I totally do respect the Crimean Referendum and the results. I read the document, issed by the Council of Ministries in Simferopol, that ordered all the soldiers to disarm and turn in their weapons for the duration of the referendum. I also read that there were 135 International observoers and that the voting was peaceful. Btw, it trumps the bloody US military coup of the monarchy that led to the annexation of Hawaii. If our country can destroy their government, kill most of the Hawaiians, and claim those islands then yeah, I think a referendum for peaceful annexation is totally valid.
Anyway, I've already edited my geopolitical world map and my map of Russia to include Crimea as part of the Russian Federation. And I added Севастополь, Симферополь, and Керчь to my list of Russian cities. This is history happening! Crimea FTW!