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Thread: Translating a Recipe

  1. #1
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    Translating a Recipe

    I haven't had any trouble with most of it, but this phrase is stumping me:

    Дать ему настояться в течение

    From the context, I expect it to mean to let the dough rise, but I can't find any information to confirm that. Can someone help?


  2. #2
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: Translating a Recipe

    Quote Originally Posted by DanielleDW
    I haven't had any trouble with most of it, but this phrase is stumping me:

    Дать ему настояться в течение

    From the context, I expect it to mean to let the dough rise, but I can't find any information to confirm that. Can someone help?

    You are right. In a recipe it would be "let it rest" (in order for it to rise).
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  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Translating a Recipe

    If it’s about dough it must be what Lampada says but then again the choice of the word in the original Russian text is wrong. To let the dough rise is дать тесту подойти.
    Дать ему настояться в течение… = let it brew for… as in let the tea brew for two minutes, or let a medicinal herbal mixture brew for some time.

  4. #4
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    Re: Translating a Recipe

    It's about a pastry dough, so I'm assuming it's to let it rise.

    Thanks, everyone!

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