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Thread: "эмоциональные глаголы" (!)

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин BabaYaga's Avatar
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    "эмоциональные глаголы" (!)

    Hi guys -
    We've been given terribly difficult homework (I think ), i.e. come up with a list of "эмоциональные глаголы" - verbs that express feelings, that is.
    Very hard stuff to look up, because:
    A. We usually don't use verbs for that purpose, we say "I feel (something)" or "I am (something)". And it's hard to look up something when you don't have a word to start from
    B. When I do find something, it usually has seven words in Russian and only one explanation in English (Danish is a bit better - I sometimes get two possibilities there )...... .... so I need a bit of help with nuances, please.....

    Below is the list of what I've come up with so far..... I'd be thrilled to bits (how do you say that in Russian?! ) if I could get some example sentences, some "register"-explanations, and maybe some indication of which of them are активная лексика and which aren't (but bear in mind I'm an old trout over 40 ).
    And maybe additions, verbs I've missed altogether...

    Заранее огромные спасибочки!

    PS: for Interlex-users: I have these as ILX-files, if you want them, let me know

    веселиться - : to enjoy oneself, to have a good time
    забавляться - : to amuse oneself
    наслаждаться - насладиться : to take pleasure/delight (in)
    развлекаться - развлечься : to have a good time, to amuse oneself

    изумляться - изумиться : to be amazed; to be wonder-struck; to be dumbfounded
    озадачивать - озадачить : to puzzle, to perplex
    ошеломлять - ошеломить : to stun, to stupefy
    поражаться - поразиться : to be surprised/astonished/thunderstruck
    удивляться - удивиться : to wonder (at), to be astonished/amazed
    (difficult series, this one )

    горевать - : to grieve (for); to mourn (over)
    огорчаться -огорчиться : to be pained; to grieve
    оплакивать - оплакать : to mourn (over)

    разочаровываться - разочароваться : to be disappointed
    смущать - смутить : to confuse, to put out of countenance;to disturb, to trouble
    смущаться - смутиться : to be confused, to be embarrassed, to be put out of countenance

    обижаться - обидеться : to take offence, to feel hurt
    оскорбляться - оскорбиться : to take offence; to feel insulted

    веселеть - повеселеть : to cheer up, to become cheerful
    радоваться - обрадоваться : to be glad/happy; to rejoice
    порадоваться : to be happy for a while

    трогаться - тронуться : to be moved/touched
    умиляться - умилиться : to be touched/moved (by)

    беспокоиться - : to worry (about), to be anxious/uneasy (about)
    заботиться - позаботиться : to look after, to take care (of); to trouble about, to care for

    отчаиваться - отчаяться : to despair (of)
    теряться - потеряться : to be at a loss, to feel lost

    завидовать - позавидовать : to envy
    ревновать - : to be jealous

    (Do you guys have a word for "friendly jealousy"? As in "I admire what you have/are, I wish I had/were that too"?)

    любоваться - полюбоваться : to admire
    восхищаться - восхититься : to admire, to be delighted (with)
    увлекаться - увлечься : to admire greatly, to be carried away by; take a fancy to (smb)

    жалеть - пожалеть : to be sorry for, to regret
    ликовать - : to rejoice, to triumph, to exult
    обожать - : to adore, to worship
    очаровываться - очароваться : to be charmed, to be taken (with)
    расхотеть : to cease to want
    сомневаться : to doubt, to have one's doubts
    сочувствовать - : to sympathize (with), to feel (for)
    терпеть : to suffer, to endure; to have patience
    Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Трогаться - 1) to set off 2) to go crazy (slang)
    I can't imagine I'd use the word трогаться in a meaning to be touched. But I would say Я тронут (I'm touched)

    умиляться - I saw a translation "to melt" - умиляться от жалости - to melt with pity
    I really don't know whether it's applicable but the character of the word 'to melt' translates the meaning very vell (it's from the word милый - умиляться - становится милым - to become nice, sweet, agreeable, cute, lovable, etc)

    теряться - there's also a word растеряться, от растерянность (синоним - замешательство) - perplexity, abashment.

