Well, It doesn't hurt my feelings, hate to break it.

But hey, I've never had to learn English as a second language, but come on. Isn't that like a semester one grammar rule?

I always see people who learn English make these kinds of mistakes "What is this mean" "How to say" "He talk a lot".

These basics of English grammar really aren't that difficult. Alright, Olga, if you learned something from this post, thats cool, but you don't have to attack me for it.

And maybe you are reading too far into what I'm saying. Where am I
сердитый? Do you see any faces or HUGE ANGRY CAPS? No, I don't get mad over things like this. I'm just pointing out the obvious.

И почему только Догбою можно высказывать свое мнение "эмоционально" и "седито"?
Again, I'm rarely if ever emotional over things discussed in this forum but there is nothing stopping anyone from saying what they want.

Look at leof, he needed some personal help and (hopefully) he got it.