View Poll Results: Do you believe that the ideals of socialism (the theories, only, and I don't mean Stalinism), are fr

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  • Yes, there are some good ideas in socialist thinking.

    13 65.00%
  • No! Capitalism is the only way.. socialism is evil!

    7 35.00%
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Thread: A brief word on US dominance and world capital.

  1. #21
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    I don't think that capitalism is the reason that USA (and Jews) idiots rule the world. Soviet union had too the same power USA have now with communism. It's just bad luck that these b****** became a super power. We have just to wait this will end in some years.
    Πας μη Έλλην βάρβαρος

  2. #22
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    I definitely feel the love.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aristodorus
    I don't think that capitalism is the reason that USA (and Jews) idiots rule the world. Soviet union had too the same power USA have now with communism. It's just bad luck that these b****** became a super power. We have just to wait this will end in some years.
    Yes, the Jews are secretly ruling the world. Heh.

    The U.S. became the sole super power because of a much stronger economy than the Soviet Union's. How? Because the USA had a more capitalistic economy, but it is by far a capitalist society. There's way too much government intervention in economics affairs.
    Capitalistic wisdom suggests that the Soviet Union's collapse was inevitable (free market economists were predicting it's collapse and warned of acting aggressively toward the Soviet Union). It is now widely felt and accepted (all over the world) that the economic collapse of the Soviet Union was sped up dramatically by the Space Race and the less documented "Military-Technology Race".

    I agree with you that is a shame that America is the sole super power, but you shouldn't hate America because it is a super power. You should just not like the American government for becoming so militaristic. Not all of America likes the idea of bullying the world. I would say the significant majority of American's would rather just "live and let live". Like all Empires, America will fall to the ground.

    I just have to ask two questions, where does your hatred of America come from? I also have a question as to why Americans are the bitches? What's Greece these days? Nothing.
    "Government is a form of organized crime that has succeeded in legalizing itself." - Nicholas Strakon

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_intrepid
    Yes, the Jews are secretly ruling the world. Heh.
    I'm glad that you agree :P I thought that most Americans don't know so much.

    Quote Originally Posted by the_intrepid
    What's Greece these days? Nothing.
    What is America this days??? Only an uncivilized military power nothing more...
    Πας μη Έλλην βάρβαρος

  5. #25
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    Aristodorus, I greatly dislike the way Israel's government has been behaving for a long time, but I'm not about to condemn all Jewish people because of it.

    I'm also aware of the several billions of dollars that the United States government gives to Israel each year that is not taxed. I think it's either 5 billion dollars cash or 10 billion dollars cash. This is used for the Israeli military.

    I'm also aware of the U.S.S. Liberty, and how it was attacked by Israeli aircraft. Israel has never bothered to apologize for this.

    There's alot bad that can be said about Israel, but the Jews are not running the world. Unfortunately, however, Israel seems to be way too influential on American political and military policy these days. America is slowly waking up to this. It won't be thusly forever.

    [Until you can actually prove that the Jews are secretly ruling the planet, you'll be taken as an ignorant and jealous fool. I do not say these words to attack you, I say them to tell you how you'll be taken.]

    What is America these days? America is the New Rome. I wouldn't doubt that they teach that Greece is still the cradle of Western Civilization in Greece, and I agree with it.
    However, Greece hasn't done anything in a very long time. Is Greece more civilized than America? Hardly! Quite the opposite, I'd say.

    In what ways do you think Americans are uncivilized? Are you going to spout off about how we are all capitalist pigs (not true... and I'm sure you don't even know how to distinguish between a capitalist and a market socialist...)? Are you going to give us some blather about how Americans are uneducated and unintellectual? More people attend Colleges and Universities in America than anywhere else in the world. In fact, there are thousands and thousands of international students that come to America to get their education because of the quality of American colleges and universities. Let's compare Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, U.C. at Berkley, Carnegie Melon, and M.I.T. to the best that Greece has to offer...

    No, I know what it is! Americans love guns! That's what it must be. We all are crazy about guns and personal defense, and go aground killing each other -- or at the very least, robbing each other. Is that it? I should hope that's not your argument. I'd laugh at you for being a fool if you claimed that.

