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Thread: A quick message to tranlate into russian

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    A quick message to tranlate into russian

    Hi i'm sending a vial of water to my friend in vladivostok, she collects water from around the world. i want it to get through and as i want to suprise her i can't ask her to translate. i want to write a message on it to say what it is to help it get through customs, something like
    This is plain water, my friend collects water from rivers and lakes around the world. you can open and check but i would greatly appreciate if you put the lid back and send it on when you are satisfied".

    i would greatly appreciate if someone could do this for me. thank you very much. regards

  2. #2
    Старший оракул
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    Re: A quick message to tranlate into russian

    В бутылке обычная вода. На первый взгляд странное содержимое посылки объясняется необычным хобби моего друга: он коллекционирует воду рек и озёр мира. Чтобы увидеть, что здесь нет никакого подвоха, можете открыть бутылку и убедиться сами. Единственная просьба – закройте её после этого, пожалуйста.

  3. #3
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    Re: A quick message to tranlate into russian

    thanks very much alexb, you've been a great help.
    kind regards

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Re: A quick message to tranlate into russian

    >This is plain water,
    How the heck do you know that, and what exactly is "plain water" anyway?

    I mean, you go to Saint Petersburg and see water coming out of the tap that looks just like the water in your tap at home. But it's not, you drink it and you get the runs.

    In the US we have all kinds of problems with things that were imported unofficially (or unknowingly), like the python in Florida, kudzu in North Carolina, carp in Illinois, the beetle that killed all the chestnut trees. Who knows what is in your water and what your friend will do with it when she gets bored with this hobby. I would not do what you are thinking of doing, out of ecological considerations.

    Maybe go ahead and boil the water for 10 minutes or so to make sure it contains no living contaminants. I don't know even if this will work, I am not a scientist.

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