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Thread: Help please, best way to say...

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Help please, best way to say...

    1) telling a child to ...relax; also 'calm down' if they are upset.

    2) Hurry-up, or quickly - example, hurry-up and finish, we need to go, or please do it (or move) faster

    3) translate - what did you say? что or как ты сказал?

    4) translate - let's have some fun

    5) ся suffix - pronounced 'sah' or 'syah' I have seen both ways used in the same book!
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  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Help please, best way to say...

    1) telling a child to ...relax; also 'calm down' if they are upset.

    "Успокойся" is good for both cases. If he cries, you can say: "не плачь". If he is sad: "Не грусти".

    2) Hurry-up, or quickly - example, hurry-up and finish, we need to go, or please do it (or move) faster

    "Поторопись" = hurry up. "Побыстрее, поскорее" = quickly. "hurry-up and finish, we need to go"="Поскорее заканчивай, нам нужно идти". Please do it faster - делай это побыстрее.

    3) what did you say? = Что ты сказал? But you can also say "Как ты сказал?" (informal)

    4) let's have some fun.
    This is really difficult to translate... You can say: "Давайте веселиться" (and this is a literal translation) - but this expressionit is not as common in Russia, as in America. You will sound like some phony Santa in a supermarket, you know... You also can say "Давайте развлекаться" (let's amuse ourself), but it sounds not much better...

    5) ся suffix - pronounced 'sah' or 'syah' I have seen both ways used in the same book!

    "syah" is closer. The "s" here is very soft.
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Help please, best way to say...

    Quote Originally Posted by zakuski
    1) telling a child to ...relax; also 'calm down' if they are upset.

    2) Hurry-up, or quickly - example, hurry-up and finish, we need to go, or please do it (or move) faster

    3) translate - what did you say? что or как ты сказал?

    4) translate - let's have some fun

    5) ся suffix - pronounced 'sah' or 'syah' I have seen both ways used in the same book!
    1,2,3 - totally agree.
    4 - if you talking about fun with kid, you may also say "давай поиграем"
    5 - actually, both are good. it depends on the word, isn't it?
    let's say "торопиться" - you don't say it "syah", you say "sah"

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Help please, best way to say...

    Quote Originally Posted by CTPEKO3A
    let's say "торопиться" - you don't say it "syah", you say "sah"
    This is a very good point, actually. There is a rule, basically, that you have to pronounce "c" soft befor "я", but in this and similar cases you pronounce "торопицца": "тьc" becomes "ц" and it is pronounced hard.
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