1. After watching a multitude of russian movies in the past week, I've been able to make out a few difficult to translate phrases, revolving around questions. I hear many question involve more than just a single question word (Кто, что...), but rather a question word and an answer word together to modify the question (Что такой...) (Кто такой...). Could someone perhaps give all of the possible combinations (If there are anymore other than just adding такой), or just an explanation of what this does to/for the question asked? "Ааа, ты знаешь что такое" vs "знаешь что это."
2.I've been reading up on verbs, and how their conjugations/forms are...Formed; It seems almost every irregular form has some sort of reason behind its change, but the one thing I can't figure out is what determines if a verb ending in -ать(not including -овать or -евать words) will conjugate in the present/future to -аю or -у (probably with some sort of consonant). Some people say the а is a part of the "ending" for the infinitive, others say that the ть is taken off and the endings will take over. So far my theory is if the а is not directly preceded by a hush, that has came through consonant mutation, and is first conjugation, then the ending is аю. I don't know.