отсутствует пропаганда семейной жизни в СМИ. Идет светский гламур, широко освещаются бракоразводные процессы с похищением детей родителями друг у друга.

    Плюс к этому, правительство собираются увеличить пенсионный возраст. Экономические соображения превалируют над социальными.

    Было посчитано, что для обслуживания сырьевой экономики требуется 150000 человек. Им нужна армия, для защиты от внешних нападений. И полиция для защиты внутренней. Может, все к тому и идет.
    English Edition

    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

  10. #10
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Global Aging and the Crisis of the 2020s, Demographic Storms Ahead |
    During the 2020s...Russia will be in the midst of the steepest and most protracted population implosion of any major power since the plague-ridden Middle Ages.

    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

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