    Here's what multitran suggests for растеряться:
    be all abroad; be lost; come in nowhere; lose courage; not to know if one is coming or going; not to know whether one is coming or going; feel abashed; lose head; choke up; to be at a loss; to be out of bearing; not know if one is on one's head or heels

    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    (Do you guys have a word for "friendly jealousy"? As in "I admire what you have/are, I wish I had/were that too"?)
    Not that I can think of. Of course you can say дружеская ревность but it sounds werid. Зависть, on the contrary can be белая or чёрная.

    восхищатья - I think to marvel sounds more close.

    увлекаться - it's about something that fascinates.
    Я увлёкся вышивкой, я увлёкся рисованием, я увлёкся этой девушкой, etc.

    The rest is correct. Good job.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  3. #3
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    поражаться - поразиться : also literally to be striken by something or somebody or someone's abilities, behavior, appearances and other.

    These have the various and growing degree of meaning, as I see it:

    удивляться - удивиться < изумляться - изумиться < поражаться - поразиться < быть ошеломлённым

    Yaga, I'll tell you something interesting. Ошеломлять means literally to strike someone in his helmet (old Russian helmet is шлем or шелом) it's like to be contused by something.

    оплакивать - оплакать
    also to keen

    быть тронутым чем-либо - to be touched (when your heart's string is being touched by something)

    тронуться, быть\стать тронутым - as Ralmil said - to turn crazy.

    So if you wish not to confuse someone by the news that you are mad, then always carefully attach the detalis: Я очень\глубоко этим(вашими словами\действиями) тронут\тронута. I am very touched by this\your words\your behaviour.

    It is a very good job indeed. And for me it was pleasure to think about all this rich variety of differenses.
    Я так думаю.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    восхищатья - I think to marvel sounds more close.
    Мне до сих пор попадалось to admire, to marvel даже в пассиве не было. Теперь есть.)

    завидовать - позавидовать : to envy, to be jealous
    If I'm not mistaken, 'jealous' means also 'feeling angry and unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had' (= envious)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dogboy182
    You're just jealous.
    Не думаю, что здесь это значит "Да ты просто ревнуешь!"

    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    (Do you guys have a word for "friendly jealousy"? As in "I admire what you have/are, I wish I had/were that too"?)
    I think it's just зависть.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leof
    It is a very good job indeed.
    И я, и я, и я того же мнения!
    Надо будет и себе скопировать этот список.)
    If you have problems with both posting new messages and sending PMs, you can send an e-mail to the Forum Administrator here:
    У меня что-то с почтой, на ЛС ответить не могу. (

  5. #5
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    I have a few more. I'm not sure all of them meet your criteria, so just take what you like.

    тосковать - to be sad/melancholy, to long for smth., to miss smth.
    печалиться - be sad, to grieve (very close to "грустить", but more poetic. There is also an expression "светлая печаль")
    грустить - to be sad (there's also a colloquial verb "взгрустнуться" - to feel "small" sadness or for a short time, even for a few moments: " Что-то мне взгрустнулось").
    хандрить - (from the noun "хандра" - spleen) - to be depressed (not deeply or for the short period of time)
    унывать - to lose heart (a common phrase is "не унывай!" - "cheer up!")
    скорбеть - to mourn, to feel a deep sadness (after somebody's death for example). "Мы скорбим о вашей утрате" is a formal way of presenting your condolences.
    сокрушаться - to be distressed, to regret about something gone wrong

    волноваться/разолноваться - mostly "to worry", but can be translated depending on the context as "to be excited", "to be distressed", etc. Obviously it's from the noun "волна", and means literally that there's a storm in your soul, whether it's good or not.
    тревожиться - to be anxious/uneasy/worried about something
    нервничать/разнервничаться - to be nervous
    переживать/распереживаться - to be upset about something, to worry (anticipating something not very good to happen)
    расстраиваться/растроиться - to be (to get) upset

