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Thread: from a song...

  1. #1
    Старший оракул
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    from a song...

    i just bought DDT's new album (пропавший без вести) and was curious about the line я назову тобой дорогу. its from the song which is also called пропавший без вести.
    any chance i could get a translation. ta
    Не откладывай на завтра того, с кем можешь переспать сегодня

  2. #2
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    I'll call the road by your name(by you)
    я назову тобой дорогу

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    ok thanks. i got confused, i thought that with the meaning 'to name after' you use instrumental
    Не откладывай на завтра того, с кем можешь переспать сегодня

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helly
    I'll call the road by your name(by you)
    я назову тобой дорогу
    я назову тобой кошку? я назову тобой дочку? can't be.

    My opinion - it's just a poetic something, batch of words, don't try to understand a real meaning. Я назову победой поражение, я назову квасом чай...
    Find your inner Bart!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerty
    Quote Originally Posted by Helly
    I'll call the road by your name(by you)
    я назову тобой дорогу
    я назову тобой кошку? я назову тобой дочку? can't be.

    My opinion - it's just a poetic something, batch of words, don't try to understand a real meaning. Я назову победой поражение, я назову квасом чай...
    I think Helly is essentially right. Most probably, that was the meaning, in this particular song. Of course, this is not the correct way to say it in Russian, but in poetry, it happens all too often.

  6. #6
    Почётный участник
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    Re: from a song...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Columbo
    i just bought DDT's new album (пропавший без вести) and was curious about the line я назову тобой дорогу. its from the song which is also called пропавший без вести.
    any chance i could get a translation. ta
    That's just a Shevchukizm, the standard phrase would be я назову дорогу твоим именем. in fact his lyrics are full of phrases like that and not his alone, in fact writing lyrics with weird catchy phrases used to be the fashion among the Russian rock personalities back in the 1980's and it still remains to be the fad among some of them to this day.

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