Мегаьайт Снов confused me. The literal translation as near as I can tell is ‘megabyte dream’
Close. the ов ending on сн, signifies it is genitive plural. So from сон to снов = megabites of dreams. The song is about too people who are in love, and are away from each other, and the only way they can communicate is on the internet, hence megabites. I'm sure you you red the lyrics again you'll see the song does make sense.

Meня Кольасит which roughly translates to “my sausage”
suasage, or kilbasa, in russian is килбаза. Кольасит is a verb =). It means "i'm pissed off", well, at least how he uses it in this song. He has a friend who brings his ugly girlfriend to his house everyday, and they mess up his place. i would be mad too.

You seem to have only heard their newer songs... where did you get the cd from ? because the only way i know was to buy it, since they have not uploaded their latest CD onto their website yet.