    злиться/разозлиться - to be angry/to get angry
    раздражаться - to get irritated/annoyed
    негодовать - to be indignant with something
    возмущаться/возмутиться - to be indignant/outraged
    гневаться/разгневаться - to be angry/exasperated/outraged

    восторгаться - to feel delight, extacy
    торжествовать - to exult, to feel triumphant
    злорадствовать - to gloat

    скучать/заскучать - to get bored
    успокаиваться/успокоиться - to calm down
    мрачнеть/помрачнеть - to become gloomy, to darken
    надуваться/надуться (colloquial) - to sulk (often about kids)
    предвкушать - to anticipate something nice, to be eager for it
    стыдиться/застыдиться - to be ashamed
    привязываться/привязаться - to become attached to somebody/something, to feel affection
    упрямиться/заупрямиться - to be obstinate, to persist
    гордиться/загордиться, возгордиться - to be proud (thr first one is neutral, the others are negative)
    ужасаться/ужаснуться - to be horrified
    недоумевать - to be puzzled/perplexed/at a loss
    бодриться - to try to keep your spirits up
    храбриться - to summon up courage or to pretend not to be afraid
    ненавидеть/возненавидеть - to hate

  6. #6
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    Я так думаю.

  7. #7
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    беспокоиться - to worry (about), to be anxious/uneasy (about)
    бодриться - to try to keep your spirits up

    веселеть - повеселеть : to cheer up, to become cheerful, веселиться - to enjoy oneself, to have a good time
    взбеситься - беситься : to get rage, furious
    возмущаться - возмутиться : to be indignant/outraged
    волноваться - разолноваться : mostly "to worry", but can be translated depending on the context as "to be excited", "to be distressed", etc. Obviously it's from the noun "волна", and means literally that there's a storm in your soul, whether it's good or not.
    восторгаться - to feel delight, extacy
    восхищаться - восхититься : to admire, to be delighted (with), to marvel sounds more close.
    всполошить - всполошиться, переполошить - переполошиться : to make disorder and chaos and dash\to behave chaotic and dashing

    гневаться - разгневаться : to be angry/exasperated/outraged
    гордиться - загордиться - возгордиться : to be proud (thr first one is neutral, the others are negative)
    горевать: to grieve (for); to mourn (over)
    грустить - to be sad (there's also a colloquial verb "взгрустнуться" - to feel "small" sadness or for a short time, even for a few moments: " Что-то мне взгрустнулось").

    досадовать на что-либо : blame someone or something

    жалеть - пожалеть : to be sorry for, to regret

    забавляться - : to amuse oneself
    заботиться - позаботиться: to look after, to take care (of); to trouble about, to care for
    завидовать - позавидовать : to envy
    злиться - разозлиться : to be angry/to get angry
    злорадствовать - to gloat

    изумляться - изумиться : to be amazed; to be wonder-struck; to be dumbfounded

    ликовать - : to rejoice, to triumph, to exult
    любоваться - полюбоваться : to admire

    мрачнеть - помрачнеть : to become gloomy, to darken

    надуваться - надуться (colloquial): to sulk (often about kids)
    наслаждаться - насладиться : to take pleasure/delight (in)
    негодовать - to be indignant with something
    недоумевать - to be puzzled/perplexed/at a loss
    ненавидеть - возненавидеть : to hate
    нервничать - разнервничаться : to be nervous

    обижаться - обидеться : to take offence, to feel hurt
    обожать : to adore, to worship
    огорчаться - огорчиться : to be pained; to grieve
    озадачивать - озадачить : to puzzle, to perplex
    озвереть - to get wild of fury
    оплакивать - оплакать : to mourn (over), also to keen
    оскорбляться - оскорбиться : to take offence; to feel insulted
    остервенеть - остервениться, рассвирепеть, разъяриться : to get furious, violent
    отчаиваться - отчаяться : to despair (of)
    очаровываться - очароваться : to be charmed, to be taken (with)
    ошеломлять - ошеломить : to stun, to stupefy