    Maybe all of America can be categorized by an uncivilized military power that goes around bullying other people. Did Greece act any different? Did Rome? Did the Mongols? Did the Britons? The French? The Spanish? The Portuguese? The Russians? The Soviets? Maybe you thihk China is civilized?

    I'll be one of the first to admit that America has her faults, and quite a number of them. But America is still a beacon of hope to a large portion of the world. It has the most stable economy (despite the "power" of the Euro, the U.S. Dollar is still the most trusted currency in the world). I think, instead of talking about America like your an expert, you should turn off whatever American channels they show over in Greece (they have television in Greece, right?). While you're not watching whatever putrid American television they show abroad, or complaining about McDonald's, or moaning about the disgustingly poor quality of "American Music" (yeah... uh... because there's only one kind of American Music... riiiight!), and I don't know, maybe visit America and see how real Americans live, work, study, write, create, develop, whatever!

    [To be fair, I actually have great respect for Greece. Despite domination by the Turks throughout her history, Greece still maintains a relatively stable culture. Now, modern Greece is far removed from Classical Greece, but I think there's still a bit of that intellectual spark still there. We'll just see if you can get your act together again some day. When you do, then by all means, put down America again. Until then, don't.]
    "Government is a form of organized crime that has succeeded in legalizing itself." - Nicholas Strakon

  6. #26
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    At first, sorry for my syntax errors etc. I'm not English.

    About the Jews:
    Jews dream was always to rule the world. That ιs shown mainly of the texts of their religion (Judaism) and a little the other religions they created (Christianity,Islam). They think that they are the ''superior human race'' between others.

    The people of Israel are innocent but the fanatic Jews (Zionists) do all the job.

    Unfortunately they now rule America (the superpower now). And they are trying to rule the world now with the power of America. They are the one who did America as it is now.
    Bush is an idiot farmer from Texas and the only think he wants is to have some alcohol to drink. He is always doing what the others tell him (Jews). Dick Chany maybe is a Jew.

    Well, maybe I am so anti-Jew because I am a Greek too and we are one of their worst enemies. All their ''holy'' books contain very much hate against us. They did a lot of genocides to us using others.

    When America's power is over the Jews end too and they know that thats why they tried to unite the world under one leader. (I can't find the right world for that in English now).

    As for proofs I have a lot of very strong proofs but they re in Greek so if you have a very good quality translator I can send them to you .

    As for Americans I am not talking with without knownledje, because I know many Americans in real life, and I have very close relatives who lived in America from tens of years and worked for NATO. So that I think that American citizens are just innocent people but many of them unfortunately believe all the thinks and propagandas that the goverment tell them. Well many of them know how thinks are I hope you are one from them.

    With the world ''uncivilized'' I meant that America has no culture. Their culture is Coca-Cola and MacDonalds and their national hero Bufallo Bill!

    You asked me if they have television in Greece? That's one more of American propaganda. Many Americans think that they re the only in the world who are technologocally developed and most other countries are 3rd world. That's a joke. Most European countries (including Greece) have all technological thinks you have in America that you have in America.
    Πας μη Έλλην βάρβαρος

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aristodorus
    As for proofs I have a lot of very strong proofs but they re in Greek so if you have a very good quality translator I can send them to you .
    A friend of mine speaks Greek, so if you would send them, I would appreciate it.

    With the world ''uncivilized'' I meant that America has no culture. Their culture is Coca-Cola and MacDonalds and their national hero Bufallo Bill!
    Buffalo Bill is our national hero? Wow. I didn't even know we had a national hero. It's quite funny that you said Buffalo Bill. The last time I heard someone mention that name, I was about 6 or 7 years old, and it was from a book in my Elementary Schoo library. It's very hard to find two Americans that agree on people who are heroic, let alone the entire nation to agree on a hero.

    How is America's culture Coca-Cola or McDonalds? I know many people that do not frequent either one of those establishments. What kind of culture is it of Coca-Cola or McDonalds, anyways?

