This post is for all you children. I had a theory that Putinoids have digressed in age and maturity. That would explain a lot of their behavior and mentality in posts. The chauvinist attitudes and such. The USA is bad, yes, and one can use examples of Syria and Iraq. But, this seems to excuse Russia's actions. Putin can do whatever he wants and the cheerleading is very loud here! LOL

Ukraine crisis: Gunfire and grenades up the ante in Crimea showdown - World - CBC News

What's the excuse here? Firing shots in the air again?!? Ooops... a mistake.... darn... why do I always discharge... ooopsie! Also, armored vehicles knocking down fences/gates. Bad driving? The brakes don't work? I agree, the new Ukrainian gov't is a farce but not for what you are claiming although, in retrospect, the hostile takeover, while disposing another tyrannical government, seems too similar in scope. The 'tough talk' is also foolish. Who is Yatszee fooling? Anyway, this 'protection of citizens' looks like another fraud, although, since it's Pootin, there's no question of ethics.

There's too many group thinkers here and they get rattled when you illustrate hypocrisy.