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Thread: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    My textbook says to use intstrumental when talking about the morning, evening, day or night. For example:
    "I will be visiting in the morning/evening/day/night"
    "Я буду посетить утром/вечером/днём/ночью"

    "I will be visiting tomorrow morning/evening/day/night"
    "Я буду посетить завтра утром/вечером/днём/ночью"

    I will be visiting the day after tomorrow in the morning
    "Я буду посетить послезавтра утром"

    Are these sentences correct?
    Thanks in advance.
    Я взял палку и нож, мелки и бумагу и направился к холмам.

  2. #2
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    Re: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    My textbook says
    "I will be visiting in the morning/evening/day/night"
    "Я буду посетить утром/вечером/днём/ночью"
    If your book says “Я буду посетить” throw it out into a garbage can.

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    My textbook says to use intstrumental when talking about the morning, evening, day or night. For example:
    "I will be visiting in the morning/evening/day/night"
    "Я буду посещать утром/вечером/днём/ночью"

    "I will be visiting tomorrow morning/evening/day/night"
    посещу завтра утром/вечером/днём/ночью"

    I will be visiting the day after tomorrow in the morning
    посещу послезавтра утром"

    Are these sentences correct?
    Thanks in advance.
    All other aspects are correct. In the other examples you can also say "я буду посещать", but in this context it is much worse, IMHO.
    Could you please occasionally correct my stupid errors!
    Korrigiert bitte ab und zu meine dummen Fehler!

  4. #4
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    Re: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by DagothWarez
    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    My textbook says
    "I will be visiting in the morning/evening/day/night"
    "Я буду посетить утром/вечером/днём/ночью"
    If your book says “Я буду посетить” throw it out into a garbage can.
    Thank you for your quick responses.
    Actually, my textbook just says to use утром for "in the morning" and does not give any examples. I made up the examples myself

    Anyway, can you use instrumental for months or days of the week?
    I will be visiting in January.
    Я посещу январём

    I will be visiting on Monday.
    Я посещу понедельником.

    I will be visiting on Monday morning.
    Я посещу понедельником утром.
    Я взял палку и нож, мелки и бумагу и направился к холмам.

  5. #5
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    Anyway, can you use instrumental for months or days of the week?
    I will be visiting in January.
    Я посещу январём

    I will be visiting on Monday.
    Я посещу понедельником.

    I will be visiting on Monday morning.
    Я посещу понедельником утром.
    No you can't say this way. But only:

    I will be visiting in January.
    Я посещу в январе (p.c.)

    I will be visiting on Monday.
    Я посещу в понедельник (a.c).

    I will be visiting on Monday morning.
    Я посещу в понедельник (a.c) утром (i.c).

    The usage of instrumental is correct only for "утром/вечером/днём/ночью" and also for seasons (зимой/весной/летом/осенью)
    Could you please occasionally correct my stupid errors!
    Korrigiert bitte ab und zu meine dummen Fehler!

  6. #6
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    Re: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    Actually, my textbook just says to use утром for "in the morning" and does not give any examples. I made up the examples myself

  7. #7
    Властелин wanja's Avatar
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    Re: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    The usage of instrumental is correct only for "утром/вечером/днём/ночью"
    Еще "зимой/летом/весной/осенью"
    Семь бед, один Reset

  8. #8
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by wanja
    The usage of instrumental is correct only for "утром/вечером/днём/ночью"
    Еще "зимой/летом/весной/осенью"
    Упс, пардон! Я это тоже только что дописал.
    Could you please occasionally correct my stupid errors!
    Korrigiert bitte ab und zu meine dummen Fehler!

  9. #9
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    Re: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    My textbook says
    Shadow1, я ОЧЕНЬ хочу почитать эту книжку! Вместо комиксов!
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  10. #10
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    Re: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by Guin
    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    Anyway, can you use instrumental for months or days of the week?
    I will be visiting in January.
    Я посещу январём

    I will be visiting on Monday.
    Я посещу понедельником.

    I will be visiting on Monday morning.
    Я посещу понедельником утром.
    No you can't say this way. But only:

    I will be visiting in January.
    Я посещу в январе (p.c.)

    I will be visiting on Monday.
    Я посещу в понедельник (a.c).

    I will be visiting on Monday morning.
    Я посещу в понедельник (a.c) утром (i.c).

    The usage of instrumental is correct only for "утром/вечером/днём/ночью" and also for seasons (зимой/весной/летом/осенью)
    Thank you for all your help.

    So let me get this straight
    1. parts of the day and seasons use instrumental
    2. Months use в + prepositional
    3. Days of the week use в + accusative

    Is this grammatically correct?
    I will be visiting in January in the winter on a Tuesday morning.
    Я посещу в январе зимой в вторник утром.