    Another question, if Coca-Cola and McDonalds are so bad, why are so many Europeans and Eastern Europeans supporting these establishments by buying food there? Are you going to make the foolish notion that Coca-Cola and McDonalds are pushing themselves on Europeans? Are you going to take that further by saying America is pushing Coca-Cola and McDonalds on Europe to implement American culture in Europe? That's farcical at best.

    You know, I don't drink Coca-Cola or McDonalds, but definitely consider myself culturally America. I share the same values that this nation was founded under. I try to live up to those values and promote them. Coca-Cola and McDonalds have not been around for a third of America's history, probably not even a fourth.

    You asked me if they have television in Greece? That's one more of American propaganda. Many Americans think that they re the only in the world who are technologocally developed and most other countries are 3rd world. That's a joke. Most European countries (including Greece) have all technological thinks you have in America that you have in America.[/quote]

    When I asked if there were televisions in Greece, I was demonstrating the same narrow-mindedness that you used to profile America and Americans. Some Americans might think that there are kangaroos everywhere in Australia, including in the middle of cities. You might not be able to find too many Americans that can accurately locate more than one or two less significant European countries.

    Of course I'm aware of Europe having technology that America has (although most of the people of most of the countries cannot afford nearly as much.)

    Are you starting to see how this works? When you insult America and try to belittle Americans as culture-less (a common misconception by the "refined" Europeans), Americans will quip back with intentional miscalculations of there own. As you have demonstrated, it drives Europeans up the wall. I mean it irks them to no end.
    "Government is a form of organized crime that has succeeded in legalizing itself." - Nicholas Strakon

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_intrepid
    Certainly Russia existed before perestroika. It has for quite some time, at least since after the Mongols left. Unfortunately it spent so much time staying away from the West and Western ideas, that it missed out on all the great movements the most recent centuries of Western Civilization (the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and so on).
    1. Russian state actually existed long before Mongols came.
    2. Are Western ideas obligatory to follow for everyone? There're other civilizations in this world, btw.
    3.Why did we need Renaissance, if our Dark Ages weren't in fact dark, unlike Western ones? We also had no Reformation, because we have never had that barbarian Catholicism Westerners did have - with Inquisition and scientists burned alive. See point #2. Different civilizations have different ways.

  9. #29
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    1. Russian state actually existed long before Mongols came.
    2. Are Western ideas obligatory to follow for everyone? There're other civilizations in this world, btw.
    3.Why did we need Renaissance, if our Dark Ages weren't in fact dark, unlike Western ones? We also had no Reformation, because we have never had that barbarian Catholicism Westerners did have - with Inquisition and scientists burned alive. See point #2. Different civilizations have different ways.
    1. I'm not sure if I would call what existed before then a "Russian State", but I'm not saying there was no Russia before the Mongols. I suppose I was stating a difference between the Kievan Rus - Russia and Muscovy Russia.

    2. I never said Western ideas are obligatory to follow. I don't believe I ever made that claim... However, I do consider Western society better (if not superior) in a number of ways. For instance, the higher regard for the Individual...

    3. The specific ideas that Russia missed out on largely came from the Enlightenment period... which came on the curtails of the Renaissance. Russia also missed out on a whole lot of technological advancement too.

    Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not the biggest fan of Catholicism. However, like all regions, it has its good points and its bad. [You know, the Catholic Church still has an "Inquisition"? I found that out quite recently. I found it interesting.]

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there several millions of people killed by Russian [Soviet] governments in modern times?

    Russia might not have had the protestant Reformation, but didn't the Soviets ban Orthodox Christianity?
    "Government is a form of organized crime that has succeeded in legalizing itself." - Nicholas Strakon

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_intrepid
    1. I'm not sure if I would call what existed before then a "Russian State", but I'm not saying there was no Russia before the Mongols. I suppose I was stating a difference between the Kievan Rus - Russia and Muscovy Russia.
    Kievan Rus, Moscovy, then Russian Empire, Soviet Union and Russian Federation - all were just different forms of Russian state that is in existence since 862.

    However, I do consider Western society better (if not superior) in a number of ways. For instance, the higher regard for the Individual...
    Can I consider it worse in such case? Do I have such right? Individual vs Collective is just like Euclid's and Lobachevskiy's axioms about parallel lines. No one is better, just different.

