When saying phone numbers I get confused on rysskoe radio
They say
сто пять
Is it 105 or 1005?
сорок семь
47 or 407
восемь восемь сот пять
They said it so fast
When saying phone numbers I get confused on rysskoe radio
They say
сто пять
Is it 105 or 1005?
сорок семь
47 or 407
восемь восемь сот пять
They said it so fast
You say сто пять for 105 and тысяча пять for 1005. "Сорок" never means four and zero in numbers greater than 100, it comes only in 40-49.
Восемь восемьсот пять is perhaps a telephone # 8-805
ready to help...
A telephone number in Russia is usually xxx-xxx-xx-xx, or xxx-xx-xx, or xx-xx-xx, or xx-xx-x. So usually сто пять is 105 and сорок семь is 47. In rare cases like 900-23-xx they say девятьсот ровно, двадцать три, ...
I think x-xx-xx is way more common, which makes sense as xx-x would lead to confusion whenever there's a zero in the middle.Originally Posted by fragdemon
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