Quote Originally Posted by Боб Уайтман View Post
--Вы не заметили, что у этого туриста была Библия в чемодане? - Aspects are OK.
--Да, заметил, но я хочу только провокационные книги. - (!) What do you mean by "провокационные книги"? The sentence sounds strange. "Хочу провокационные книги" hardly makes any sense.
I can only guess what this means because it's from a series of translation exercises without any coherent context. I didn't write them. Reading the English sentence, I can imagine a young Soviet customs agent asking his superior why he let that Western tourist through when there was a Bible in his suitcase. The boss replies that he's not concerned about Bibles, it's the "provocative books" he needs to confiscate, capitalist propaganda, maybe?