    переживать - распереживаться : to be upset about something, to worry (anticipating something not very good to happen)
    печалиться - be sad, to grieve (very close to "грустить", but more poetic. There is also an expression "светлая печаль")
    поражаться - поразиться : to be surprised/astonished/thunderstruck, also literally to be striken by something or somebody or someone's abilities, behavior, appearances and other.
    предвкушать - to anticipate something nice, to be eager for it
    привязываться - привязаться : to become attached to somebody/something, to feel affection
    приободриться - to feel cheerful after being sad

    радоваться - обрадоваться : to be glad/happy; to rejoice, порадоваться : to be happy for a while
    развлекаться - развлечься : to have a good time, to amuse oneself
    раздражаться - to get irritated/annoyed
    разжалобить - to make someone pitty you
    разочаровываться - разочароваться : to be disappointed
    расстраиваться - расстроиться : to be (to get) upset
    растеряться - от растерянность (синоним - замешательство) - perplexity, abashment. Be all abroad; be lost; come in nowhere; lose courage; not to know if one is coming or going; not to know whether one is coming or going; feel abashed; lose head; choke up; to be at a loss; to be out of bearing; not know if one is on one's head or heels
    растрогаться - растрогать : to become touched / to make someone touched
    расхотеть: to cease to want
    ревновать: to be jealous

    скорбеть - to mourn, to feel a deep sadness (after somebody's death for example). "Мы скорбим о вашей утрате" is a formal way of presenting your condolences.
    скучать - заскучать : to get bored
    смущать - смутить : to confuse, to put out of countenance; to disturb, to trouble, смущаться - смутиться : to be confused, to be embarrassed, to be put out of countenance
    сокрушаться: to be distressed, to regret about something gone wrong
    сомневаться: to doubt, to have one's doubts
    сопереживать = сочувствовать - to sympathize (with), to feel (for)
    сочувствовать: to sympathize (with), to feel (for)
    стыдиться - застыдиться : to be ashamed

    терпеть: to suffer, to endure; to have patience
    теряться - потеряться : to be at a loss, to feel lost.
    торжествовать - to exult, to feel triumphant
    тосковать - to be sad/melancholy, to long for smth., to miss smth.
    тревожиться - to be anxious/uneasy/worried about something
    трогаться - 1) to set off 2) to go crazy (slang). I can't imagine I'd use the word трогаться in a meaning to be touched. But I would say Я тронут (I'm touched), трогаться - тронуться : to be moved/touched. Быть тронутым чем-либо - to be touched (when your heart's string is being touched by something) Я очень\глубоко этим(вашими словами/действиями) тронут / тронута. I am very touched by this/your words/your behaviour. Тронуться, быть / стать тронутым - to turn crazy.

    увериться - уверять : to become sure\ to assure
    увлекаться - увлечься : to admire greatly, to be carried away by; take a fancy to (smb), it's about something that fascinates. Я увлёкся вышивкой, я увлёкся рисованием, я увлёкся этой девушкой, etc.
    удивляться - удивиться : to wonder (at), to be astonished/amazed
    удостовериться = убедиться - to get proof, to be sure, удостоверять, убедить - убеждать : to make proof, to make sure
    ужасаться - ужаснуться : to be horrified
    умиляться - умилиться : to be touched/moved (by). I saw a translation "to melt" - умиляться от жалости - to melt with pity. I really don't know whether it's applicable but the character of the word 'to melt' translates the meaning very vell (it's from the word милый - умиляться - становится милым - to become nice, sweet, agreeable, cute, lovable, etc)
    унывать - to lose heart (a common phrase is "Не унывай!" - "Сheer up!")
    упрямиться - заупрямиться : to be obstinate, to persist
    успокаиваться - успокоиться : to calm down

    хандрить - (from the noun "хандра" - spleen) - to be depressed (not deeply or for the short period of time)
    храбриться - to summon up courage or to pretend not to be afraid
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  8. #8
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    An interesting article about emotional verbs, comparing English and Russian:
    (in Russian)

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Thanks for this thread. I copied these lists and I'm going to try to incorporate these verbs in my speech more.
    "Сейчас без языка нельзя... из тебя шапку сделают..."
    Cogito Ergo Doleo

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Трогаться - 1) to set off 2) to go crazy (slang)
    I can't imagine I'd use the word трогаться in a meaning to be touched. But I would say Я тронут (I'm touched)
    What about косаться.

