Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
So as of tomorrow, it's going to be Ukraine Army + ex Berkut + Blackwater/Akademi, against local pro-Russia supporters and the risk of Russia getting involved.

I think Ukraine will crush this rebellion, and everything will go back to normal until the presidential elections. It doesn't sound like there are enough people who actually support the explicitly pro-Russia and referendum request.

Then in the elections, a pro-West government wil be elected, and they'll be back to the same position as after the Orange revolution.

Let's see if I am right or wrong!

One part of the country can't be happy unless the other is unhappy, it seems.
How much political circus can people take? 22 years must be close to the upper limit!
I'm currently watching stream from Odessa. It's from "Hromadske" (!) TV (very anti-Russian). There are at least 50-70 thousands pro Russian protesters (the column is 10-15 people wide pass for about a half of a hour or so):