    3. The specific ideas that Russia missed out on largely came from the Enlightenment period... which came on the curtails of the Renaissance. Russia also missed out on a whole lot of technological advancement too.
    If you mean idea of individual over collective", for example, look at #2. Missed? It isn't obligatory, as you say.

    Russia might not have had the protestant Reformation, but didn't the Soviets ban Orthodox Christianity?
    I mean Reformation is just another Western movement without equivalent in Russian history. Communists didn't ban christianity in fact, though it can sound strange, but it's so. They tried to give new "faith" to people and did it by force, but officially Orthodoxy have never been banned.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there several millions of people killed by Russian [Soviet] governments in modern times?

    I'll answer to this later, I have no time right now

  11. #31
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    I don't think that capitalism is the reason that USA (and Jews) idiots rule the world. Soviet union had too the same power USA have now with communism. It's just bad luck that these b****** became a super power. We have just to wait this will end in some years.
    Reminds me of Nakita Kruschevs infamous line that the Communists would concur the US without firing a single shot.

    Buffalo Bill is our national hero? Wow. I didn't even know we had a national hero. It's quite funny that you said Buffalo Bill. The last time I heard someone mention that name, I was about 6 or 7 years old, and it was from a book in my Elementary School library. It's very hard to find two Americans that agree on people who are heroic, let alone the entire nation to agree on a hero.
    LOL. He's a great great uncle of mine ( my mother shares his last name ) and I only know anything about him because of it.
    Had it not been for that, he'd just be some guy who once existed and got famous doing something.
    This country is to big to have a single national hero. I think Buffalo Bills biggest activity towards American heroism is that he brought the white men and Natives together.
    Symbolically, it would be that during one of his theatrical performances, Queen Elizabeth of England saluted the American flag which was the first time British royalty ever did that.

    How is America's culture Coca-Cola or McDonalds?
    Pepsi was the big thing last I checked.

    I share the same values that this nation was founded under. I try to live up to those values and promote them.
    That's because they work as long as the people uphold them.

    That's one more of American propaganda. Many Americans think that they re the only in the world who are technologically developed and most other countries are 3rd world. That's a joke.
    Many, but probably not most.
    All I keep hearing from others is how much more advanced other countries supposedly are. Of course, this mostly comes from radicals and communists.
    IMHO, it's kinda hard for Americans to think that by the mass when every other person you run in to has a computer email buddy in Pakistan, Greece, Thailand etc.

    Some Americans might think that there are kangaroos everywhere in Australia, including in the middle of cities.
    I think most Americans know better then that, but I agree with you that Australia is a very misunderstood country in the US, and IMHO, that's probably why their so liked.

    2. Are Western ideas obligatory to follow for everyone? There're other civilizations in this world, btw.
    You guys can blow eachother off the planet for all I care.
    How you guys choose to live your lives is your decision and right. Just don't be griping at the US at how much your lives suck in comparison.

    Can I consider it worse in such case? Do I have such right? Individual vs Collective is just like Euclid's and Lobachevskiy's axioms about parallel lines. No one is better, just different.
    Obviously, everyone is created equal. The Communist ideal of equal success forced down by a higher government authority generates minimal regard for human life and almost guarantees oppression and possibly tyranny.
    Communism is rigged to benefit a minority of society at the expense of the majority. I must ask you Alex which side of that field do you see yourself on. The one who will suffer at the expense of a communist regime or one who seeks to benefit at the expense of others?

    I mean Reformation is just another Western movement without equivalent in Russian history. Communists didn't ban Christianity in fact, though it can sound strange, but it's so. They tried to give new "faith" to people and did it by force, but officially Orthodoxy have never been banned.
    Maybe I am missing something but from what I've been able to find, the Soviets never attacked Christianity until Kruschevs reign, and even then only attacked certain elements, not Christianity as a whole.
    I've even seen instances where you could say that they tried to USE Christianity, hence why we have such a thing as the separation of Church and state here in the US.
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  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by 44 Canon
    You guys can blow eachother off the planet for all I care.
    How you guys choose to live your lives is your decision and right. Just don't be griping at the US at how much your lives suck in comparison.
    We have different understanding of what "life that sucks" is. Surprisingly, not everybody dreams about moving to US.