    Молодую пару коснулась любовь?
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  11. #11
    Почтенный гражданин BabaYaga's Avatar
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    You guys are just PURE GOLD!! Thank you!!

    Ramil and Leof: thanks for the ethymological tidbits - that makes it so much easier to understand the underlying meaning of the word!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Трогаться - 1) to set off 2) to go crazy (slang)
    Hmm - both "to set off" and "to go crazy" have several, very different meanings in English - could you give a bit of context, please?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Зависть, on the contrary can be белая or чёрная.
    Oh OK, I see. Very poetic!

    Quote Originally Posted by Leof
    удивляться - удивиться < изумляться - изумиться < поражаться - поразиться < быть ошеломлённым
    *LOL* - pretty clear now, thanks!
    But is it only a question of intensity of emotion, or is there also a positive/negative side?
    "I was absolutely stunned by the beauty of his voice" (positive)
    "I have always learned that 1+1=2, and now this famous professor says that 1+1=3?!?! I'm gobsmacked!" (not positive, not negative, just WTF?!)
    "When I came home from work, our house had disappeared! I was thunderstruck!" (negative - not a very nice surprise..... )

    Quote Originally Posted by Leof
    So if you wish not to confuse someone by the news that you are mad,
    But I am..... or so my friends say..... especially since I started learning Russian..... and when I go over this thread, I'm beginning to think they may be right....
    ....then always carefully attach the detalis: Я очень\глубоко этим(вашими словами\действиями) тронут\тронута. I am very touched by this\your words\your behaviour.
    Thanks, I'll bear that in mind

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaya
    If I'm not mistaken, 'jealous' means also 'feeling angry and unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had' (= envious)
    Yes, but not always - envy is always nasty ("You have something, I want it, or else you can't have it either "); jealousy is not always angry: "You're going on holidays? Aaaaah, I'm jealous!" (="It's great for you that you're going on holiday, and I hope you'll enjoy it! I just wish I could go on holiday too."))

    gRomoZeka, Lampada and Лёва – thanks for the additions! Wow, have I got work to do!!!!

    I'm going to add yours on to my original list, try to sort them as well as I can, and then come back to youse with more questions, if that's ok…..
    I thinks these verbs are pretty important – it's probably close to impossible to have good communication with people if you can't express what you feel…..
    Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    Ramil and Leof: thanks for the ethymological tidbits - that makes it so much easier to understand the underlying meaning of the word!
    As far as your thank you was left both for me and Ramil, I'll take my Lion's deal (Львиную долю) and answer my part:

    ....луйста! Now Ramil should say his Пожа.

    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    Quote Originally Posted by Leof
    удивляться - удивиться < изумляться - изумиться < поражаться - поразиться < быть ошеломлённым
    *LOL* - pretty clear now, thanks!
    But is it only a question of intensity of emotion, or is there also a positive/negative side?
    "I was absolutely stunned by the beauty of his voice" (positive)
    "I have always learned that 1+1=2, and now this famous professor says that 1+1=3?!?! I'm gobsmacked!" (not positive, not negative, just WTF?!)
    "When I came home from work, our house had disappeared! I was thunderstruck!" (negative - not a very nice surprise..... )
    All this words itself do not bear positive or negative meaning. They show the degree of your astonishment. Though they demand context. Especially the word удивляться - it is so much neutral, that if you have to give it negative meaning you better say Я была неприятно удивлена - I was astonished without pleasure something like this, I think.

    In my view these words change their degree in this order, though context, inflection, your face and gestures always can turn a fly into an elefant and backwards.

    Я просто в шоке

    Я просто в шоке!

    You see, yuor face means a lot when you say I am shoked in different ways.