    What about dates and times?
    I will be visiting on Tuesday on January the 5th 2007 at 5 o'clock in the evening
    Я посещу в вторник в январе пятый два тысяча семь лет пять часов вечером.
    Я взял палку и нож, мелки и бумагу и направился к холмам.

  11. #11
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    Re: Use of instrumental case when talking about the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    Я посещу в январе зимой во вторник утром.

    Я посещу во вторник пятого января две тысячи седьмого года в пять часов вечера.
    You can say утром/днем/вечером/ночью, BUT:

    В 7 часов утр́а
    В 3 часа дня
    В 5 часов вечера
    В 2 часа ночи
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  12. #12
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Я буду посетить rofl your book really sux dude,throw it away
    Главное что есть ты у меня...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Орчун
    throw it away
    No-no, send it to me!!
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  14. #14
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Thanks for your help.
    Very interesting.
    So for months, you must use the prepositional case, but for dates you must use the ordinal number and month in genitive form. Actually, it kinda makes sense.

    So you would say
    Я посещу в январе
    I will visit on January ( в + prepositional)


    Я посещу в пятого января
    I will visit on the 5th of January ( в + genitive)

    One final question, what about midday and midnight?
    I am assuming it would be в + accusative.

    I will be arriving at noon/midnight.
    Я приезжаю в полдень/в полночь.
    Я взял палку и нож, мелки и бумагу и направился к холмам.

  15. #15
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    Я посещу _ пятого января
    I will visit on the 5th of January (genitive)

    One final question, what about midday and midnight?
    I am assuming it would be в + accusative.

    I will be arriving at noon/midnight.
    Я приезжаю в полдень/в полночь.
    В первой фразе предлог "в" не нужен, с род. падежом он не употребляется. Вторая фраза - ОК.
    Could you please occasionally correct my stupid errors!
    Korrigiert bitte ab und zu meine dummen Fehler!

  16. #16
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Спасибо большой всем за помощь.
    I think I got all the rules down now.
    Are there any other rules I should know?

    1. parts of the day (morning, evening, etc.) and seasons use instrumental (no preposition)
    Я посещу утром
    я посещу зимой

    2. Months use в + prepositional
    Я посещу в январе

    3. Days of the week use в + accusative
    я посещу в пониделник

    4. for midnight and noon use в + accusative
    я посещу в полночь/полдень

    5. for dates use the ordinal number and month in genitive form (no preposition)
    я посещу пятого января

    6. For times use в + cardinal number + час/часа/часов + part of the day in genitive
    я посещу в один час дня
    я посещу в два часа утра (for 2 to 4 o'clock use часа)
    я посещу в пять часов вечера (for 5 to 12 o'clock use часов)
    Я взял палку и нож, мелки и бумагу и направился к холмам.

  17. #17
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    Спасибо большое всем за помощь.
    I think I got all the rules down now.
    Are there any other rules I should know?

    1. parts of the day (morning, evening, etc.) and seasons use instrumental (no preposition)
    Я посещу утром
    я посещу зимой

    2. Months use в + prepositional
    Я посещу в январе

    3. Days of the week use в/во (только для вторника) + accusative
    я посещу в понедельник
    я посещу во вторник

    4. for midnight and noon use в + accusative
    я посещу в полночь/полдень

    5. for dates use the ordinal number and month in genitive form (no preposition)
    я посещу пятого января

    6. For times use в + cardinal number + час/часа/часов + part of the day in genitive
    я посещу в _ час дня (слово "один" тут лишнее)
    я посещу в два часа утра (for 2 to 4 o'clock use часа)
    я посещу в пять часов вечера (for 5 to 12 o'clock use часов)
    weeks use на + prepositional
    я посещу на этой/будущей неделе

    years use в + prepositional
    я посещу в этом/будущем/две тысячи седьмом году
    Could you please occasionally correct my stupid errors!
    Korrigiert bitte ab und zu meine dummen Fehler!

  18. #18
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    The use of dative, instrumental, accusative, or prepositional with various units of time is something you have to memorize. По субботам on Saturdays, в субботу on Saturday. etc. etc. Don't try to generalize because there really are only a couple dozen items to remember. Or get a good Russian Reference Grammar (not a regular grammar book), such as the one by T. Wade or Pulkina. I recommend the British one, which I use all the time while Pulkins sits on the shelf gathering dust. The problem with every Russian technical book (even cookbooks) is the lack of an index. God only knows how they manage without indexes. I suppose all their databases are in ISAM format as well. ==:^0 (pulling my hair out)

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