Originally Posted by
Barmaley This alleged casual use of the F-bomb in the USA is somewhat suspect. I cannot say how rude е*ать is on the "rude-o-meter," but I can comment on its rought counterpart here.
You will NEVER hear f*** on network TV programs (excepting for a moment live broadcasts, which are a different beast)-- there was actually a famous comedy routine done by George Carlin on the "Seven Words You Can't Say On TV," of which f*** was one. You have to understand that these channels are tightly-regulated by a government watchdog, the Federal Communications Commission -- they'd dish out a fine in a heart-beat. There is needless to say, controversy at times -- like when Janet Jackson had a "costume-malfunction" at the Super Bowl on national TV.
Once you start talking about cable/satellite channels, however, the rules change completely; I think basically anything goes on HBO, for instance -- all the f-bombs, frontal nudity, and graphic violence your little heart desires... And of course Hollywood movies have no real oversight either.
Day-to-day conversation in certain circles definitely brings with it the casual dropping of the f-word -- in many, many forms -- adjective, noun, verb, take your pick (hmm...no adverb though? anyone want to coin the term "f***ingly?").
The bottom line is you will not encounter fack in any kind of official venue, but beneath that veneer, there's alway an f-bomb to be lobbed...