I like this impersonal "banning" of yours. So who did that "banning"? I hope you're not going to reiterate "evil Stalin did".
Don't believe in evil, as it happens. But that's another discussion.

Regardless of who did it, the plays were banned. This has never on my part been a thread designed to demonise JVS.

"oh how illegal oh how immoral"
What do you expect? I'm just a bleeding-heart liberal, after all .

"In principle" does not work with constitutions, joysof. It can only be ratified or not. And before a constitution is ratified, no state exists. Plans and pilot state bodies may exist, but this is not quite the same. Actually, we don't even have to discuss all these "technicalities" (as I'm sure you're going to call them). Suffice it to say that Lenin died in 1924, and everything was very different after that.
Agreed. A boring detail. Besides, I've had too much to drink and can barely remember my name at this point.