Any medical people here? I'm hoping that someone can help me with translating these words:
Герпетическая инфекция
Урогенитальная система
Гельминты / Гельминтолог
If you can, thank you!
Any medical people here? I'm hoping that someone can help me with translating these words:
Герпетическая инфекция
Урогенитальная система
Гельминты / Гельминтолог
If you can, thank you!
According to lingo's med dictionary the following are provided:Originally Posted by studentka
Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.
That is what my Lingvo proposes:
herpetic infection
ENT (ear, nose, throat)
lambliasis, lambliosis, girardiasis [you forgot the л in Russian]
urogential system
helminth / helmintologist
vegetovescular(???) dystonia
скабиезд - what on earth is that? Even search engines don't know that!
It was pretty easy for me to get the translations because terminology can be quite the same in both languages. Even you could do it. I checked it with my Lingvo, but the last but one word combination was not there. But I think it ought to be like that judging from the other translations.
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
No fair; your lingvo > my lingvo!![]()
Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.
Alright, man.![]()
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
Thanks a lot for the help! Never having heard of most of these words in English it was kind of hard for me to guess at tranlations.
I have two more if you don't mind:
-Соскоб на энтеробиоз
-Реакция Вассермана
They should be sorts of tests if I'm not mistaken. Anyone know?
Thank you!![]()
A scrape for enteroanastomosis test
Wassermann reaction, Wassermann test
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
Wow, thanks!
Just out of curiosity, why do you need to know these words studentka?
Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?
Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.
Может быть, она студентка медицины... а почему хочет узнать русские слова?
Being anal and such, I could not help noticing a few typos that could be difficult to spot. The correct spellings would most likely be
enterobiosis (my understanding is that enteroanastomosis is a surgical procedure, whereas enterobiosis - often spelled as enterobiasis - is an infestation of the large intestine with a parasitic nematode worm);
rectal scrape;
скабиезд - probably misspelled скабиез (scabies), an itchy condition of the skin caused by a mite
I've got a TV, and I'm not afraid to use it
Thanks, I'm impressed how you all know these terms... they sound like gibberish to me in both languages.
Since you're wondering why I could need to know such vocab: I'm translating an annual report for an NGO that works with street children. Included is a report from their medical department... I don't know who will care which diseases they treated kids for last year, but I need to translate it all the same. So, thanks very much for the help, as I'm no expert in either Russian or medicine.
Btw I should really change my name, as I'm no longer a student.
Может быть, она изучает медицинуOriginally Posted by basurero
Может быть, она студентка медицинского института / факультета
спасибо!Может быть, она изучает медицину
Может быть, она студентка медицинского института / факультета
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