    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    gRomoZeka, Lampada and Лёва – thanks for the additions! Wow, have I got work to do!!!!
    Беру свой кусочек с коровий носочек.

    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    I'm going to add yours on to my original list, try to sort them as well as I can, and then come back to youse with more questions, if that's ok…..
    I thinks these verbs are pretty important – it's probably close to impossible to have good communication with people if you can't express what you feel…..
    I am sure we all are waiting for it impatiently. It's a very creative exercise to do.
    Я так думаю.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaya
    If I'm not mistaken, 'jealous' means also 'feeling angry and unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had' (= envious)
    Yes, but not always - envy is always nasty ("You have something, I want it, or else you can't have it either "); jealousy is not always angry: "You're going on holidays? Aaaaah, I'm jealous!" (="It's great for you that you're going on holiday, and I hope you'll enjoy it! I just wish I could go on holiday too."))
    Спасибо за полезную информацию!
    В "великом и могучем" мы зачастую обходимся одним "завидую")), которое может значить и первое, и второе. Что имел в виду человек, определяем по контексту, выражению лица, интонации.) Если же хотят убрать двусмысленность, говорят "завидовать чёрной завистью" или "завидовать белой завистью".

    Quote Originally Posted by Dogboy182
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Трогаться - 1) to set off 2) to go crazy (slang)
    I can't imagine I'd use the word трогаться in a meaning to be touched. But I would say Я тронут (I'm touched)
    What about касаться?

    Молодой пары (Р.п.) коснулась любовь?
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  14. #14
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    you're right Dogboy.

    касаться is similar with трогать - to touch.
    that's why the pairs to touch\touched and трогать\тронутый are similar.
    Я так думаю.

  15. #15
    Почтенный гражданин BabaYaga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leof
    I am sure we all are waiting for it impatiently. It's a very creative exercise to do.
    Haha – just wait till I've finished asking all my questions! lol I'll need a looooooot of help on this one

    I was astonished without pleasure.
    Mmmmwwwwwmmm….. you can't really say that. You can say: "I was unpleasantly surpised", which is negative, but not with great emotion. I'd be "thunderstruck" if our house had suddenly disappeared!!!
    And "astonished" doesn't really carry an emotion, it's surprise, but rather neutral.

    But you're right, body language and intonation will always be a very, very important part of speech.

    Alright, as for the list of verbs:активная или Пассивная лексика? I have looked them all up in Nicholas Brown's dictionary"Russian – 10000 words in frequency order" (the 10000 most used words in Russian, most used "и" on nr 1 , least used "ярый" on nr 10000). I thought I might study the most important ones first (as it will take me ages to remember them all….. )

    Here's what the book said:

    TOP 100 of эмоциональные глаголы
    Cast your vote, ladies and gentlemen!

