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Thread: Verbs of Motion

  1. #1
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    Verbs of Motion

    I am really confused about the verb езжать-ехать. When do you say: приходите к нам and when do you say приезжайте к нам ?
    Why do you say я уезжаю в Лондон for a one time action, when it is a multi action verb? Is there a really good explanation of these verbs anywhere?
    (I have the Terence Wade Comprehensive Russian grammar, but it only helps up to a point).

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Verbs of Motion

    Quote Originally Posted by Mickey Mouse
    I am really confused about the verb езжать-ехать. When do you say: приходите к нам and when do you say приезжайте к нам ?
    Why do you say я уезжаю в Лондон for a one time action, when it is a multi action verb? Is there a really good explanation of these verbs anywhere?
    (I have the Terence Wade Comprehensive Russian grammar, but it only helps up to a point).
    There is no verb "езжать".

    There are:
    1)imperfective verb "ехать"
    2)a number of perfective verbs "preposition+ехать" like уехать, приехать, доехать etc. etc.
    3)a number of imperfective verbs "preposition+езжать" like уезжать, приезжать, доезжать etc. etc.

    So there are perf-imperf couples like хххехать-хххезжать.

    All above are single-action verbs as well as all verbs in your examples.

    Multi-action verbs are "ездить" and its derivatives.

    Приходить means to come by feet.
    Приезжать means to come by car/train/horse/etc.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Verbs of Motion

    Sorry - I meant ездить/eхать. I find it hard to understand when ездить is used and when eхать and their derivatives. For example, when do you say:
    Я уезжаю and when Я еду. I was told it was something to do whether the action is planned or not?

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: Verbs of Motion

    Quote Originally Posted by Topolino
    Why do you say я уезжаю в Лондон for a one time action, when it is a multi action verb? Is there a really good explanation of these verbs anywhere?
    (I have the Terence Wade Comprehensive Russian grammar, but it only helps up to a point).
    Wade explains this as an implied round trip i.e. you're going to London but intend to return from there.
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  5. #5
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Verbs of Motion

    Quote Originally Posted by Topolino
    Sorry - I meant ездить/eхать. I find it hard to understand when ездить is used and when eхать and their derivatives. For example, when do you say:
    Я уезжаю and when Я еду. I was told it was something to do whether the action is planned or not?
    Err... I was wrong. "Уезжать" can be single-action as well as multi-action.

    ехать, уезжать, ...

    Я еду в Рим. - I am going to Rome (right now). I go to Rome (right now).

    Я уезжаю в Рим. - I am departing to Rome (right now). I am depart to Rome (right now).


    Ездить, уезжать...

    Я езжу в Рим. - (Usually/From time to time/Sometimes) I go to Rome.

    По пятницам я уезжаю в Рим. In fridays I leave to Rome (normally).
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Verbs of Motion

    Quote Originally Posted by Topolino
    For example, when do you say:
    Я уезжаю and when Я еду. I was told it was something to do whether the action is planned or not?
    I'm not sure about the planning or the single- vs the multi-action part.

    Perhaps, it could be explained by example. So, when do you say: "I'm leaving for London" and when "I'm going to London"?

    (I mean, you could leave for London this morning and come back the same afternoon, right? Also, I think the planning might be equally involved in either version.)

  7. #7
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    Re: Verbs of Motion

    I suppose "I'm leaving for London" is more immediate, and "I'm going to London" is more general. But they are very close in meaning. So how are they translated into Russian ?

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Verbs of Motion

    Quote Originally Posted by Topolino
    I suppose "I'm leaving for London" is more immediate, and "I'm going to London" is more general. But they are very close in meaning. So how are they translated into Russian ?
    I'm leaving for London => Я уезжаю в Лондон.
    I'm going to London => Я еду в Лондон.

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