Hi there,
Can I just say before I ask you for this favour what a wonderful forum you have here. I look forward to being part of this community online.
I leave school in 4 days time and our form tutor for the past 5 years has had a hidden secret she told no one, She is fluent in Russian!![]()
Of course she doesnt know I know this and I only found out after another teacher in the department let it slip to me.
I would love to be able to sign her leavers card (since she is retiring also) in a message written in Russian.
I would use a translator but as a Foreign Language Student I know what absolute rubbish they are and the message would loose its appeal if it was wrongly translated.
If someone could translate the following message for me into Russian I would be absolutely delighted!
It is:
"Dear **Her name goes here**,
Thank you for being such a brilliant teacher for the past 5 years.
You are the kindest, most loving person I have ever known.
Lots of love **My name**"
Obviously I'm not looking for a literal translation of this but anything that is similar and means the same thing and is as close to this message would be perfect.
Thank you all in advance
P.s. If she had told the Modern Foreign Language department she spoke Russian I could have taken it as a GCSE, how annoying is that