Hello everyone! I need a translation of one word and one sentence.
Не станем уверять, что прекраснее Байкала нет ничего на свете, каждому из нас люба и мила свояа сторона.
And I don't know meaning of a word попав.
Hello everyone! I need a translation of one word and one sentence.
Не станем уверять, что прекраснее Байкала нет ничего на свете, каждому из нас люба и мила свояа сторона.
And I don't know meaning of a word попав.
Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
Драгослав Михајловић
"We won't try to convince you, that there's nothing more beautiful in the world than Baikal, each loves one's native land."Originally Posted by Vlacko
"попав" is participle form of the verb "попасть" and it may have different meanings depending on the context, such as "to find oneself", "to hit" (the target)
"Happy new year, happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"
Also slang meaning of "попасть" - "to get into unpleasant situation".Originally Posted by Friendy
"Попасть на бабки" - to get into situation, when you must pay forcedly (or somebody cheat with you on money).
"Умный знает, как выпутаться, мудрый - как не попасть" - "Clever man knows how to get out, wise man knows how not to get in".
The way to the way thru
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