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Thread: Translation to Russian

  1. #1
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    Translation to Russian

    Hello all

    I am finding it very difficult to find the right Russian cyrillic scription for my back translate tells me one thing and different translaters say another.
    I have my whole back tattooed for the life i useto live and now i do not live that life anymore and thats why it is on my back cause it is all behind me now though i want in Russian cyrillic writing

    Sinful memories

    What is the right way for this meaning to make sence in russian writing please..

  2. #2
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    If you want us to give you a good, accurate translation for that phrase, you first have to expalain what this phrase means for you personally, as it can be easily taken in a thousand different ways. Come to think of it, maybe you even want other people to wander what you meant by that, but in that case, an accurate transaltion isn't really needed. But again, assuming you want that tattoo in Russian, you might not even want others to know what's written there, so back to what it means to you personally.
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by iCake View Post
    If you want us to give you a good, accurate translation for that phrase, you first have to expalain what this phrase means for you personally, as it can be easily taken in a thousand different ways. Come to think of it, maybe you even want other people to wander what you meant by that, but in that case, an accurate transaltion isn't really needed. But again, assuming you want that tattoo in Russian, you might not even want others to know what's written there, so back to what it means to you personally.
    Well in english for me it means - Many memories that are filled with sin so i commited alot of sin how i useto live my life and i just shortened the phrase to
    Sinful memories
    Cause i thought in russian that would be understood better the lettering will be goin on the back of my neck above my tattoo meaning the inscription inplies the story on my back.. Witch is my past witch is full of sin and bad things..
    I am in australia and yes point it being russian no one will understand it unless i explain it though i would like it to be understood and hold value to a russian eye...

  4. #4
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    Yeah, I thought you'd interpret it like that, but accuracy was important here. Anyway, in that case I'd suggest something like this:

    память о грехах
    память о моих грехах
    память о совершенных грехах - this one can a bit lengthy but is the most accurate of these 3, IMO.

    Also on a bit loose but not necessarily bad transaltions:

    грехи прошлого
    прошлые грехи

    The choice is yours
    fortheether likes this.
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  5. #5
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    Thank you very much for all your help and time though i am leaning towards the
    грехи прошлого

    Though if you saw this inscription tattooed on someone what would you take of it..?

    Because this tattoo is goin on the back of my neck like a statement and the back tattoo under it..

    So would
    грехи прошлого
    Be ok and understood or how would you understand it..

  6. #6
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    You're very welcome. I also like this translation best. I'd take it as a statement of acceptance. Like someone accepts that they committed some sins in the past but it's now exactly that, in the past, time to move on and probably do better.

    But's this all in the gray area, one can understand it differently. Like that person actually cherish that sinful time. I doubt you can make a crystally clear statement with just 2 words, that is true for any language. I guess what's more important is that YOU know what that means and you can always explain it to those who took it wrong. Also, you can try and "solidify" this statement with a good picture, it's a tattoo after all. But that's up to you
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by iCake View Post
    You're very welcome. I also like this translation best. I'd take it as a statement of acceptance. Like someone accepts that they committed some sins in the past but it's now exactly that, in the past, time to move on and probably do better.

    But's this all in the gray area, one can understand it differently. Like that person actually cherish that sinful time. I doubt you can make a crystally clear statement with just 2 words, that is true for any language. I guess what's more important is that YOU know what that means and you can always explain it to those who took it wrong. Also, you can try and "solidify" this statement with a good picture, it's a tattoo after all. But that's up to you
    Yes thank you again and the tattoo on my back is of a massive dragon and this inscription will be at the top on my neck line

    грехи прошлого
    Like you say i know what it means and thats most important and its make sence in russian like i wanted it to, and anyway i like the idea there is a grey area around it cause it makes u wonder when u see it if you can read russian and i like that side of it. Plus anyone that was to know me would know the true meaning behind it atleast now i am sure when i come to russia to visit, atleast it would make sence lol..

  8. #8
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    Hey just to confirm i am getting this tattooed on my neck line so it will appear like this


    Does this still make sence and will be understood..?

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин
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    "Грехи прошлого" = "Sins of the past". There is no grammatical errors or something. Meaning is literal and clear.

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