    Obviously, everyone is created equal. The Communist ideal of equal success forced down by a higher government authority generates minimal regard for human life and almost guarantees oppression and possibly tyranny.
    Communism is rigged to benefit a minority of society at the expense of the majority. I must ask you Alex which side of that field do you see yourself on. The one who will suffer at the expense of a communist regime or one who seeks to benefit at the expense of others?

    Communism has nothing to do with my words about collective vs individual. Russian culture (in broad sense) has always been collectivist, opposed to individualist Western culture, and still IS collectivist, though communism has gone.

    BTW, Communism found rich soil for itself in Russia because of our collectivism, not the other way round.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by "the_intrepid''
    A friend of mine speaks Greek, so if you would send them, I would appreciate it.
    Πας μη Έλλην βάρβαρος

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aristodorus
    s t r u c t u r e n u @ y a h o o . c o m
    [Remove the spaces, of course. I added the 'white spaces' to throw off spam bots that search the web for emails.]
    "Government is a form of organized crime that has succeeded in legalizing itself." - Nicholas Strakon

  15. #35
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    As an American, I must join in.

    I loathe Bush...I was misguided enough to vote for him in 2000, but since 9/11 I've learned the actual designs he had for his administration, and it scares the hell out of me. Because of the neoconservative elements of the Republican Party (Bush, Ashcroft - those types), I will never vote for a single member of their party ever again. Never mind the fact that I'm made a steady march from right-of-center to far-left in the days following Sept. 11, 2001.

    To give you an idea of how much I think about what these people are doing, both domestically and internationally, my current slogan is "Moscow by '09!" That's right, folks! This Florida boy is hoping to call Moscow his home within 5 years (I have to get a Bachelor's degree in Russian first ).

    So don't think all of us are chauvinistic, jingoist capitalist running dogs, who are both arrogant and ignorant. Because we're not all like that!
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  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Casey
    So don't think all of us are chauvinistic, jingoist capitalist running dogs, who are both arrogant and ignorant. Because we're not all like that!
    It's funny... Bush, Rumsfield and almost all of the other major Republicans these days aren't very "Conservative" at all. Hell, the one Republican that maintains his stance as a Fiscally Conservative Republican is Ron Paul (of Texas). George W. Bush spends money like a Liberal, not to mention the fact that he lied about, if not completely abandonded, many of the "Conservative/Republican" ideals he ran for President on.

    Like I said, either earlier here or elsewhere on this site, Bush (like his father... and Rumsfeld) are RiNOs --- Republicans In Name Only.

    If you're going to equate George W. Bush and jingoists with capitalists, then I'll not be missing your stupidity. Have fun in Moscow El Casey.
    "Government is a form of organized crime that has succeeded in legalizing itself." - Nicholas Strakon

  17. #37
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    The true republican party is the Libertarian party, although their is some silliness in the libertarian party as well.
    Extremism in this world is spreading like a plague, and it's inevitably only a matter of time before it turns in to an international holocaust.
    "Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is doing it. Right is right, even if nobody is doing it."
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  18. #38
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    While I disagree with a significant bit of your post (GWB is a fine, fine example of a capitalist, alas), the_intrepid, I will give you that our current government is not "conservative" in the least. I know some true conservatives, and they are fine folks. Bush Jr. et al are not to be counted among their number.

  19. #39
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    Oh? Lindzi isn't dead either? Suddenly, I felt a surge of joy.

  20. #40
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    You've got that right, Mr Cannon 44........."The true republican party is the Libertarian party"

    Intrepid, I dont know why you wasted time replying to Aristodorus. He sounds like he has been listening to the ramblings of neo nazis. The Israeli Army kicks ass and have been way to casual with their enemies lately. They have every right to that piece of ground they live on. Most Americans who don't support the state of Israel are simply ignorant of the history around it. It is no wonder they don't know if all they listen to is the 6 o'clock news.
    Israel is the only democratic or civillized country in the region. We would be foolish not to support her.
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