Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile View Post

The Soviet regime at some point in its time used to displace peoples for various reasons, so the real reason remains uknown.
Don't be naive. We know the real reason. Because the tartars were moslems who they sided with the NAZIS and Hitler, as the moslems of Bosnia did also.

There were entire Waffen SS Moslem legions all through the area.

The Moslem Grand Mufti of Jerusalem visited Hitler in Berlin and was given his own Waffen SS Moslem legion to lead in Bosnia and they left a record of slaughter amongst the Serbian Christians that will never be forgotten. These Waffen SS legions were filth but Stalin was no better, that's probably why they sided with Hitler. But once the Tartars got their own Waffen SS units they committed unspeakable crimes and genocides all over the region that is not often mentioned in the West.

So it wasn't just that they were allies of Hitler but that they were responsible for the horrendous acts while wearing the Nazi uniform. You can find the stories if you want of how they went out at night hunting for people to torture. They had contests of torturing Christians amongst each other. Unbelievably, there is a story of a catholic priest that helped the moslem nazis in Serbia do this and took part in the killing and the contests! Even the German Nazi SS were horrified by what these criminals did.

These people escaped the Nuremberg trials but Stalin took care of them in his own special way. Probably the only thing that Stalin did that had a positive outcome.

Moslem Nazis on their prayer mats.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem inspecting his Moslem SS Division in Yugoslavia.