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Thread: Saying about common interest

  1. #1
    Завсегдатай Antonio1986's Avatar
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    Saying about common interest

    In a previous post I was asking for some help to translate a text for a cooperation.
    Unfortunately that person told me that is seeing this cooperation possitevely but only for his profit
    i.e. He wants me to recommend services to his clients but he doesn't want to recommend to his client my services (Russian businesmen cannot be so selfish ... but If I conclude from the president).
    Just to know that this behavior alwayrs reach to disaster and isolation.;
    I want to give him a proper answer by using a russian saying, explaining that if the cooperation is not balance then it will not work.
    In Greek we have the following saying: "The one hand is washing the other and both of them are washing the face" = you help me ... I help you ... both us have profit.
    Is there any similar in Greek.
    Чем больше слов, тем меньше они стоят.

  2. #2
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Не очень поняла проблему, но поговорка рука руку моет широко используется и чаще в негативном смысле (это выражение, как и сотни других, пришло из латыни: Manus manum lavat.).

    Подобное, но более положительное выражение услуга за услугу означает взаимопомощь, взаимовыручка.

    услуга pronunciation: How to pronounce услуга in Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian

    Pronunciations for взаимопомощь

    Pronunciations for взаимовыручка

    Antonio1986 likes this.
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