    ranking –verb - translation

    1400 - жалеть - пожалеть : to be sorry for, to regret
    1535 - беспокоиться - : to worry (about), to be anxious/uneasy (about)
    2174 - сомневаться : to doubt, to have one's doubts
    2183 - успокаиваться - успокоиться : to calm down
    2294 - терпеть : to suffer, to endure; to have patience
    2477 - обижаться - обидеться : to take offence, to feel hurt
    2528 - переживать - пережить : to be upset about something, to worry (anticipating something not very good to happen)
    2546 - удивляться - удивиться : to wonder (at), to be astonished/amazed
    2818 - любоваться - полюбоваться : to admire
    3020 - заботиться - позаботиться : to look after, to take care (of); to trouble about, to care for
    3021 - завидовать - позавидовать : to envy
    3123 - поражаться - поразиться : to be surprised/astonished/thunderstruck
    3527 - теряться - потеряться : to be at a loss, to feel lost
    3546 - гордиться - : be proud (of), take* pride (in);
    3594 - радоваться - обрадоваться : to be glad/happy; to rejoice
    3926 - увлекаться - увлечься : to admire greatly, to be carried away; take a fancy to or be keen on (smb or st)
    4013 - убеждаться - убедиться : to be sure, to be convinced; to convince oneself
    4498 - выражаться - выразиться : to express oneself
    4704 - нервничать - : to be nervous
    4885 - скучать - : be bored, have a tedious time
    5047 - ревновать - : to be jealous
    5062 - стыдиться - : be ashamed
    5433 - сочувствовать - : to sympathize (with), to feel (for)
    5639 - смущаться - смутиться : to be confused, to be embarrassed, to be put out of countenance
    5900 - тосковать - : be sad / melancholy ;to long for smth.,
    6044 - огорчаться - огорчиться : to be pained; to grieve
    6248 - злиться - разозлиться : to be angry/to get angry
    6395 - расстраиваться - расстроиться : be upse); be disappointed ; to fall apart
    6437 - уверяться - увериться : be convinced (of)
    6804 - веселиться - : to enjoy oneself, to have a good time
    6937 - обожать - : to adore, to worship
    7020 - привязываться - привязаться (к) : become / be attached (to smb)
    7046 - раздражаться - раздражиться : to get irritated/annoyed
    7213 - высказываться - высказаться : to speak, to express one's opinion, to have one's say
    7222 - горевать - : to grieve (for); to mourn (over)
    7332 - наслаждаться - насладиться : to take (physical) pleasure/delight (in)
    7366 - оскорбляться - оскорбиться : to take offence; to feel insulted
    7608 - восхищаться - восхититься : to admire, to be delighted (with)
    7935 - смущать - смутить : to confuse, to embarras;to disturb, to trouble
    7969 - (трогаться ) - тронуться : to be moved/touched
    8084 - возмущаться - возмутиться : to be indignant/outraged
    8533 - восторгаться - : to feel delight, extacy
    8804 - сов. - порадоваться : to be happy for a while
    8970 - тревожиться - встревожиться : to be anxious/uneasy/worried about something
    9082 - веселеть - повеселеть : to cheer up, to become cheerful
    9637 - торжествовать - : to triumph (over), to be triumphant ; to exult
    9822 - ликовать - : to rejoice, to triumph, to exult
    9870 - ошеломлять - ошеломить : to stun, to stupefy

    Now, the following verbs were NOT in the book, but the rating is that of a related word (noun or adjective)

    2871z - мрачнеть - помрачнеть : to become gloomy, to darken
    3941z - грустить - : to be sad/melancholy; to yearn (for)
    3981z - отчаиваться - отчаяться : to despair (of)
    4855z - печалиться - опечалиться : be sad, to grieve
    5618z - разочаровываться - разочароваться : to be disappointed
    5719z - гневаться - разгневаться : to be angry/exasperated/outraged
    5739z - забавляться - : to amuse oneself
    6031z - негодовать - : to be indignant
    6447z - упрямиться - заупрямиться : to be obstinate, to persist
    6553z - изумляться - изумиться : to be amazed; to be wonder-struck; to be dumbfounded
    6762z - храбриться - : pretend to be brave, try not to appear afraid; summon up courage
    7045z - развлекаться - развлечься : to have a good time, to amuse oneself
    7485z - скорбеть - : grieve (about, over), mourn for
    8989z - унывать - : to lose heart, to be dejected / depressed

    And finally, these verbs were not in the list at all, so they are regarded by Mr Brown to be totally Пассивная лексика

