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Thread: Кайли Миноуг article

  1. #41
    Почтенный гражданин
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    1. If "course" means "type" or "method", then you can substitute "course of chemotherapy" with "chemotherapy treatment".

    The doctor's chose antimetabolite chemotherapy as the perferred course of chemotherapy for Kylie's breast cancer.
    Kylie took the course of chemotherapy the doctor's prescribed.

    Kylie took the type of chemotherapy treatment that the doctor's recommended.
    You can substitue "course of chemotherapy" with "chemotherapy treatment" and there is NO change in meaning.

    Kylie took the chemotherapy treatment the doctor's prescribed.
    or to be more specific
    Kylie took the antimetabolite chemotherapy the doctor's prescribed.

    2. If "course" means a "decision" or "choice" over other methods of treatment, then you CANNOT substitute "course of chemotherapy" with "chemotherapy treatment".

    The doctor's chose chemotherapy over surgery as the perferred course of treatement for Kylie's breast cancer.
    Kylie took the course of chemotherapy the doctor's prescribed.
    i.e. Kylie took the course the doctor's prescribed which was chemotherapy.

    You cannot replace "course of chemotherapy" with "chemotherapy treatment" because the meaning changes.

    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Having completed the course of chemotherapy for her breast cancer, ...
    TATY's sentence sounds natural. In this sentence, the word "course" has the meaning "type" or "method".
    You can replace "course of chemotherapy" with "chemotherapy treatment" and the resulting sentence sounds natural and there is no change in meaning.

    Quote Originally Posted by scotcher
    'A course of chemotherapy' is a specific, discrete cycle of treatment. ...
    Are you are saying "course" means "a specific, discrete cycle"?
    I could not find such a definition for "course". ... ine:course
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  2. #42
    Почтенный гражданин Spiderkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    Are you are saying "course" means "a specific, discrete cycle"?
    I could not find such a definition for "course". ... ine:course
    Here's one of the definitions of the word course found in two different dictionaries.
    medical treatment - especially British English - an amount of medicine or medical treatment that you have regularly for a specific period of time - course of injections/drugs/treatment etc
    a fixed number of regular medical treatments:
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  3. #43
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    It's not beig used as "type" or "method" here though.

    "course of antibioctics" - course refers to the time frame, hte starting and completion of taking drugs. It is not to do with which type.

    "course of treament" - here we run into two meanings.
    One can be "method, type"

    "Chemotherapy was the course of treatment chosen".

    This is NOT the same as:

    "A course of Chemotherapy was chosen"

    Because it is acceptable to say (although the repetition of Course makes it sound a bit clumsy)

    "A course of Chemotherapy was the chosen course of treament".

    Here the first Course = plan, schedule, regime.
    The second Course = route, method, type.

    "A Chemotherapy regime was route chosen"

    Meh. I understand what I mean anyway.
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