In I read:
"The verbs denoting motion are a special case in Russian. Instead of the usual aspectual pair of forms, verbs of motion have three aspectual forms: perfective, progressive imperfective, and iterative imperfective. Don't fret! There is a system to help you remember these forms. The perfective is always formed by simply adding the prefix по- to the progressive form. The iterative imperfective usually ends on и- or ай- [it refers to the theme] ". Everything clear. Then shows two lists, one of intransitive verbs of motion and the other transitive verbs of motion. The headings are like this:
Progressive Iterative Odd progressive forms Gloss
(по)ид- ходи- (по)шёл, шла. кли go on foot
(по)бежа- бегай- (по)бегу, бежишь, бегут run
And the same for transitive verbs of motion.
However I have clear (as far as it is possible) this matter of verbs of motion I can't understand well this heading of "Odd progressive forms", specially the word "odd". In my dictionary are a lot of meanings for this adjective but I don't know which of them will fit better. Which other heading will you put instead of "odd progressive forms?
I can't get well the columns, but I suppose you will understand Thank you.