    беситься - взбеситься : fly* into a rage, get* furious
    бодриться - : try to keep one's spirits up
    волноваться - взволноваться : be agitated, be in agitation
    звереть - озвереть : get* into a violent fury ; to go berserk
    злорадствовать - : to gloat; to rejoice at the misfortunes of others
    надуваться - надуться : (colloquial) - to sulk (often about kids)
    озадачивать - озадачить : to puzzle, to perplex
    оплакивать - оплакать : to mourn (over)
    очаровываться - очароваться : to be charmed, to be taken (with)
    предвкушать - предвкусить : look forward (to), anticipate (with pleasure) (
    приободряться - приободриться : to feel cheerful after being sad ; to cheer up
    разволноваться - : get excited / agitated
    разъяряться - разъяриться : get* into a violent fury
    расхотеть : to cease to want
    сокрушаться - : be distressed;to regret about something gone wrong
    сопереживать - : to sympathize (with), to feel (for)
    стервенеть - остервенеть : (coll.) become* furious, get* mad
    ужасаться - ужаснуться : be terrified / horrified
    умиляться - умилиться : to be touched/moved (by)
    хандрить - захандрить : to be depressed (not deeply or for a short period of time) , have the blues
    - возгордиться : to get conceited
    - всполошиться : to startled, to be alarmed, dashing around in alarm
    - загордиться : become stuck up; be sniffy
    - заскучать : be bored; to feel miserable; to have the blues
    - застыдиться : (coll.) become confused; blush with shame
    - недоумевать : be puzzled, be perplexed
    - переполошиться : to startled, to be alarmed, dashing around in alarm
    - разжалобиться : be moved to pity
    - разнервничаться : become nervous
    - рассвирепеть : become* furious, get* into a rage
    - растрогаться : be (deeply) moved / touched


    So – what say the natives? Is it more or less right? Or which of these words do you think are absolutely necessary for a poor foreigner to know?
    Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....

  16. #16
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    First of all, my dear, it's пассивная and not рассивная.

    пережить also means undergo, underlive (if that word does really exist)
    скучать по кому-либо is similar with тосковать по кому-\чему-либо
    I miss you - Я скучаю по тебе
    I am bored alone - Один я скучаю.

    Does it have any evident differense for you?

    опечалиться - to become sad, not just to be sad.

    They all are right from where I look at them.

    I think they all are useful, I doubt about eleven verbs:


    the next think that they changed their hats (prefix) and nobody will recognize them, but they are just the same as


    the prefix means to become, to get while the root means the same with гордиться, скучать and other.
    Я так думаю.

  17. #17
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    И никогда не забывайте, что батарея и трахея - это деепричастия
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  18. #18
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    aha, one more thing:
    8533 - восторгаться - : to feel delight, extacy
    быть в восторге, приходить в восторг - to feel delight, extacy
    восторгаться usually stands with кем-либо, чем-либо

    By the way, it's not too much useful too. It's a bit too pathetic.
    Я так думаю.

  19. #19
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    First about the list #1:

    all verbs seem rather important to me, except "теряться - потеряться" (it isn't used that often, "растеряться" is much more common).

    "уверяться - увериться" is also can be almost always replaced with more common and universal (imho) "yбеждаться - убедиться".

    "Горевать" is a very strong verb, I think it's place is in the passive list, since there are very few occasions when you can use it (and all are very sad ones). Also when used in the first person it sounds awkward a bit ("Я горюю").

    The same with "ликовать". Unless you're a world recordsman talking about an exultant crowd of your fans, or perpetually excited 16-year girl, I don't think you'll have a chance to use it often. (It may be said to some extent about the verbs "восторгаться" and "восхищаться" too).

    List #2:

    I think,"храбриться" needs to go to the "passive" list, "разгневаться", "негодовать" and "скорбеть" are a bit bookish, but ok. The other verbs on the contrary are very popular and used often in everyday converstions. Some of them you'll hear constantly.

    The third list is the hardest.

    Some of these verbs are very common, some are not, but mostly it depends on the person you talk to and his/her personal vocabulary. I'd say the verbs "стервенеть" "хандрить", "звереть" should stay in the passive, while "заскучать", "волноваться", etc. must be in the active list. But again, it's a matter of personal preference.

  20. #20
    Почтенный гражданин BabaYaga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leof
    First of all, my dear, it's пассивная and not рассивная.

    Oh God's Fish, God's Fish, God's Fish..... I've really been working too hard today!!!!!!!

    I think I'll get back to you on these tomorrow, when my brain is functioning properly again.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    И никогда не забывайте, что батарея и трахея - это деепричастия

    From the verbs "батарить-батахнуть" and "трахавывать - трахлять"?

    Funny, I didn't realize they were эмоциональные глаголы...... :P
    Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....

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